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  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    With the R1 release of Remington Steele, I have been pleasantly enjoying memory trips with Laura Holt and the young, pre Bond, Pierce. ;)

    Great price on this set.
  • The CatThe Cat Where Blofeld is!Posts: 711MI6 Agent
    edited August 2005
    Hitch had his ups and downs. Though don't count on me, I have a weird taste. For instance, I love Family Plot, which is generally regarded as his weakest attempt. But I love it because it's lightweight... But from the structural point of view, it's unmatched with the twisted parallel plots of two con pairs. :p

    I'll be doing a Hitchock course next semester at my university (well, I'm still waiting for the final nod), but I can't imagine one single film-makers whose filmography as a whole would be so intresting to examine. And he is certainly influential, perhaps even too much. I think that the many remakes and spoofs of mildly talented filmmakers actually harms Rear Window by today's standards. And on the whole, I think Hitch is the only one who could make GOOD gimmick films... Two out of three is a rather complimenting ratio. :p

    If I might make a recommandation, watch Topaz. But I warn you, it's NOT good... But this is Hitchcock's "James Bond movie", and it shows that he might not have been as ideal as our wishfull thinking might suggest. It simply tries to be a Bond-movie, but fails miserably... That's probably due to the uncharismatic lead. I swear, when he enters a room, I could only tell him apart by his blue suit. Luckily he spends most of the movie in New York and Cuba. :p Possibly the only added bonus is the always-stunning Karin Dor. :)

    Oh... And I advise you to watch Stage Fright to the end. And by that, I mean until the last minute. :o Hitchcock kicks traditional film-making in the nuts. Shalmayan could go into a corner and cry. :))
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    The Perfect Storm (2000)

    Considering I absolutely cannot stand George Clooney, I was surprised I managed to put this into the DVD player. The first half of the film really is awful. It's like the Jaws build-up, except with less action and a whole load of corny, failed-touching moments. The scenes in the storm kep me interested, however. But the biggest shock came at the end of the film.


    I was utterly shocked when the film ended, because after the ship sank I had expected the lot of them to stroll in heroically a few days later. Nope, they all died, including, for once, George Clooney. I have mixed feelings about this film; it didn't impress me much until the end.


    Collateral (2004)

    Had no idea what to expect when I popped this one in the DVD player, but I've never liked Tom Cruise much either so again I was prepared for the worst. I was pleasantly surprised, as infact I enjoyed it very much. The characters in the film are developed well, and enjoy good performances all around. The surprise of the film, for me, was Tom Cruise, who plays what must be one of my favourite villains of recent years. An unexpected and tense climax rounds off a superbly written and thought-out film.

    Highly recommended. 9.1/10
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    Bad Santa

    Actually it was Badder Santa. Not a horrible film, not a great film either. If you don't like profanity you'd better pass on this one. Definatly not for kids either.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff
    Blackball, not bad but not as funny as it thought it was. Nice shots of Torquay though :D
    YNWA 97
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff
    S.W.A.T - S.H.1.T !
    YNWA 97
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    S.W.A.T - S.H.1.T !
    LOL!!! :)) They should put that one on the poster, right underneath the comments from The Sun and Heat magazine!
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    Elektra--and I liked it very much.But if a viewer wasn't familiar with the original Daredevil and Elektra comics of the 1980s whose stories inspired the screenplay, they might be confused.Jason Isaacs has an interesting cameo and a certain Croatian actor rumored to be a potential 007 plays a young American father quite believably.

    But the movie belongs to Jennifer Garner-- who is simply outstanding.
  • asioasio Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 546MI6 Agent
    Wedding Crashers, which I found to be MUCH funnier that I had original anticipated. Every actor in it (including Christopher Walken) had good lines throughout the entire film, and it didn't drag on too long (which many recent comedies have tended to do).
    Oh, and for those of you who are interested, Jane Seymour does go topless in this film, but thanks to the camera angle, quick editing, and Owen Wilson's hands, there is no actual "nipple" shot.
    Drawn Out Dad.
    Independent, one-shot comic books from the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    The Manchurian Candidiate - Not bad. Denzil Washington was excellent as usual.

    ( Sir Miles ,your review of SWAT was very funny )
  • BestBondSeanBestBondSean A Bavarian in CornwallPosts: 108MI6 Agent
    Seen the Mandchurian Candidate and Ocean's Twelve two days ago. Agreed mandchurian Candidate was one of the better Conspiracy Thrillers in recent years, good roles for Denzel and Meryl Streep respectively.

