The ULTIMATE bond ranking- your 1-20



  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 SwitzerlandPosts: 870MI6 Agent
    edited August 2017
    Jason’s updated ranking of the Bond films.


    1 On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2 GoldenEye
    3 The Living Daylights
    4 The Spy Who Loved Me
    5 Goldfinger
    6 Dr. No

    8 Octopussy
    9 Tomorrow Never Dies
    10 Licence To Kill
    11 For Your Eyes Only
    12 Casino Royale

    13 Diamonds Are Forever
    14 Die Another Day
    15 Moonraker
    16 Live And Let Die
    17 You Only Live Twice
    18 A View To A Kill

    19 From Russia With Love
    20 The Man With The Golden Gun
    21 Thunderball
    22 Quantum Of Solace
    23 The World Is Not Enough
    24 Skyfall
    Dalton Rulez™
  • Italus_NTItalus_NT Posts: 67MI6 Agent
    1. Licence To Kill
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. Skyfall
    4. You Only Live Twice
    5. Goldfinger
    6. For Your Eyes Only
    7. The Living Daylights
    8. The Spy Who Loved Me
    9. The World is Not Enough
    10. Goldeneye
    11. Casino Royale
    12. The Man with the Golden Gun
    13. Tomorrow Never Dies
    14. Dr No
    15. Octopussy
    16. Live And Let Die
    17. Diamonds Are Forever
    18. Quantum Of Solace
    19. A View to a Kill
    20. From Russia With Love
    21. Die Another Day
    22. Thunderball
    23. Moonraker
    24. Spectre
    Movie: From Russia With Love | Novel: On Her Majesty's Secret Service | Actor: Sean Connery | Girl: Melina Havelock | Car: Aston Martin V8
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 SwitzerlandPosts: 870MI6 Agent
    I am really putting effort in ranking the Bond films, you could even call me obsessed... :)) not much change to the last time, this year I'm on a project to find the "ultimate" Bond ranking. I can feel that I'm very close to it now, this may even be it.

    from left to right, from top to bottom, OHMSS No 1, SF No 24
    Dalton Rulez™
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 SwitzerlandPosts: 870MI6 Agent
    *am I the only one who does rankings? :))

    My ranking has been pretty the same from 1995 to 2014 with only little movements.

    Since 2015 my ranking has been in constant flux. I have learned to let my heart speak and rank the films after my enjoyment of them and how much I like to return to a film.

    It's the film that makes the overall impression, hence my bottom five features four different actors and my top seven features all six actors.

    This latest ranking has been thought through thoroughly and I think this will hold quite well for some time to come. ...this reflects my personal opinion...

    the overview:
    1 OHMSS
    2 GE
    3 TLD
    4 TSWLM
    5 DN
    6 GF
    7 SP
    8 OP
    9 TND
    10 LTK
    11 FYEO
    12 DAF
    13 YOLT
    14 CR
    15 DAD
    16 MR
    17 LALD
    18 TMWTGG
    19 FRWL
    20 TB
    21 AVTAK
    22 QOS
    23 TWINE
    24 SF

    the details:
    1 OHMSS - clearly what I feel is the best Bond film ever made and I love Lazenby as Bond

    2 GE - Brosnan is the Bond of my 20s (aged 21 to 28) GE's impact on pop culture is unrivalled in the new times

    3 TLD - the most important, life-altering cinema experience of my life, because of Dalton in TLD and later LTK I became a para-scout in Swiss Army special forces

    4 TSWLM - without the important impact on my life of TLD and GE, this might even be number two - this is the most complete Bond film even without John Barry as composer

    5 DN - this could as well be above TLD and GE, the first film and every single shot, sound, movement and all acting is flawless

    6 GF - only second to DN in my ranking by a hair as thick as a nanometre - a flawless bar of gold

    7 SP - the biggest surprise in my Bond fandom life - Daniel Craig never really worked for me but in SPECTRE he finally is James Bond and the film does everything right that was done wrong in QOS and SF and partly in CR - I have seen it 13 times at the cinema and for almost a year I had it at No 1 due to the immediate impact it made on me

    8 OP - the first Bond film I ever saw, if only I remembered anything, nevertheless I love it completely and 8th rank seems almost too low if there weren't so many great films that are even a tad better

    9 TND - the best second film in the series, I admit FRWL is objectively spoken better, but this is personal preference of course - TND is almost as good as GE, if clearly second to it

    10 LTK - while clearly second to TLD this film was very important for me - I was 15 and its PTS cemented my determination to join the army and be in special forces - Timothy Dalton makes this film work, nobody does it better

    11 FYEO - the one film I always feel is way too low in my ranking and I am always surprised it doesn't go much higher - the "problem" is, the Top 10 is crowed with one jewel after the other

    12 DAF - this may be the most important Bond film of this decade for me - up to 2012 (arrival of Blu-ray) in a deep slumber at the bottom of my ranking, believe it or not - in my heart I know this is my favourite Bond film even, my brain though still gets in the way or ranking it even higher

    13 YOLT - like DAF this was in a deep frozen state for me up to 2012, since then it constantly climbed up, this is it though - the Toyota GT2000, Aki, the volcano set, Tanaka, I love it all to bits

