Casino Royale Discussion (Post Viewing)

A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
Mods, Chief of Staffs, M

As we have the topics

Note: Spolier: Casino Royale Reviews - (which are for reviews only, not discussion)


Note: Casino Royale Spolier Free Reviews (where we can't discuss in depth)

can we have a

'Note: Spolier: Casino Royale Post View Discussion' Topic, for those that have seen the film and want to talk in depth about outstanding scenes, performances or ask questions about scenes they didn't understand or require clarification on?

This would keep all three threads at the top of the page and would also keep it central and avoid loads of threads such as 'did u spot ...?' or 'in his car ...' etc.

Or just use this one...



  • i expect u2 diei expect u2 die LondonPosts: 583MI6 Agent
    Where better to start than with Daniel Craig himself?

    His best performance ever, I'd say, and possibly the best portrayal of Bond ever seen. His charisma was magnetic, and I really can't say so much for Connery even.

    I think he's my favourite Bond. Sure, its the 'just seen it' buzz, but his performance was so fantastic that I can't see my opinion of it dropping far.
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    Must say I really liked the PTS and why the Gunbarrell happens. What a scene in that bathroom, how physical was that !
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    I was also glad to hear the very last line at the end, but it wasn't requested or coaxed out of him. I would preferred it if it was said in a better, tighter, context.

    Klassik between Le Chiffre and Bond, when he said 'is it mr Beauchamp or mr bond, i get confused.
    Well we wouldn't want that know would we -
    or to tat effect.
  • Klaus HergescheimerKlaus Hergescheimer Posts: 332MI6 Agent
    The torture scene takes the cake, even though I thought it really should have been more brutal. Craig really showed his acting chops there, and in that scene, he took ownership of 007. The delivery of the lines was unbelievable, and his sarcastic retorts were well pulled off to mask the pain.
  • tohmss007tohmss007 Posts: 15MI6 Agent
    I Just got back from seeing the first showing of 12:00 p.m. at a theatre in Suffolk County NY. The movie was great and Daniel Craig and the entire cast were all excellent fits in their roles. Yes the Vesper/Bond relationship did seem a bit rushed, but rarely can an action movie take its time with evolving relationships like a novel can, though the movie OHMSS did manage to do this brilliantly well. Besisdes that the film is a great movie, and the fact that it is a "Bond Movie" being great makes the whole experience that more pleasing. Yes, it does shake up the Bond formula, but is that really a bad thing? I love all the Bond movies in their own right, but I have wanted them to shake tings up for years, and in this film the producers have done just that, and kudos to them.

    The product placements did not bother me as much as some members of AJB, I guess some would prefer that black tape be placed over vehicle grills, or on cell phone screens, but when you look at an item a brand name is there in plain sight, so just go with it. To me it seems that some fans are being a little nit picky with this matter.

    I was surprised that at the theatres first showing of the day on the eastern end of Long Island NY,(firmly known as the way out suburbs of NYC) that about half the theatre was filled with people of assorted ages, and all seemed genuinely excited to be there. I remeber going to see LTK at an afternoon matinee, much closer to the city line, and that time I think there were six people including myself in attendance. During the showing loud laughs were heard at all the appropriate times, and everyone seemed very into the film. In fact I heard an older lady sitting with her husband in front of me say out loud "You go James" during one of the thrilling fight scenes.

    Once the filmed ended, very nicely I might add, with the immortal words we all know and love, I counted over 30 people watching the entire roll of the credits as the famous James Bond theme played triumphantly in the background. No doubt like me they were waiting for the final scroll of words to read the following: "James Bond Will Return"

    Thanks to the producers for finally giving me a Bond film that ranks right up there with OHMSS, Thunderball, and Goldfinger.
  • jamesbondagent007jamesbondagent007 Divided States of TrumpPosts: 236MI6 Agent
    This film just had that intangible feel to it, that glee, that I only get when watching movies like OHMSS, FRWL, and Goldfinger. When it was over, I really felt like I wanted to be James Bond, which I haven't felt during a Bond film probably since TSWLM.

