Worst Bond girl?

MWA23007MWA23007 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
edited October 2002 in General James Bond Chat
I'll have to say Michelle Yeoh in TND for the following reasons:

* She tops Bond in the action department
* She's a protagonist and dislikes Bond throughout the ENTIRE film and doesn't turn around. If she was the antogonist this would be fine, but she's not.
* The line "Don't get any ideas mister Bond" got annoying after the 50th time


  • DortmunderDortmunder Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    IMO, it is no competition. It is MayDay all the way. First of all, she was ugly. Second, she was strong. She could lift a full grown man over her head and throw him. Her hair looked stupid. Ugh! I'll leave it at that, she is the bottom of the list.
  • MWA23007MWA23007 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    hmm, those are some excellent points you're making!
  • MBE_MBE_ USAPosts: 266MI6 Agent
    Toss up Stacy Sutton.... HELP ME JAMES!!!!!!.... lord that constant screech how could he stand it, and then at the end so dumb and clueless a blimp sneaks up on her.

    Mary Goodnight.... sits in a closet while Bond has sex with someone else waiitng her turn, gets tossed and locked in the trunk of a car, set's off the weapon with her ass while running around like an airhead in a bikini.

    Rosie Carver... if this is a CIA operative well it just explains so much. Pathetic

  • SpectreSpectre Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    That Rosey Carver just makes me shudder...and she is certainly on par with Mayday who I think should have played Sheeva in Mortal Kombat II she was that ugly.

    Stavey Sutton was most deintely the biggest bimbo.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    edited October 2002
    Hmm, here I come to defend poor Stacey. If I was trapped in a burning elevator about to fry to death. I'd scream too !! Maybe not a shrill but a deep throated roar.

    But yeah, that sneaky blimp was an eyeroller, oh boy never saw that one coming did ya girl?

    My least favorite Bond girl is probably Dr. Jones. Her opening scene was good, but it was all downhill after that.

    "What's the deal with you and Elektra?" If I was Pierce I would have said "nosey aren't we?"
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Stacy Sutton, easily. Dumb, dumb, dumb - spends the film screaming and waiting to be rescued.

    May Day is ugly, but at least she's interesting.
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Stacey Sutton all the way. "JAAAAAAAAAMES!" Ugh.

    I disagree completely with May Day. She wasn't meant to be a ravishing Bond beauty, but an Amazonian hench woman of lethal proportions with an outlandish appearance. In that respect, I think she succeeded admirably. Her menacing presence on screen was one of the highlights of AVTAK too. If only she bumped off Stacey Sutton while she had the chance. That's the only thing that loses May Day points, in my opinion.
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    Quoting Moonraker 5:Stacey Sutton all the way. "JAAAAAAAAAMES!" Ugh.

    I disagree completely with May Day. She wasn't meant to be a ravishing Bond beauty, but an Amazonian hench woman of lethal proportions with an outlandish appearance. In that respect, I think she succeeded admirably. Her menacing presence on screen was one of the highlights of AVTAK too. If only she bumped off Stacey Sutton while she had the chance. That's the only thing that loses May Day points, in my opinion.

    couldn't agree with you more Moonraker 5 - I thought Grace's part suited her almost too well, and as for Stacy Sutton, she was a bit of a wet lettuce to say the least!
  • MBE_MBE_ USAPosts: 266MI6 Agent
    LOL on the bit of wet lettuce. The biggest problem with the AVTAK women is that that both look GREAT for their respective purposes and then they open their mouths. Roberts is a lovely woman and then she opened her mouth and this vacant monotonous whine came out interrupted only by seemingly interminable high pitch screeching and all that beauty basically goes for nothing. Grace Jones makes out better though b/c until she's called on to act with words, or at the end get all "soft" she's a very physically imposing menacing villain, although I really could have done without the sex scene.... not a pleasant visual of either party involved. Brrrrr......

  • Trench diggerTrench digger Posts: 10MI6 Agent
    edited October 2002
    May Day gets my vote, if for no other reason, she never once attracted me watching the movie. In fact, thanks to the great seismologist's screeching, AVTAK has the worst collection of girls around. When May Day rolls over on Zorin, I am more frightened than anything else. And that growl!

    I had to respond to this thread, just to defend my gal Goodnight. She was written as a dumb blonde character, and it's for this reason, along with Moore's hilarious delivery (something no other Bond can do, especially Brosnan), that the, "She's just coming," line works.

    -{ Td
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Quoting Trench digger:I had to respond to this thread, just to defend my gal Goodnight. She was written as a dumb blonde character, and it's for this reason, along with Moore's hilarious delivery (something no other Bond can do, especially Brosnan), that the, "She's just coming," line works.

    It's a good point, Trench Digger, and it's why I give Goodnight a passing grade. She's meant to be a not-too-bright girl, and Britt Ekland perfectly plays her as a girl who's just out of her depth. I have no problem believing that Mary Goodnight is fantastic at running the Hong Kong Bureau of SIS when it's day to day routine. It's just when it comes to real spying, she gets lost pretty quickly.