    14 CR - after 2008 I actually elevated it into my Top 10 because QOS was such a disaster - this film ages horribly now though, everything before the train to Montenegro and after the Casino is mediocre with the notable exception of the Solange scenes - Train/Montenegro/Casino is bloody fantastic though

    15 DAD - I had DAD once in my Top 10 and the only reason it has fallen is that I fell in love with the 60s and 70s Bond films more and more - DAD was the most successful Bond film at the time for a reason, I strongly believe that - it's perfect entertainment and fun and Brosnan is on fire

    16 MR - another Moore film I feel is way too low, same argument...too many good Bond films around - the space sequence is legendary and who would not want to have this in the franchise

    17 LALD - second to MR by a hair - it has to be said though, it is clearly the weakest first film for a Bond actor - I still love it completely and I wish it was higher in my ranking

    18 TMWTGG - like DAF and YOLT this was sound asleep for me for a long time, lately I discovered that I love it almost totally - Mary Goodnight is a Top 5 Bond girl for me and Christopher Lee makes this film work wonderfully

    19 FRWL - possibly the biggest shocker for the die-hard Bond fan, why so low? - while I can acknowledge it is one of the best if not even the best Bond film after OHMSS there is little that keeps me going back to it - Ali Kerim Bay and the lengthy train sequence is the only reason why I still consider this film to be great

    20 TB - the best hour of Bond in the series (Nassau to before the lengthy underwater battle) - the rest though is simply not up to the task and quite possibly the most boring stuff in any Bond film

    21 AVTAK - if this film were not so much fun to watch it would be at the bottom - Sir Rog, forgive me - was simply too old and except for The Eiffel Tower, The Golden Gate Bridge and maybe the Town Hall this film is deeply flawed - but FUN to watch

    22 QOS - this is just not good enough to be a proper Bond film, EON slaughtered the beloved Bond traits and served us a common action roller-coaster ride, edited to bits - with little effort this could have been one of the best Bond films, if only it had more Bondian stuff in it

    23 TWINE - I hate the plot twist and everything after it is just meh - a shame, considering it has an almost flawless first half

    24 SF - the only Bond film I would not say about that I love it, I like it - more is not possible - a mix between TDK, Austin Powers and a daily soap opera - hardly a Bond film at all with no Bond girl, no gun-barrel, and the most ridiculous plot holes ever
    Dalton Rulez™
  • VesperMelogranoVesperMelograno The SouthPosts: 901MI6 Agent
    I think TLD is one of the most underrated Bond films. It also makes me really want to sled in a chello.
    I've always wanted to have Christmas in Turkey
  • Dirty PunkerDirty Punker ...Your Eyes Only, darling."Posts: 2,587MI6 Agent
    *am I the only one who does rankings? :))
    I'm afraid we are complicated people from the looks of things.
    a reasonable rate of return
  • RemingtonRemington CAPosts: 239MI6 Agent
    24. Spectre (2015) 5/10
    The first 50 minutes, the PTS up to the end of the Rome scenes, are excellent. The film starts to falter during the Austria scenes. I enjoy the scenes in Morocco however. Mainly the train fight and meteorite scene. The climax was pretty uninspired. The other things that bring it down are Lea Seydoux, Andrew Scott, the score, yellow filter, and the retcon of previous films.

    23. Skyfall (2012) 6/10
    Despite being beautifully shot, to me this is the second dullest film of the series. This is down to the unexciting score and action scenes. Honestly, it disappointed me from the beginning because I really wanted to see Quantum return and for Craig's Bond not to be portrayed as old. Also, I think it rips off TWINE too much.

    NOTE: from this point on I love all these films.

    22. The Man With The Golden Gun (1974) 7/10
    I love the first act. Once it head to Thailand it kinda goes downhill. I enjoy the duel though and pretty much every scene with Christopher Lee. Goodnight and Hip's nieces bring it down too. I like Moore's slightly harder performance.

    21. Live And Let Die (1973) 7/10
    An enjoyable flick. I dig the voodoo aspect and Baren Samedi. Jane Seymour was gorgeous. And I Roger Moore was absolutely superb in every one of his films. Love Sherrif Pepper too in both films.

    20. A View To A Kill (1985) 8/10
    This movie is a lot of fun. While Moore is too old, he's still great. I love how 80s this flick is too. I'm not far from San Francisco so that's pretty cool. The main things I don't like are Tanya Roberts screams and Mayday turning good. Good finale too.

    19. You Only Live Twice (1967) 8/10
    My opinion on this one changes all the time. I really like the first half, Donald Pleasance, and the volcano lair. Bond turning Japanese and Kissy kind of tarnish it though. Strangely enough, I don't think I'd change anything about it.

    18. Moonraker (1979) 8/10
    I really saw the light in regards to this film. I used to absolutely despise it. Now I really enjoy it. The locations, action, and score are superb. Drax is probably the most evil villain of the series. Didn't really like Jaws falling in love.

    17. Diamonds Are Forever (1971) 8/10
    Can't help but enjoy this movie. Just love how bizarre it all is. I love Tiffany Case. Really like Grey as Blofeld. To me it's the wittiest script of the series. Makes me wanna go to Vegas. Love the music too.

    16. Die Another Day (2002) 8/10
    The overblown celebration of forty years of 007. The first half is classic Bond. During the second half, if they'd gotten rid of Mr. Kil, the tsunami surfing, some of Jinx's lines, and the robosuit, this might be even higher. Pure nostalgia for me.