    I absolutely love this film in every single way; it's not too long, and it does not lack humor - it's chock full of it! IMO, definitely the best Bond film since OHMSS, and probably the second best of all next to that one. As for Craig...he is a cinematic genius.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,702MI6 Agent
    Just came home from the 11:30am showing at my local cinema. First of all, the theater was almost full. For a Friday afternoon, this did surprise me. But it made the movie more exciting. As the lights dimmed and the first preview came on (Full Spidey 3 trailer) I knew the movie would be good. As more previews came on I thought the anticaption would kill me. But finally, the MGM lion appeared in Black and White, then the Columbia pictures logo appeared, also in Black and White. I sat there thinking, wow, with no gunbarrel opening, how will this movie start. I soon found out. When the PTS finished (I thought it was a short PTS, but that's just me) I thought the gunbarrel was placed well. As the movie rolled on, I sat on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next. I thought the movie was well played out. It might have been a little long in some parts, but that really doesn't matter. I also must have missed a couple of things because I still have a couple questions. Also, as the movie ended, had the last line of the movie never been uttered, I would have never missed it. I was so engrossed in the movie, I didn't realize it wasn't said until it was uttered. And, as many others did I sat there through the credits to see the James Bond Will return. And when he does, so will i. Daniel Craig is awesome as Bond.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    I thought the car chase was short though, he jumped over the road and then had to swerve. I really wanted to hear more of the car's roar, see it meander on the night road.

    Solange was a Proper Bond girl, as in Stunning, exotic looking, nice dressing and basically arm candy for some rich ******. Pity a short role, thet could have used her for another 5 mins.

    Did anyone else think that the defibulator in the glove box was gadget of sorts as was his phone detecting the bugging of Le chiffre. Just cos Q or R never gave them to him persoannly, doesn't make them any less useful, does it?
  • tdb41tdb41 Atlanta, GAPosts: 23MI6 Agent
    Just got back from an early evening showing here in Atlanta. The theater was absolutely packed. Good thing I got there early to get a good seat.

    I thought the beginning was interesting, but is that really how the gun barrel sequence originated? If so, why wasn't Craig walking and then turning and shooting like all the other gun barrel sequences. Who exactly were those thugs he was beating up in the bathroom?

    I thought Craig did an excellent job playing Bond. I thought the girls were great. This Bond was definitely different and the most unlike any of the others, IMO. IIRC, from what I've read, that is what they intended to do with the series beginning with this film.
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,035MI6 Agent
    A7ce wrote:
    Did anyone else think that the defibulator in the glove box was gadget of sorts as was his phone detecting the bugging of Le chiffre. Just cos Q or R never gave them to him persoannly, doesn't make them any less useful, does it?
    I think the film was full of gadgetry, it was just very subtly woven in
    as if all these microcommunications devices were so much the tools of a spys trade that unusual attention didnt have to be drawn to them

    heres a spoiler Id really like someone to explain:
    I know nada about poker
    so how exacly did he win that last hand?
    the film seems to assume we're all addicted to online gambling...
  • jamesbondagent007jamesbondagent007 Divided States of TrumpPosts: 236MI6 Agent
    Le Chiffre had a full house, but Bond had a straight flush. You can look up the poker heirarchy online anywhere.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    How about that torture sequence??

    That moment when Bond says, "A little to the right"---THWACK!!---Bond cries out in agony, and says, "Yes! Thank you...perfect."

    :o :o :o


    I'm proud to be a fan of this character...and the actor currently portraying him B-)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • ZachZach Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    I just got back from the movie, and it was great. I took 7 other people with me, so it was a lot of fun. The theatre was packed. We got there 40 minutes before it started, and we got the last good seats. Anyway, Daniel Craig is amazing. He really ranks right up with my favorite Bonds. He is such a badass. :D I am extremely happy that they chose him to play Bond. What a great actor. Besides Craig, the rest of the movie was great. I loved the girls, LeChiffre was awesome, the action was great, etc. After all this time of anticipation, its finally here, and its amazing. Congrats Mr. Craig. :) I can't wait to go see it many more times. I want to go tomorrow. :D I'll see if it works out.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,702MI6 Agent

    heres a spoiler Id really like someone to explain:
    I know nada about poker
    so how exacly did he win that last hand?
    the film seems to assume we're all addicted to online gambling...

    let me give you a link. They were playing Texas Hold'em Poker. Here's the rules:

    Hope this helps
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,368Chief of Staff
    I may have blinked and missed them, but I think there were a couple of short scenes/clips in the trailer that weren't in the movie (eg, during the car chase).