    Oceans Twelve on the other hand was a complete waste of time, one of those sequels that should have never been made, the actors seemed to enjoy themselves of some kind of vacation whilst the viewer was left with a ' What the.... is that all about ? '
    utterly pointless film.
  • SPECTRENumber1SPECTRENumber1 L.O.Posts: 75MI6 Agent
    Three Kings. Extremely well-done, hilarious script, great satire of America's role as world policeman.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff
    Lady Rose wrote:
    ( Sir Miles ,your review of SWAT was very funny )

    Thank you. I did think is was one of my better reviews - concise and informative ;)
    YNWA 97
  • ohmss1969ohmss1969 EuropePosts: 141MI6 Agent
    Catlow (was just dull even though cast seemed interesting)

    that movie with Nic Cage as ambulance driver...ugh.
  • autographareaautographarea Posts: 356MI6 Agent
    "Sin City" - awesome movie
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Sex and Lucia. Seeing Paz Vega and Elena Ayala strip down and perform some of the most graphic scenes I've ever seen in a mainstream movie certainly has its charms; but, otherwise, a lot of pretentious, self-indulgent, artsy-fartsy claptrap.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    I can't remember! Oh flippen heck what has happened to me?! But luckily, I should be going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tomorrow. I know it's for kids, but me and my best mate are going to go with her neice to see how bad it is compared to the orriginal and if it's bad at all! :D
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • Sir_Miles_MesservySir_Miles_Messervy MI6 CLASSIFIEDPosts: 113MI6 Agent
    I can't remember! Oh flippen heck what has happened to me?! But luckily, I should be going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tomorrow. I know it's for kids, but me and my best mate are going to go with her neice to see how bad it is compared to the orriginal and if it's bad at all! :D

    It's not bad at all. I like the original better though. I agree with Ebert who thinks the one thing that really brought this movie down was Depp *Gasp* Don't lynch me, I just thought he was exceptionally creepy. And like child molester creepy...I mean quite honestly he reminds me of Michael Jackson.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    I read an article not too long ago where Johnny Depp says he can't understand why people are comparing his Willy Wonka to Michael Jackson. Deep claimed to base WW's voice and mannerisms on old-time kids' TV show hosts; and Depp says the long hair, pale skin, and unfashionable dress are because WW has been isolated for so long that he doesn't know what's fashionable. I haven't seen the movie yet, but to me Depp's approach seems very, very wrong--Willy Wonka isn't supposed to be a creep who is out of touch with the world; he's supposed to be an outsized character who inhabits what a chocolate factory should be.

    Anyway. . .

    Last night I finally saw Constantine. What an unholy mess--The Exorcist by way of Hellboy by way of The Matrix by way of Men in Black. And Keanu Reeves gives a wooden, stumbling performance even by Keanu Reeves standards. Two hours of my life sent straight to hell.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • ZachZach Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    Hardyboy wrote:
    I read an article not too long ago where Johnny Depp says he can't understand why people are comparing his Willy Wonka to Michael Jackson. Deep claimed to base WW's voice and mannerisms on old-time kids' TV show hosts; and Depp says the long hair, pale skin, and unfashionable dress are because WW has been isolated for so long that he doesn't know what's fashionable. I haven't seen the movie yet, but to me Depp's approach seems very, very wrong--Willy Wonka isn't supposed to be a creep who is out of touch with the world; he's supposed to be an outsized character who inhabits what a chocolate factory should be.

    Anyway. . .

    Last night I finally saw Constantine. What an unholy mess--The Exorcist by way of Hellboy by way of The Matrix by way of Men in Black. And Keanu Reeves gives a wooden, stumbling performance even by Keanu Reeves standards. Two hours of my life sent straight to hell.

    Really? I really like Constantine. I even bought it on DVD.

    Anyway the last movie that I saw in theatres is "The Great Raid." Its a great movie. Its a little hard to watch at times but it leaves you with a great feeling at the end. I definitely recommend it.