    15. The World Is Not Enough (1999) 8/10
    A flawless first half. I don't even mind Denise Richards. Love Sophie Marceau in this. Renard is cool too. The PTS is legendary. The finale is a little lackluster. Can't help but chuckle at the final line.

    14. Octopussy (1983) 9/10
    Nothing wrong here. The third act is a little bloated. Maud Adams has a better role here. Kamal Khan is a good villain. Gobinda is a good henchman. Love the locations and Cold War feel.

    13. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) 10/10
    Not sure why this is so low. Moore's best performance in my opinion. Jaws is an iconic henchman. Barbara Bach isn't much of an actress but she's good eye candy. Love the Lotus and the ensuing car chase. The third act is epic. I especially love the cold blooded manner in which Bond kills Stromberg.

    12. For Your Eyes Only (1981) 9.5/10
    This is basically Moore in a Connery/Dalton film. And he holds his own. This is a classic. I even enjoy the PTS. Great action all around. I think John Glen was a great director for this type of movie. Only flaws are the soft focus and Melina's behavior towards the guard after shooting him with an arrow.

    11. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) 9.5/10
    The 90s version of a Lewis Gilbert Bond film. I love it. Mainly for the first half but the second half has a lot of merit. Especially the motorcycle chase and epic finale. David Arnold's best score as well.

    10. Quantum Of Solace (2008)9.5/10
    So underrated. I think this film features the best cinematography and score of the new era. Craig gives a terrific performance. Love the locations and action. The editing is a little jarring at first but not a big deal. Wish they had stuck with Quantum instead of Spectre.

    9. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) 10/10
    This is a classic and a hell of an ending for the 60s era. It was truly the Golden Age for Bond. Lazenby gives a good performance. As does Diana Rigg. Savalas is my favorite Blofeld. The snow action, score, and cinematography are the best of the series.

    8. Goldfinger (1964) 10/10
    The quintessential Bond film. The first half is perfection. The second half is good but a little slow. But there's too many iconic moments for me to have this any lower.

    7. From Russia With Love (1963) 10/10
    James Bond meets Hitchcock. This is an amazing movie. I don't watch it too much but there's no denying that its a splendid flick. Grant is my favorite henchman too.

    6. Dr. No (1962) 10/10
    The main reason this is higher than FRWL is the Jamaican setting. It's just so beautiful. I never get tired of this movie. Absolutely love the dinner scene with the doctor.

    5. Thunderball (1965) 10/10
    The Bond film that has it all. Perfection. The middle of this film is possibly the best hour of Bond. Terrific finale as well.

    4. The Living Daylights (1987) 10/10
    I love Dalton as Bond. This is the last of the Cold War films and it's a damn good one. Great action, locations, and music. They really nailed it.

    3. Licence To Kill (1989) 10/10
    James Bond meets Miami Vice and Lethal Weapon. I love both those so this is a match made in Heaven. Don't get me started on that truck chase. Love Sanchez as well.

    2. Casino Royale (2006) 10/10
    A modern classic. The perfect new beginning to the franchise. The dialogue during the third act could be better but it doesn't matter. Amazing.

    1. GoldenEye (1995) 10/10
    An absolute life changing film for me. Words can't describe the sentimental feelings I have with this movie. Even the few flaws I love. Gonna leave it at that.
    1. Connery 2. Moore 3. Dalton 4. Brosnan 5. Craig 6. Lazenby
  • Italus_NTItalus_NT Posts: 67MI6 Agent
    About a month later, I have actually rewatched the movies and have a new ranking:

    (My Favorites)
    1: The Living Daylights
    2: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3: For Your Eyes Only
    4: From Russia With Love
    5: The Spy Who Loved Me

    (Great films)
    6: Licence To Kill
    7: Goldfinger
    8: Live and Let Die
    9: Tomorrow Never Dies
    10: Skyfall

    (Good Films)
    11: You Only Live Twice
    12: Thunderball
    13: Goldeneye
    14: Dr No
    15: Skyfall
    16: Casino Royale

    17: Octopussy
    17: The Man With The Golden Gun
    18: Quantum Of Solace

    (Don't Like)
    20: Die Another Day
    21: A View To A Kill
    22: Diamonds Are Forever
    23: Spectre

    (Absolute Garbage)
    24: Moonraker
    Movie: From Russia With Love | Novel: On Her Majesty's Secret Service | Actor: Sean Connery | Girl: Melina Havelock | Car: Aston Martin V8
  • bainesy1usbainesy1us Posts: 43MI6 Agent
    1. Goldeneye
    2. Skyfall
    3. Dr.No
    4. Live and Let Die
    5. From Russia with Love
    6. Thunderball
    7. The Man with the Golden Gun
    8. Casino Royale
    9. The Spy Who Loved Me
    10. Tomorrow Never Dies
    11. You Only Live Twice
    12. For Your Eyes Only
    13. Spectre
    14. Octypussy
    15. Licence To Kill
    16. A View to a Kill
    17. On Her Majesties Secret Service
    18. Goldfinger
    19. Quantum Of Solace
    20. Moonraker
    21. The Living Daylights
    22. The World is not Enough
    23. Die Another Day
    24. Diamonds Are Forever
  • Italus_NTItalus_NT Posts: 67MI6 Agent
    I have rewatched the entire series and have yet another new perspective