    Stacy Sutton, on the other hand, is meant to be a self-assured, self-reliant heiress turned "common person" who is also a highly trained geologist. Not a bimbo who's got kidnapped on the way back from the hair salon. "If it were to coincide with the high tide for maximum effect..." They could have at least explained to Tanya Roberts what the words meant.
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Kara MilovyKara Milovy Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    The worst is Stacey Sutton. If she'd just screamed in the fire, it would have been understandable. But she shrieks all the way through. In fact, my son and I watched AVTAK over the weekend, and by the halfway point, we were both shrieking "JAMES! JAMES!" along with her. LOL! :D

    I think May Day is terrific as a henchman, and she has a great scene at the end, sacrificing herself is actually touching. But that sex scene should NEVER have happened. Ick.

    Bibi Dahl would be the worst if she was the main Bond girl, but since she has minimal screen-time, she squeaks by at #2.

    Coming in at #3 is the nauseating yet sexy Christmas Jones, 22 year old nuclear physicist with a navel piercing and a bad attitude.

    First runner-up is Rosie Carver, who is simply bad.

    I like Mary Goodnight. She's sweet.
  • DortmunderDortmunder Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    edited October 2002
    Okay, I don't like May Day because to me she is so ugly. She did make a somewhat good henchwoman, but I really didn't like some of her bits, though her scene at the end made me think better of her.

    To get off the looks, I think that Stacy Sutton is the worst Bond Girl. She looked very nice, but her role in the movie was appalling. All she did was to rely on 007 to do everything, and if he wasn't doing something for her, she was shrieking "James!" to get him to do it. Amazing that she was a geologist. Maybe that is one of the things that she can actually do on her own.
  • BondChick007BondChick007 Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    Quoting Dortmunder: Second, she was strong. She could lift a full grown man over her head and throw him.

    What's wrong with being strong? ;) But yeah she was pretty ugly. Definantly didn't like her. The worst Girl is Dr. X-mas Jones. "Can you put that in english for those of us who don't speak spy?" AAAAggghh! I cringe every time I hear that. Could they give her a line any worse? She's at the top of my list for the worst. Stacy is a close second though...
  • DortmunderDortmunder Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    edited October 2002
    What's wrong with being strong? ;)

    I don't think that there is anything with being strong, only that I think that one can be too strong. Being able to throw a 200 pound man, is quite strong. For me, I don't look for a girl that would be able lift me above her head and throw me. I don't know about other you other guys, but I don't like those bulging muscles in a woman.
  • jjmacjjmac Posts: 20MI6 Agent
    I would say Rosie Carver from L&LD
    May Day is supposed to be a female match for Bond and i think it worked.
    Sutton is a close second with her screeching.
    Goodnight is awesome - especially when locked away while 007 was doing his 'duty' for king and country!
  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 42MI6 Agent
    I'd have to say Christmas Jones. If a Bond girl is going to be a nuclear physicist, that is fine, but at least make her act and look like one!!!! She seemed far too young too be one and couldn't even understand Bond when he "Talked spy" (i am sorry dear, but we had managed to for the previous 18 movies!!) I think she is easily upstaged by Elektra King in TWINE in terms of looks, character and brains. Too bad Elektra was the baddie. I think Bond would have much rather have finished the movie tucked up in bed with her.
  • Adrian_MalpraveAdrian_Malprave Posts: 30MI6 Agent
    I liked a few. Heres my point.

    Dr. No:
    Wasn't to bad. Honey Ryder was actually good but they put her in the crapest Bond Films. (sigh).
    From Russia With Love:
    I hated Tatina Romanova. I rekon she was a bum. She didn't give the real meaning of a Bond girl.
    Pussy Galore, kinda rubbish. Rubbish name. Pussy? Galore?
    Thats just off.
    not too bad. I dont think she was the best though.
    You Only Live Twice:
    I liked Aki better then Kissy. Just like what Tiger said "She has a face like a pig".
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service:
    I think that Tracey was the best. She had the looks, the hair, the strength, the buety. Too bad she died.
    Diamonds Are Forever:
    I hated her! Not my type.
    Live and Let Die:
    Solitaire wasn't such a bad girl. I liked her.
    The Man with the Golden Gun:
    Goodnight was great! I liked her style.
    The Spy Who Loved Me:
    Anya wasn't bad. She was kinda good.
    Holly Goodhead? More like "Holy *******"! I didnt like her.
    For Your Eyes Only:
    Ms. Havlock was good. I liked her specialty, a crossbow.
    A Veiw To a Kill:
    One of the worst I have to say. Sutton Squeals.
    The Living Daylights:
    Cara was great. I liked her.
    Licence To Kill:
    Another great one. She was one of the best.
    Natalya wasnt too bad. I liked other better, but she wasnt the worst either.
    Tomorrow Never Dies:
    Shes not for me! I didny like Wai Lin.
    The World is Not Enough:
    Pretty Good. Christmas was a little poo but I preferred Elektra!
    Die Another Day:
    Jynx is GREAT! She I think will come in 2nd or 1st best. For now, Tracey Di Vicenzo is the best.'
    I think Jynx might take over thougj.
  • CarverCarver Posts: 6MI6 Agent
    Stacy Sutton on stupidness, I mean, come on, some most Bond girls kick ass!
    MayDay on manliness. It has been explained before, the whole bloke lifting thing.
    Rosie Carver on...wel, just evrrything about her is, well, not a Bond girl, to put it very nicely.
  • taitytaity Posts: 702MI6 Agent
    edited October 2002
    Tiffany Case - did she annoy anyone else, or was it just me.
    Tatiana (FRWL) - lovable, innocent, sexy and good looking. How could anyone NOT like her?
    Goodnight - not the smartest girl under in a situation, but what she doesn't have in brains she makes up for in effort. She was one of my favourites.
    Holy ****head - lol, her and Dr. Jones are the same. Both hold a position which seems way above them, both are American (they sound the same, with their accent) And I got the impression both were written in as an after thought to the script. Neither do anything much to advance the story, and yet they are still in it. Lol
    Octopussy - too old, but if she had done a Bond 9 years earlier...
    Stacey - again not to smart, but I think she was meant to show how even being old, Roger could still save a woman.
    Kara - just as good as a modern day Tatiana Romanov. Still loveable.
    Pam - she just annoyed me
    Wai Lin - less of an afterthought then Dr ****head and Dr. Jones, and all she does in the movie is that Bond could do (send messages, locate a Stealth boat)