    I LOVED Fleming's credit, which almost makes up for his name not preceding the title. Nicely done (not to say overdue!), especially considering the reasonably faithful (and quite detailed in places) adaptation.

    Arnold's score- better than his last two. I've deliberately avoided listening to the album so far.
  • ThundernutsThundernuts Harlow, Essex, England UKPosts: 57MI6 Agent
    I went on my own on Thursday night and took my parents as a treat last night. I'm 35 years old, but was like a seven year old being taken to the cinema like my Dad did in 1977 when he took me to ASWLM!

    Casino Royale IS a true Bond Movie and Daniel Craig completely and utterly is James Bond.

    I love (LOVED) the fact that they avoided using the James Bond theme throughout the whole movie, until the scene at the end when Craig gives the perfect delivery of THAT line. Until then, little 'hints' of it are woven in to the film (loved the bit where he tried on Vesper's tuxedo, for example)but it's never really used.

    A brilliant re-boot to the series, fine acting performances throughout and I now cannot wait for Bond 22.

    Who now cannot wait for Craig to start his first 'traditional' Bond movie, suited, booted awith the Gunbarrel section in the traditional place, a visit to 'Q' branch and a saucy new Moneypenny?

    Casino Royale's got the lot. Action, humour, a cracking script and as someone has already mentioned, gadgets that you can BELIEVE in.

    It's the best James Bond film for years, in my humble opinion....
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent

    I'm proud to be a fan of this character...and the actor currently portraying him B-)

    Here Here
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    I may have blinked and missed them, but I think there were a couple of short scenes/clips in the trailer that weren't in the movie (eg, during the car chase).


    I don't think I saw the scene from the first trailer where they show a man ripping a card in half.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,702MI6 Agent
    ^That might have been a promo shot. Just like the close up on Craig at the end of the first trailer that came out.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • boothroyd13boothroyd13 Winchester, VAPosts: 44MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    I saw the movie Friday night at 7:30. We got into the theater about 45 min. before it started and were the first ones there. But, by the time the trailers started, it was packed. I think the film was very, very good. I hear all kinds of reviews from so-called "critics" saying how there should be more humor, Craig is too blonde (more of a light brown to me), and there should be more gadgets. (I think there were plenty. But this time, they weren't just put in just to be used. As someone said earlier, the technology is really the gadgets.) Daniel Craig WAS and IS Bond. I liked how his portrayal was reckless and lacked experience, exactly how I would've pictured Bond to start out. I loved how there were so many parts taken straight from
    the source. (Ordering his first Martini, if I recall, was the exact wording from the book.) All in all, if the producers stay along this line, I will definitely like the direction the franchise and future movies is going in. Craig is Bond.

    Oh, One thing I forgot to add. This has nothing to do with how good the film is, but it's just one of the little random thoughts I had during the movie. When they are at the table, and playing the final hand, dealer goes around the table one last time. When he gets to the large African-American fellow, he doesn't say a word and just holds up his hand signifying "5." The first thing I thought of is that this guy reminds me of Whisper from LALD. Anybody else make that funny little connection?
  • HalfMonk HalfHitmanHalfMonk HalfHitman USAPosts: 2,347MI6 Agent
    Who now cannot wait for Craig to start his first 'traditional' Bond movie, suited, booted awith the Gunbarrel section in the traditional place, a visit to 'Q' branch and a saucy new Moneypenny?

    I think this was so successful (creatively) because it avoided all the trappings. I don't want the sequels to be a checklist of Bond cliches revisited. I'd rather see them start re-adapting the Fleming stories in a more faithful way, like this film did. (They padded the hell out of the plot, but the tone was pretty great.)
  • Klaus HergescheimerKlaus Hergescheimer Posts: 332MI6 Agent
    I went for the second time last night.

    I was just wondering, when you guys went, did anyone else have the experience of everyone in the audience clapping after the movie? CR got the biggest standing ovation in the theater I was in. I've gone to see the movie with four other people up to this point, and all four have said that they thought it was the best Bond movie ever. The two guys I went with last night said that Craig was the best Bond ever.
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    I don't really think we really clap in UK cinemas
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Everyone clapped at the end where I was, and there were lots of laughs at the humor throughout. People loved it.