    1) From Russia With Love
    2) On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3) The Living Daylights
    4) Live And Let Die
    5) For Your Eyes Only

    6) The World Is Not Enough
    7) Goldfinger
    8) Dr No
    9) Casino Royale
    10) The Spy Who Loved Me

    11) Licence To Kill
    12) Thunderball
    13) Skyfall
    14) Goldeneye
    15) Tomorrow Never Dies

    16) Die Another Day
    17) Quantum Of Solace
    18) You Only Live Twice
    19) The Man With The Golden Gun
    20) Octopussy

    21) Diamonds Are Forever
    22) SPECTRE
    23) A View To A Kill
    24) Moonraker
    Movie: From Russia With Love | Novel: On Her Majesty's Secret Service | Actor: Sean Connery | Girl: Melina Havelock | Car: Aston Martin V8
  • WadsyWadsy Auckland, New ZealandPosts: 412MI6 Agent
    edited November 2017
    This has always been a tough one for me to do, but I think I've finally found the ultimate ranking...

    24. Die Another Day (2/10) - Yeah... Besides the first half hour or so this movie is a complete train wreck. Nothing stands out as being good, except for what you see BEFORE Iceland. It really did have the makings of a good Bond movie, but like Moonraker, this one feels it needed to go way over the top in the second half, but unlike that film where it was superb, this one is just complete s*it.

    23. Quantum Of Solace (3/10) - This film was just unfortunate on so many levels. Everything about it felt underwhelming and uninspired compared to what we had seen in not only the previous film, but most of the entire series. A very 'B' grade movie feel to it, just rushed and directed with the thought of making a Bond movie and not the 'best' bond. Daniel Craig is awful here, directing sucked, villain was the worst of the series and the plot was terrible.

    22. Tomorrow Never Dies (4/10) - I am truly sorry for anyone who feels offended by this, but I just can't stand this film. In fact, I dislike it so much that even talking about it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. It's basically Goldeneye, but nowhere near as good in any capacity. The plot is outlandish and underwhelming, the villain is sloppy, the Bond girl is good but forgettable, Brosnan's performance is even worse here than in the previous film, and the locations are hideous. I'm not a fan, not now, not ever.

    21. Diamonds Are Forever (4/10) - It was hard deciding which to put higher between this and Tomorrow Never Dies. This film has an actor who only returned for a large sum of money, and it shows. Peter Hunt's beautiful direction in On Her Majesty's Secret Service was good for nothing for the douche bag known as Guy Hamilton who released this steaming pile of dong. Nothing is good about this movie, cheap boring locations - yup can't stand Las Vegas. Tiffany Case is a laughing joke, as was Wint and Mr. Kidd, Charles Gray is the worst Blofeld and cannot be taken seriously, the score sucks and many things are just hard to stomach. Most disappointingly was the fact that this should have been a sequel to Majesty's, boy was I wrong.

    20. You Only Live Twice (4/10) - It's hard ranking another Sean Connery movie so low, but this one suffers a lot from what I mentioned with Diamonds Are Forever. This was Connery's fifth performance as 007 and he just wasn't here, and the bond movies that seem to be affected the most are ones where the hero just doesn't give a care. The plot of this movie was somewhat lackluster compared with the first four Bond films, and while the first half had a lot going for it, the second half just blows. Aki was a good Bond girl, and was killed off in favour of a forgettable inclusion. The only good in this movie were the exotic locations and the first half, which is still flawed.

    19. The World Is Not Enough (5/10) - Sadly, another mediocre Bond film starring Pierce Brosnan. Boy he sure did get his nasty inclusions, and this one is passable, but on a deeply flawed level. I found this film rushed in many areas, particularly with Elecktra and Bond, the whole plot and also what is considered the worst Bond girl - Denise Richards which I completely agree with. I don't have much to say about TWINE, other than it's a weak forgettable entry, but still better than the ones I've ranked lower obviously.

    18. Moonraker (5/10) - This movie is one of the most ridiculous flicks of all time. Roger Moore is comfortable as Bond in his fourth portrayal and it clearly shows, the opening scene is among the best pre credits scenes, and while the movie starts slow during the California scenes, it quickly picks up in Venice and that trend continues into Rio and the amazon. It is an entertaining movie, but that does not make it a good film, as nothing makes sense as the producers expect us just to go along with it. Don't ask what happens when they get into space. The plot is confusing for the first two thirds of the movie and doesn't make anything clear, and why would MI6 randomly discover that the Moonraker hijacking was done by it's own creator? Evidence anyone? Most characters are down to comical relief, and it's over the top, campy and just terrible in comparison to TSWLM. This is the worst Roger Moore Bond movie... Yes folks, even more than TMWTGG which was my least favourite for years.