    Let's just wait and see what this year's movie can do
  • Iona Havelock RIPIona Havelock RIP Posts: 38MI6 Agent
    This is an old topic. However I have to nominate Stacey Sutton (Tanya Roberts), A View To A Kill again!

    "James, help me!"
    "James, I can't breathe!"
    "James, I can't reach it! I can't reach it!"

    She was so annoying, a poor actress and a typical typecast of a dumb US woman in the mould of Lois Lane in Superman II!
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    I agree with all of you guys on your picks, although I too like Britt. But Adrian...shame!! How can you diss Pussy like that?

    I want to throw another name in there, Paris Carver always annoyed me. Not so much the character, but Teri Hatcher. ;)
  • James Bond JrJames Bond Jr Posts: 6MI6 Agent
    i thought teri hatcher was a good bond girl

    but my worst would have to be Bibi when isaw her i was like


    i'm so glad bond didn't sleep with her
  • The AnarchistThe Anarchist Posts: 34MI6 Agent
    I think Teri Hatcher have done a wonderful job. She brings glamour where Wai Lin didn't bring it...
    Of course I hear you all screaming : The Danish Teacher... ;)
  • Prince Kamal KhanPrince Kamal Khan Posts: 277MI6 Agent
    Quoting The Anarchist:I think Teri Hatcher have done a wonderful job. She brings glamour where Wai Lin didn't bring it...

    I agree with the Anarchist. I've liked Teri Hatcher since "Soapdish" and would rank her as Pierce Brosnan's most underrated Bond girl.

    One I have never been particularly fond of is Pam Bouvier. I don't blame Carey Lowell(who is indeed quite beautiful, much more so than either Michelle Yeoh or Denise Richards) as she was just playing her character as written but Pam tends to get on my nerves. She is supposed to be a tough-as-nails CIA pilot who's been to hell and back. That tends to ring a bit false as she later turns into a sniveling, whiny flake when she catches Bond smootching Lupe Lamora. Of course, the lack of plausible/on-screen chemistry between Lowell/Pam and Dalton/Bond does not help either. I never bought their abrupt transformation from quarreling compatriots to lovers in that scene on the boat after the barroom brawl.
  • maddogmaciasmaddogmacias Posts: 10MI6 Agent
    you hated the girls from Dr. No, FRWL, GF, and TB?!?!?!?!?!?!

    YOU SIR ARE A MORON. stick with the muppet movies.
  • bacaretbacaret ArizonaPosts: 73MI6 Agent
    Stacy Sutton was absolutly the worst bond girl,she is so annoying I dont know why Bond even slept with her. Maybe Roger being that he was so old took his hearing aid out and did not have to hear her whine!!!!
  • jorgemjorgem DTWPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    Talisa Soto from Licence to Kill is probably the most underrated Bond girl. She has never been in a limelight and she is never seen in any tabloids.

  • Blofeld's Other CatBlofeld's Other Cat Posts: 29MI6 Agent
    Anya aka Triple X from TSWLM annoys me every time I watch the movie.
    Her facial expressions are offputting for me, especially the eyes, and she has the worst accent ever. In too many moments during the movie she (and everyone else) forgets she's supposed to have a Russian accent. Now the real question is why have they never got a Russian girl to play the role of a Russian girl?

    The most annoying part of Goodnight for me is the Swedish accent. I don't think her character was supposed to sound Swedish?

    I think there were a few other annoying ones, but I think I get more annoyed by the flaws in the acting or actor's/actress' inconstencies rather than how the character was written. Wrong (like Teresa's, Goodnight's) or inconsistent (Triple X) accent.
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    Stacy Sutton was bad, indeed.

    I loved the women in Thunderball, as well as the modern performance by Eva Green.
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