Roger Moore and The Saint Series

I have recently been enjoying the BBC America's showings of THE SAINT. Even more so, I enjoy seeing the actors and actresses who would eventually work with Moore again in the Bond films.

One episode had a very young Steven Berkoff playing a henchman. Other episodes have had Lois Maxwell, Marne Maitland, Valerie Leon, Julian Glover, Geoffrey Keen, Edward de Souza to name a few.

Has anyone else been watching these episodes?


  • justvisitingjustvisiting Posts: 61MI6 Agent
    I haven't watched since I don't get BBC America, but I have all the DVDs, and I watched the show RELIGIOUSLY in the early eighties when it was on at 1:00 a.m. on WOR in NYC.

    I don't know if BBC America is showing the black and white ones, but I miss them. There was a film noir aspect to those, and the story lines, most of which were original Leslie Charteris stories, were superior. He also travelled to more foreign countries in the black and white ones than in the color, which are all set in Europe.

    Roger rules as Simon Templar!
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    I'm also watching The Saint.This was a great series.Like justvisiting,I have many of the episodes on DVD.In my considered opinion,Simon Templar was the best role of Roger Moore's career--moreso than his turn as James Bond.

    Leslie Charteris--who was extremely critical of the many actors who'd played his creation--made an exception for Roger Moore,who he thought was outstanding as the "Robin Hood of Modern Crime".
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    I confess that I've slowly gotten hooked on the series due to the BBC America Friday night lineup. I've heard many good things about the b&w season myself but I have yet to see it. Personally I would like to see BBC America broadcast the black and white episodes of the Saint and the black and white Emma Peel Avengers episodes as well as Danger/Secret Agent Man. I think that those three shows when played in conjunction would complement each other nicely.

    You can also see Shirley Eaton and Jan Williams, and I've forgotten the name of several others temporarily.
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    I agree Tracy, it's a shame that A&E entertainment doesn't release the earlier episodes on DVD. Here's hoping they decide to do so in the future. All of their series has been top notch quality. And I also have had countless hours of enjoyment with the box sets that I already own. Favorite episodes off the top of my head include The Russian Prisoner which contains one of my favorite Templar quotes and the terrific miniseries Revenge Of The Saint with Ian Hendry as a mafioso.
  • justvisitingjustvisiting Posts: 61MI6 Agent
    edited November 2004
    Quoting Alex:
    Favorite episodes off the top of my head include The Russian Prisoner which contains one of my favorite Templar quotes and the terrific miniseries Revenge Of The Saint

    Alex, what's your favorite quote from "The Russian Prisoner"? I love when Templar beats the Russian goons up at the travel agency, and then tries to escape the Swiss police by pretending he is Russian and has diplomatic immunity: he holds up his clenched fist to the police and says "Dostoyevski!" CLASSIC!

    And small correction. Actually, it's "Vendetta for the Saint."
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    edited November 2004
    On a slightly off topic note I think it's interesting that BBC America is now playing the Persuaders in the time slot after the Saint as the Prisoner series just ended. Is the Persuaders anything like the Saint? I'm just curious.

    Just curious, but is the Russian Prisoner episode the one with Jane Merrow, or am I mixing this up with another episode?
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • justvisitingjustvisiting Posts: 61MI6 Agent
    Quoting Tracy:
    Is the Persuaders anything like the Saint? I'm just curious.

    Even though I haven't seen the show in twenty years, the Persuaders is like the Saint in that it is about adventurers travelling to various countries fighting crime
    Quoting Tracy:
    Just curious, but is the Russian Prisoner episode the one with Jane Merrow, or am I mixing this up with another episode?

    The episode you're thinking of with Jane Merrow is "The Angel's Eye", where Simon travels to Amsterdam to cut a famous diamond.

    You might find this site on The Saint of interest:

    It has an episode guide with brief descriptions.
  • NAOMI_FAN 1NAOMI_FAN 1 Posts: 85MI6 Agent
    I've been watching The Saint in the shop on base when I can! I love the show, and it is great to see the Bond co-stars that have been showing up too! Now BBC America is showing The Persuaders with Roger Moore and Tony Curtis! Great stuff! Also add The Avengers into the mix!
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    Roger Moore will be narrating a Radio 4 documentary on The Saint creator Leslie Charteris. Leslie Charteris: A Saintly Centennial airs on 11.30 am/Tuesday/ 31st July.
  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    I'm also watching The Saint.This was a great series.Like justvisiting,I have many of the episodes on DVD.In my considered opinion,Simon Templar was the best role of Roger Moore's career--moreso than his turn as James Bond.

    Leslie Charteris--who was extremely critical of the many actors who'd played his creation--made an exception for Roger Moore,who he thought was outstanding as the "Robin Hood of Modern Crime".

    I always feel bad when I criticize Moore's Bond, because I am a huge fan of his Saint, although it's been years since I've seen the show. It's classic TV, and Moore was perfect. That may be one reason I just couldn't get into him as Bond. He made too big an impression as Simon Templar. I thought he was better than George Sanders in the movies, and that ain't easy, folks.
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    I've recently re-discovered The Saint, as it is shown in the UK on ITV 4 at 6/7pm. Good old nostalgic quality and dodgy sets. The return of the Saint was shown last year - that I remember watching the first time around.
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    A7ce wrote:
    The return of the Saint was shown last year - that I remember watching the first time around.