    Anyone else notice Alessandra Ambrosio? I love her. Yum.
  • armourerarmourer United KingdomPosts: 41MI6 Agent
    Just saw it, my first viewing of the weekend - going to see it tomorrow as well. Where to begin?


    I was absolutely blown away by the film, Craig nails Bond and does something that no-one since Connery has done and that is brings to the screen the essential 'ice-cold *******-ness' of Bond. As many reviewers have said he really looks like a man who would kill without compunction or remorse. However, saying that, he also makes Bond a human being with all the attendant weaknesses and foibles of a rounded human being. Certain things, he hasn't got into the mix yet, i.e. the suavity of Bond (but, that's more to do with the story as yet and a thankfully complete weeding out of the overly cheesy gourmet/drinksman one-up-manship of some of past films).

    Craig's Bond is a professional, and that's something that's been missing for a long time. I'm not denigrating Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Brosnan btw, each of them had their own merits and their takes on 007 were right for their time but Craig has done something that none of them has done and that is create a totally new view of Bond that holds true to Fleming and yet keeps faith with Connery's creation of the cinematic Bond.

    Everything I thought was almost pitch perfect (the only quibbles I have are: the DBS was wasted - that car should return in the next film with a great car chase; the poker scenes needed shortening a bit and more exposition of what was going on; Leiter should have featured more - otherwise great). When it comes out on DVD I hope there will be a director's cut version as it was obviously edited down for time constraints. Eva Green and Caterina Murino - great Bond girls and Mads Mikkelson’s Le Chiffre could have been an all time great villain if he was given more time to inject more menace.

    Pure bliss!
  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    A7ce wrote:
    I don't really think we really clap in UK cinemas

    They do in the States if they like it and let me tell you they liked it. When Craig spoke the immortal line and the Bond theme started, the theater burst into applause.
    They also cheered when Bond told LeChiffre everyone would know LeChiffre died "scratching my ..."
  • Klaus HergescheimerKlaus Hergescheimer Posts: 332MI6 Agent
    highhopes wrote:
    A7ce wrote:
    I don't really think we really clap in UK cinemas

    They do in the States if they like it and let me tell you they liked it. When Craig spoke the immortal line and the Bond theme started, the theater burst into applause.
    They also cheered when Bond told LeChiffre everyone would know LeChiffre died "scratching my ..."

    They did in my theater, too.

    You know, I said that I thought the title sequence was horrific. Upon second viewing, I really wasn't that bothered by it. I guess I was more disappointed in the fact that they didn't use the original concept with the crime scene photos, the dossier, et. al. I just thought that was such a cool concept, and it wasn't used.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited November 2006
    Just got back from my second viewing...and I can't seem to wipe the grin off my face :D
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • HalfMonk HalfHitmanHalfMonk HalfHitman USAPosts: 2,347MI6 Agent
    I guess I was more disappointed in the fact that they didn't use the original concept with the crime scene photos, the dossier, et. al. I just thought that was such a cool concept, and it wasn't used.

    Can you point me to what you're talking about?
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,035MI6 Agent
    heres a couple of things that have occured to me in the 36 hour since watching the movie:

    additional Fleming content: Vespers body on the road - thats not from Casino Royale, but it is from The Man With The Golden Gun!

    the fibrillator scene: this seems very contrived to me - Bond phones home as his heart is stopping, and theres how many technicians there to answer his call? including M? were they all gathered round those monitors all this time just waiting for Bond to have a heart attack? didnt M have any Cabinet Ministers to meet with or Algerian wine to drink at Blades, she felt her time was better spent with the technicians just waiting for Bond to have that heart attack?
    and assuming Vesper did know to look for him in the car at that moment, how did she instantly know what was wrong with him and that she needed to press the red button?
    if this were Die Another Day that would have all seemed as credible as anything else, but was a surprising lapse in logic for this film

    Mathis, good guy or bad guy?:
    we just have le chiffre's word Mathis was really his friend, and all his alleged betrayals could just as easily have been Vespers, as they were in the book
    he's still alive at the end, apparantly has not been proven guilty, and the conversation Bond has with M mainly is about her satisfaction that he now trusts nobody
    but the bit where he's introduced now confuses me: the bit with the police chief, who he claims was working for le Chiffre and he's just now set up - theres betrayal upon betrayal going on here, and we only have his cryptic words to tell us what just happened
    I suspect he'll be back for episode 2
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