    17. The Man With The Golden Gun (6/10) - TMWTGG isn't a great film by any stretch of the imagination, even though I felt that while Scaramanga was one of Moore's best adversaries. His part was just used inefficiently, particularly in the climax and his poor death scene. Nick Nack was very annoying as a character, Britt Eckland, while gorgeous is completely useless, the locations were nothing special considering that Asia was the done to death in You Only Live Twice. It's campy as hell, Sheriff J W Pepper made this cringe-worthy, and the middle part was full of silly karate scenes and Bond's worst ally who drives off without him, because as 'DutchBondFan' states, Hip is a moron! 'M' is irritated the entire movie and it doesn't do half of what Live And Let Die did well, where you really felt a threat from the antagonists. It's not a bad film, but certainly one of Moore's weakest.

    16. Thunderball (7/10) - This movie has really gone up my list over the last few years. While it's not up with the quality of DN, FRWL and GF, it works on many levels. The only things that bring it down are the long underwater scenes and how badly some back projection has aged. The plot is very good with Spectre's third appearance in a Bond film, and while it is a bit slow in some places, I thoroughly enjoyed the fight scenes and various bond girls.

    15. Goldeneye (7/10) - Yeah, as you can probably already tell, I'm not a Pierce Brosnan fan. He is my least favourite actor of the six, but this is definitely his best film/performance. With the cold war over, this film is about a corrupt 00 agent who is now in league with the devil (not literally), and is out for revenge against James Bond and England for his own selfish reasons. While some people claim Alec is the best villain, I disagree feeling as if there was a missed opportunity. Whenever I watch this movie I feel disappointed that it was not Timothy Dalton, as this film felt made for him. The locations are good, though I wasn't a fan of the Russian segment due to the storyline, and the score is just OK. It's not a bad film, but a decent one with several missed opportunities.

    14. Skyfall (7/10) - This movie finally establishes Daniel Craig as James Bond, and he pulls off a wicked performance as the 00 agent. I really really wanted to like this one more, I mean really... but there are a lot of problems. First and foremost are it's plot holes, which are so many that I honestly had a hard time following what was going on a lot of the time. There is no Bond girl which really downgrades the overall quality of SF, and the main villain, while excellent in the bad guy department isn't introduced until half way in, making the first half quite dull in comparison. The second half of the movie is some of the best scenes I have seen in Bond and it was sad to see 'M' get killed off, but all of this could not pick the film enough for me to consider it a great flick.

    13. Live And Let Die (7/10) - Roger Moore's debut wasn't exactly the finest Bond film ever, but it gets the job done. I enjoyed his performance here, Jayne Seymour's performance and the villains along with David Hedison as Felix Leiter. The Caribbean Island scenes were fun to watch, as well as the crocodile farm scene and the boat chase. It is a bit silly in some areas and has a somewhat underwhelming final, but it's miles ahead of Moore's second film and is an entertaining watch.

    12. Casino Royale (8/10) - I never used to think highly of this movie, but after a recent viewing it has gone up in my rankings a lot. The movie itself is a reboot to the series which is more than fine, it hosts a lot of action scenes, suspense and it's also entertaining in parts. The plot makes a lot of sense, and it is fast paced and serious. Daniel Craig's performance is very good, even though he isn't my favourite Bond. What really lifts this movie up for me is La Chiffre, excellent storytelling and directing and it just shows that not every movie needs to have a good ending. To date, it is my second favourite Daniel Craig Bond film.

    11. Spectre (8/10) - One of the most underrated films in the series. SP is by far my favourite of the Daniel Craig films, as I felt that it perfectly blended the stories between the last three films and one epic rollercoaster with Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Bond, Madeline, and Mr. White. The British secret service continue to shine and I like the first half just as much as I like the second, and the action scenes are a superb inclusion to the series. It's suspenseful, exciting and enjoyable, with Craig pulling his best performance as well. My only gripe would be the the realism of Bond's relationship to Swan, but hey, Skyfall took us straight from Macau and forced an introduction to the villain without any real explanation.

    10. Octopussy (8/10) - I loved the 80's Bond films, and this is no exception. Roger Moore is starting to look a bit old at 55, but his character, suaveness and personality are still intact here, something I can't say for A View To A Kill. The plot is very much about the cold war, and these types of plots are ultimately my favourite in a Bond as they are not outlandish. Kamal Khan and Orlov are memorable villains, India was a top notch location and even Germany to a degree. It's only let down by overly silly moments like the tarzan yell and gorilla costume (clown never bothered me much). The climax isn't great, nor is the ending but overall - it is my third favourite Moore Bond film and it is memorable.

    9. Goldfinger (8/10) - A favourite to most, and I agree that it is an incredible film that illustrates the character of James Bond. It has a strong plot, a strong villain / henchmen and a decent score. It showcases Switzerland nicely, a beautiful Aston Martin DB5 belonging to James Bond and just a high quality film. It's only weakness is once they get to Kentucky, where the pace slows down and Kentucky was just a bland location in comparison. Some of the effects during the attack on Fort Knox are heavily dated, Galore was in no way a memorable Bond girl for me personally and Auric's death is pretty underwhelming, but overall it is a classic.

    8. Dr No (8/10) - While I don't often watch the original film as a random pick to pass time, the film itself is still one of the best in the series. It's beautifully directed, memorable and just a very fun factor. Sean Connery pulls off an awesome first performance as the 00 agent, the locations are peaceful, natural and very enjoyable, and the villain is great, despite not seeing him on screen that long. I guess DN is only brought down by the fact that the climax is rather bland compared to every other Bond film out there, but Bond girl is great as are the side characters. Great movie, definitely worth it.