    Same here. I loved that show as a kid. I missed the late 80's version with Simon Dutton, though that was supposed to be poor. I'd still like to see it out of interest. But the Moore series stands up very well. It's about time somebody brought Simon Templar back to TV.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,852MI6 Agent
    John Drake wrote:
    Roger Moore will be narrating a Radio 4 documentary on The Saint creator Leslie Charteris. Leslie Charteris: A Saintly Centennial airs on 11.30 am/Tuesday/ 31st July.

    Yes; looking forward to that. There's also a little interview with Roger in the Radio Times (and Michael Caine's on the cover if you pick the right one! :) )
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    emtiem wrote:
    There's also a little interview with Roger in the Radio Times (and Michael Caine's on the cover if you pick the right one! :) )

    I've got the Caine cover as well. Whose on the other ones?
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,852MI6 Agent
    John Drake wrote:
    emtiem wrote:
    There's also a little interview with Roger in the Radio Times (and Michael Caine's on the cover if you pick the right one! :) )

    I've got the Caine cover as well. Whose on the other ones?

    Macgregor (Trainspotting); Robert Carlyle (Full Monty) and Hugh Grant & Andie Macdowell (Four Weddings)- so obviously only Caine is the one to get! :D
    Shame it's from Zulu, though... ;)
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    emtiem wrote:
    Macgregor (Trainspotting); Robert Carlyle (Full Monty) and Hugh Grant & Andie Macdowell (Four Weddings)- so obviously only Caine is the one to get! :D
    Shame it's from Zulu, though... ;)

    {[] Glad I got the Caine one then. Pity it wasn't in his Harry Palmer coat and specs though. Macgregor is fine in the right role, but I can't be done with Carlyle or Hugh Grant.
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    edited July 2007
    A7ce wrote:
    I've recently re-discovered The Saint, as it is shown in the UK on ITV 4 at 6/7pm. Good old nostalgic quality and dodgy sets. The return of the Saint was shown last year - that I remember watching the first time around.

    What night is this? I used to watch it then on a Wednesday night but haven't checked in for a while. Is it still on on a Wednesday?

    For those in the USA who have a multi region DVD player, I'm sure you could order the first series of the Saint off internet somewhere. I have it, but have never really got round to watching it all, just a few episodes.
    I am however, really into the Persuaders at the moment as I had them all for my birthday.

    Is it possible to get the colour Saint episodes in the UK? I haven't seen them in the shops anywhere or online.

    EDIT: Bummer. Due to the wonders of Ebay and wikipedia, I have discovered that I have mucked up. I have an earlier release of the b & w eps, which means that it doesn't contain all of them. X-( Well I'll have to stick it on ebay and buy the newer one.
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • SteedSteed Posts: 134MI6 Agent
    Nice to see some appreciation of The Saint. I think all those who accuse Roger of doing nothing but telling jokes and raising his eyebrows (and I don't ever think he did just that in his Bond films anyway) should watch his portrayal of Simon Templar. When he gets tough, you believe him- not a man you'd want to trifle with!;)

    All the B & W episodes and the colour episodes are available on box sets via the 'Network' label. I only have the older Carlton version of the first 39 B & W episodes, and I'm happy enough with that for the time being (haven't watched them all yet either!).

    'Return Of The Saint' is a good series too- it stars Ian Ogilvy as Simon Templar. Ogilvy does indeed look and sound very like Roger, BUT he is excellent in the role and has that same charm/charisma, no question. Of all ITC's series, ROTS is the one I wish had run for more than one series- it's not quite as successful an update as 'The New Avengers' but some episodes are great.
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    Steed wrote:

    'Return Of The Saint' is a good series too- it stars Ian Ogilvy as Simon Templar. Ogilvy does indeed look and sound very like Roger, BUT he is excellent in the role and has that same charm/charisma, no question.

    Ogilvy was terrific. The DVD box for Return of the Saint looks to be an excellent release. Bit pricey though.
  • chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,501MI6 Agent

    I've reactivated this very old thread, as it is quite specific.

    In the UK, Talking Pictures TV is repeating THE SAINT from Series 1, Episode 1, The Talented Husband, on Sunday evenings at 6pm. As far as I can tell this is going to be a one-episode a week showing, so there's not that commitment to view every single night of the week. I may well drop in and give it a view.

    Tempted to do a review series, but my time is taken up with Dr Who and university work, so... watch the space ?

  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,035MI6 Agent

    aha! it was @chrisno1 who bumped this ancient thread!

    theres a much more recently active and ongoing Saint thread here: Recommend "The Saint" or not?

    it might be better to keep discussion to that one thread, because theres a lot of links and other information in that one?

    I know I eagerly await your episode by episode reviews Chris! I might not always agree with your subjective value judgements, but you pack more information into each review than I ever see anywhere else, and I love to see may favourite bits of pop culture given such detailed analysis.

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