    The last movie I saw at home was "Sin City." I bought that on DVD also. Its one of my favorite movies. I think Clive Owen rocks in it, and Jessica Alba is really hot also. :D
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    Still haven't seen the Chocolate Factory, although judging by Depp's voice in the trailers I'd say very wrong approach indeed. In fact, quite terrible. A quirky, twittering, pathos desperate, mime like performance and altogether gut wrenching attempt at a British accent. In other words, utter crap. Perhaps he's wowed critics and fans the world over but all I see is cringeworthy hogwash.

    Now that the unpleasantries are out of the way, I finally got a chance to catch Charlize Theron's Monster.

    Did I say they were over? Not in this film.
  • Mewtwo3090Mewtwo3090 Posts: 72MI6 Agent
    edited August 2005
    I didn't think Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was good. The orignal one was better.
  • SPECTRENumber1SPECTRENumber1 L.O.Posts: 75MI6 Agent
    Although I haven't seen it, I will defend Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. First of all, it is not a remake. You really can't remake a movie based on a book, it's just another adaptation of the book. Secondly, in response to people criticizing Depp's performance, there is different ways to interpret things. The original Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory wasn't that close to the book, in fact Roald Dahl didn't like it. I guess I am playing Devil's advocate here.
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    I thought we had a thread about Charlie and The Chocolate factory elsewhere?

    I haven't seen it yet, but for what its worth my 8 year old loved it so much she wants me to take her again.She also loved the original but she prefers this one.My husband however hated it.
    Hardyboy wrote:
    Last night I finally saw Constantine. What an unholy mess--The Exorcist by way of Hellboy by way of The Matrix by way of Men in Black. And Keanu Reeves gives a wooden, stumbling performance even by Keanu Reeves standards. Two hours of my life sent straight to hell.

    Wow! That bad,I will give that a miss.It has always amazed me how Keanu Reeves ever made it to the heights he has.
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    I saw it today and went with my 2 mates, but then they changed their minds and I had to go in on my own.
    It'll also be much easier if I just
    It wasn't that bad actually. But I thought the Oompa Lumpa's songs could have been a bit more - well half the time I only knew what they were saying because I've read the book a few times. At least unlike the original the songs were actually partly from the book.
    I didn't like the fact that nothing in the rooms was explained very well. They could have gone into some room's where a child didn't leave the party.
    But I did like the flashbacks and the little things to do with his past. It was interesting and Christopher Lee played his dad very well.
    But really the movie wasn't all that great. I still prefer the original - even if it was made in the '70s and looks pretty out of date now.
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • Tilly Masterson 007Tilly Masterson 007 UKPosts: 1,472MI6 Agent
    The Matrix Reloaded.

    Good film, would recommend it.
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    The sublimely not for the feint hearted and extremely scary Creep - A British horror that really delivers the horror. All I can say is is that this film is for those with a strong constitution -and back in the eighties this may have been considered a video nasty in the same vein as Texas Chainsaw Massacre et al -however as far as British movies are concerned this is slick -well shot using great lighting and sets that really add to the genre. It also does something that you are really only familliar with when watching or reading Frankenstein -you actually feel sorry for the "monster" to a point. So if you can handle horror -watch this film -but if you can't stay away from it. :)
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    What's it rated?
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • SPECTRENumber1SPECTRENumber1 L.O.Posts: 75MI6 Agent
    The sublimely not for the feint hearted and extremely scary Creep - A British horror that really delivers the horror. All I can say is is that this film is for those with a strong constitution -and back in the eighties this may have been considered a video nasty in the same vein as Texas Chainsaw Massacre et al -however as far as British movies are concerned this is slick -well shot using great lighting and sets that really add to the genre. It also does something that you are really only familliar with when watching or reading Frankenstein -you actually feel sorry for the "monster" to a point. So if you can handle horror -watch this film -but if you can't stay away from it. :)

    Is it availible in the U.S.?

    I saw another British horror, Dog Soldiers, about an Army platoon in Scotland doing a training exercise, but werewolves attack. They then hole up in a farmhouse a la Night of the Living Dead. Very scary, very suspenseful, with humour that is actually funny, and lotsa gore. All I can say is you British (and the Japanese) are way ahead in the horror genre than us Yanks.
  • Tee HeeTee Hee CBT Headquarters: Chicago, ILPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    I saw The Great Raid not long before I left for college. I'm here now. :o Personally I thought it was a great film and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys war flicks. It is a true WWII story about a daring attempt to rescue a large group of American POW's in a Japanese camp. It was a highly affective film with many emotional moments.
    "My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised..."

    -Roger Moore
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