    7. A View To A Kill (8/10) - I really enjoy and even love AVTAK, and I am not joking. I believe that this was the biggest missed opportunity for the series, for Timothy Dalton not to have started here. However, the movie itself is just so damn entertaining and enjoyable. It has the makings of a top grade bond film, such as best villain in the series with Walken and Grace Jones, terrific locations in France and San Francisco, and I honestly enjoyed Zorin's microchip plot here more than Goldfinger's, but all of that is only downgraded by two issues. The first and foremost is Roger Moore, who visibly aged since the last film and his performance, while good for someone his age shows that his charm is declining compared to previous films, but in some ways it's a good thing because he pulls in more of a serious performance this time as with FYEO. The second issue are the stunt doubles - in most films where they hide it, here it's too much as they are shown in Paris, and then with Gogol's double in San Fran. Had Timothy Dalton started here, this might have been my favourite of the series. With what it is, it is still up there despite it's flaws because it is a realistic, serious Bond film that actually makes more sense than a lot of the Roger Moore bond films thanks to director John Glen, the villain, action scenes and overall enjoyable factor.

    6. The Spy Who Loved Me (9/10) - Epic movie from start to finish. Roger Moore does one of his best performances here and it shows. Barbara Bach shines as the Bond girl, the opening scene is among the best of the series, score is very 70's but fantastic, the Lotus scene and chase is highly memorable, and then you have a lot of fun with Jaws. The only downside is once the film heads to the submarine and tanker just over half way in. It slows down but quickly picks up for the final fight between Bond and the brilliant Stromberg. Classic James Bond and one of the best in the series.

    5. Licence to Kill (9/10) - The first mention of Timothy Dalton, and as you can probably tell I rank his performance and both of his films highly. John Glen directed both of his films and the previous three as well, and I would say his direction of FYEO and these two Dalton films were among the best we've seen. This film is dark, believable, gritty, and it really goes personal with Bond avenging Felix Leiter after the death of his wife. Whether its the hotness of Talisa Soto or the hard edged Bond girl of Carey Lowell, it delivers. Franz Sanchez is an excellent villain, and while some may say his plot of drug smuggling is bland, well his plot shouldn't even be the main point. It's Bond's personal revenge against that lunatic for what he has done - and it also delivers. Everyone acts superbly and my only negatives would be the cheap locations and score.

    4. From Russia With Love (9/10) - The crown jewel of the Sean Connery era. This was the first cold war thriller entry into the series and one of the best. The plot is suspenseful and done very well, all action scenes including the gypsy camp fight, train sequence and boat chase are excellent, the villains are SPECTRE with Blofeld out to kill bond for revenge on Dr No are superb, and the Bond girl remains to be one of the best in the series. I don't have any flaws, except that the Bond theme is overplayed and Connery isn't shown for a good 20 minutes.

    3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (9/10) - I love OHMSS, whether anyone thinks George Lazenby's performance was bad or otherwise. I still prefer him over Brosnan, and this movie is really the king of Bond in the 60's. It was well ahead of time, and pulls ahead of most other Bond movies for it's plot - which is both a love story, and a plot to destroy Blofeld for the second time following You Only Live Twice. My only gripe with the movie are the major plot holes between Bond and Blofeld recognizing him. I just take that down to Bond being in disguise, because even if Blofeld hasn't met Bond, it wouldn't make any sense because Bond didn't know Blofeld's name until YOLT where he formerly introduced himself to Bond. Diana Rigg is easily the best Bond girl of the entire series -well tied with Havelock from FYEO, the locations are beautiful and the score is up there as one of the best.

    2. The Living Daylights (9/10) - Holy Jesus, this film was yet another comeback to the series after Moore's last film which suffered from old age, and then we have Timothy Dalton in a film that feels a lot like FYEO. It's a cold war thriller entry, with the best performance from a Bond actor, an exceptional girl, a great suspenseful plot that builds and finally unleashes in Afghanistan, and some of the best action scenes in the series. This movie is a solid A, and only faulters with the plane scene on the ground/war scene near the end, and while the villains get a less than satisfactory send off, it's realistic. I also would have preferred Gogol to be the head of the KGB so that we could see the same guy who Bond has been up against since TSWLM, but whatever, it makes sense for Bond to have less trust in a new head of the KGB like it did here. Henchmen are excellent, and this is John Barry's best score.

    1. For Your Eyes Only (10/10) - My favourite film of the series. Do what OHMSS and TLD did, and you have a perfect film. This film goes back to basics after the outlandish MR, and Moore pulls off his best performance which is serious but hard edged. This film has it all for me, best score in the series done by Bill Conti, best action with the car and ski chases, the mountain climb scene, an excellent bond girl who may be my best in the series, and a suspenseful realistic plot. I love FYEO, and I don't see it ever losing the #1 position.
    1. FYEO 2. OHMSS 3. LTK 4. FRWL 5. TLD 6. TSWLM 7. AVTAK 8. GF 9. MR 10. TB 11. OP 12. SF 13. DN 14. SP 15. LALD 16. GE 17. CR 18. YOLT 19. TWINE 20. TMWTGG 21. NTTD 22. TND 23. QOS 24. NSNA 25. DAD 26. DAF 27. CR '67

    1. Dalton 2. Moore 3. Connery 4. Lazenby 5. Craig 6. Brosnan
  • FiremassFiremass AlaskaPosts: 1,910MI6 Agent
    The Spy Who Loved Me 10/10 This one has it all.
    Moonraker 10/10 Same formula as Spy, but even higher production values.
    Tomorrow Never Dies 10/10 Brosnan-era throwback to the above 2 films! Love it!
    Dr. No 10/10 The first 007 film is a stone cold classic right off the bat.
    Goldeneye 9/10 The film that got me into Bond.

