Daniel Craig's white polo shirt

MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
Hello, hello, hello again

Some time ago I found this picture of Daniel and Rachel walking somewhere in LA, and I found the polo he's wearing quite nice: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/07/23/article-2017916-0D1F31EA00000578-523_634x800.jpg

Any idea what brand is it? :D


  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    Of no help whatsoever, but got to say that he's looking in decent nick once again.

    I used to have a Ted Baker version that was very similar with hint of grey in it, but the collar DC is sporting looks more rugged.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Yeah, it's a shot made a few weeks ago, so my guess is that Craig is finishing the training regime for Bond 23 :)
  • jz007jz007 Posts: 362MI6 Agent
    He's in shape, but looks like one of my fellow service members from the waist down. Baggy jeans and tennis shoes!!!

    Rachel, as always, looks great.
    Bond on a Budget
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