    Goldfinger 9/10 Perfect example of a Bond film.
    The World is Not Enough 9/10 Brosnan era feels so classic now.
    A View to a Kill 8/10 Most underrated film in the series.
    Octopussy 8/10 Most entertaining film in the series, despite some bad humor.
    Quantum of Solace 8/10 Fast paced, no-nonsense, kickass Bond film. Craig is Fleming's Bond here.

    Licence to Kill 8/10 Hard edged. Pure 80's.
    Die Another Day 7/10 Actually quite an incredible film despite some truly awful moments.
    The Man with the Golden Gun 7/10 Harder edged Moore film with a cool, campy style.
    Thunderball 7/10 A bit clunky in parts, but still many classic 007 moments.
    The Living Daylights 6/10 First half is near perfect. Not a fan of the desert/Taliban second half.

    Live and Let Die 6/10 Another quirky one from Guy. Brought down a few marks by the overlong boat chase.
    Spectre 6/10 Loved it in the cinemas, but the plot with Blofeld is painfully bad.
    You Only Live Twice 5/10 Could have been a classic, but the second half drags. I'm surprised I don't like this film more.
    From Russia with Love 5/10 Boring. Full of plot holes.
    Casino Royale 5/10 Perhaps a good film, but not a good Bond film.

    Diamonds are Forever 4/10 The funniest Bond film, but also rather embarrassing.
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service 4/10 Worst PTS. Frustrating plot holes.
    For Your Eyes Only 4/10 Bibi Dahl worst supporting actress. Bill Conti worst score. Dated clothing and drab colors.
    Skyfall 0/10 Infuriating.
    My current 10 favorite:

    1. GE 2. MR 3. OP 4. TMWTGG 5. TSWLM 6. TND 7. TWINE 8.DN 9. GF 10. AVTAK
  • Revolver66Revolver66 Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 470MI6 Agent
    Wadsy wrote:
    This has always been a tough one for me to do, but I think I've finally found the ultimate ranking...

    24. Die Another Day (2/10) - Yeah... Besides the first half hour or so this movie is a complete train wreck. Nothing stands out as being good, except for what you see BEFORE Iceland. It really did have the makings of a good Bond movie, but like Moonraker, this one feels it needed to go way over the top in the second half, but unlike that film where it was superb, this one is just complete s*it.

    23. Quantum Of Solace (3/10) - This film was just unfortunate on so many levels. Everything about it felt underwhelming and uninspired compared to what we had seen in not only the previous film, but most of the entire series. A very 'B' grade movie feel to it, just rushed and directed with the thought of making a Bond movie and not the 'best' bond. Daniel Craig is awful here, directing sucked, villain was the worst of the series and the plot was terrible.

    22. Tomorrow Never Dies (4/10) - I am truly sorry for anyone who feels offended by this, but I just can't stand this film. In fact, I dislike it so much that even talking about it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. It's basically Goldeneye, but nowhere near as good in any capacity. The plot is outlandish and underwhelming, the villain is sloppy, the Bond girl is good but forgettable, Brosnan's performance is even worse here than in the previous film, and the locations are hideous. I'm not a fan, not now, not ever.

    21. Diamonds Are Forever (4/10) - It was hard deciding which to put higher between this and Tomorrow Never Dies. This film has an actor who only returned for a large sum of money, and it shows. Peter Hunt's beautiful direction in On Her Majesty's Secret Service was good for nothing for the douche bag known as Guy Hamilton who released this steaming pile of dong. Nothing is good about this movie, cheap boring locations - yup can't stand Las Vegas. Tiffany Case is a laughing joke, as was Wint and Mr. Kidd, Charles Gray is the worst Blofeld and cannot be taken seriously, the score sucks and many things are just hard to stomach. Most disappointingly was the fact that this should have been a sequel to Majesty's, boy was I wrong.

    20. You Only Live Twice (4/10) - It's hard ranking another Sean Connery movie so low, but this one suffers a lot from what I mentioned with Diamonds Are Forever. This was Connery's fifth performance as 007 and he just wasn't here, and the bond movies that seem to be affected the most are ones where the hero just doesn't give a care. The plot of this movie was somewhat lackluster compared with the first four Bond films, and while the first half had a lot going for it, the second half just blows. Aki was a good Bond girl, and was killed off in favour of a forgettable inclusion. The only good in this movie were the exotic locations and the first half, which is still flawed.

    19. The World Is Not Enough (5/10) - Sadly, another mediocre Bond film starring Pierce Brosnan. Boy he sure did get his nasty inclusions, and this one is passable, but on a deeply flawed level. I found this film rushed in many areas, particularly with Elecktra and Bond, the whole plot and also what is considered the worst Bond girl - Denise Richards which I completely agree with. I don't have much to say about TWINE, other than it's a weak forgettable entry, but still better than the ones I've ranked lower obviously.

    18. Moonraker (5/10) - This movie is one of the most ridiculous flicks of all time. Roger Moore is comfortable as Bond in his fourth portrayal and it clearly shows, the opening scene is among the best pre credits scenes, and while the movie starts slow during the California scenes, it quickly picks up in Venice and that trend continues into Rio and the amazon. It is an entertaining movie, but that does not make it a good film, as nothing makes sense as the producers expect us just to go along with it. Don't ask what happens when they get into space. The plot is confusing for the first two thirds of the movie and doesn't make anything clear, and why would MI6 randomly discover that the Moonraker hijacking was done by it's own creator? Evidence anyone? Most characters are down to comical relief, and it's over the top, campy and just terrible in comparison to TSWLM. This is the worst Roger Moore Bond movie... Yes folks, even more than TMWTGG which was my least favourite for years.

    17. The Man With The Golden Gun (6/10) - TMWTGG isn't a great film by any stretch of the imagination, even though I felt that while Scaramanga was one of Moore's best adversaries. His part was just used inefficiently, particularly in the climax and his poor death scene. Nick Nack was very annoying as a character, Britt Eckland, while gorgeous is completely useless, the locations were nothing special considering that Asia was the done to death in You Only Live Twice. It's campy as hell, Sheriff J W Pepper made this cringe-worthy, and the middle part was full of silly karate scenes and Bond's worst ally who drives off without him, because as 'DutchBondFan' states, Hip is a moron! 'M' is irritated the entire movie and it doesn't do half of what Live And Let Die did well, where you really felt a threat from the antagonists. It's not a bad film, but certainly one of Moore's weakest.

    16. Thunderball (7/10) - This movie has really gone up my list over the last few years. While it's not up with the quality of DN, FRWL and GF, it works on many levels. The only things that bring it down are the long underwater scenes and how badly some back projection has aged. The plot is very good with Spectre's third appearance in a Bond film, and while it is a bit slow in some places, I thoroughly enjoyed the fight scenes and various bond girls.

    15. Goldeneye (7/10) - Yeah, as you can probably already tell, I'm not a Pierce Brosnan fan. He is my least favourite actor of the six, but this is definitely his best film/performance. With the cold war over, this film is about a corrupt 00 agent who is now in league with the devil (not literally), and is out for revenge against James Bond and England for his own selfish reasons. While some people claim Alec is the best villain, I disagree feeling as if there was a missed opportunity. Whenever I watch this movie I feel disappointed that it was not Timothy Dalton, as this film felt made for him. The locations are good, though I wasn't a fan of the Russian segment due to the storyline, and the score is just OK. It's not a bad film, but a decent one with several missed opportunities.

    14. Skyfall (7/10) - This movie finally establishes Daniel Craig as James Bond, and he pulls off a wicked performance as the 00 agent. I really really wanted to like this one more, I mean really... but there are a lot of problems. First and foremost are it's plot holes, which are so many that I honestly had a hard time following what was going on a lot of the time. There is no Bond girl which really downgrades the overall quality of SF, and the main villain, while excellent in the bad guy department isn't introduced until half way in, making the first half quite dull in comparison. The second half of the movie is some of the best scenes I have seen in Bond and it was sad to see 'M' get killed off, but all of this could not pick the film enough for me to consider it a great flick.

    13. Live And Let Die (7/10) - Roger Moore's debut wasn't exactly the finest Bond film ever, but it gets the job done. I enjoyed his performance here, Jayne Seymour's performance and the villains along with David Hedison as Felix Leiter. The Caribbean Island scenes were fun to watch, as well as the crocodile farm scene and the boat chase. It is a bit silly in some areas and has a somewhat underwhelming final, but it's miles ahead of Moore's second film and is an entertaining watch.

    12. Casino Royale (8/10) - I never used to think highly of this movie, but after a recent viewing it has gone up in my rankings a lot. The movie itself is a reboot to the series which is more than fine, it hosts a lot of action scenes, suspense and it's also entertaining in parts. The plot makes a lot of sense, and it is fast paced and serious. Daniel Craig's performance is very good, even though he isn't my favourite Bond. What really lifts this movie up for me is La Chiffre, excellent storytelling and directing and it just shows that not every movie needs to have a good ending. To date, it is my second favourite Daniel Craig Bond film.

    11. Spectre (8/10) - One of the most underrated films in the series. SP is by far my favourite of the Daniel Craig films, as I felt that it perfectly blended the stories between the last three films and one epic rollercoaster with Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Bond, Madeline, and Mr. White. The British secret service continue to shine and I like the first half just as much as I like the second, and the action scenes are a superb inclusion to the series. It's suspenseful, exciting and enjoyable, with Craig pulling his best performance as well. My only gripe would be the the realism of Bond's relationship to Swan, but hey, Skyfall took us straight from Macau and forced an introduction to the villain without any real explanation.

    10. Octopussy (8/10) - I loved the 80's Bond films, and this is no exception. Roger Moore is starting to look a bit old at 55, but his character, suaveness and personality are still intact here, something I can't say for A View To A Kill. The plot is very much about the cold war, and these types of plots are ultimately my favourite in a Bond as they are not outlandish. Kamal Khan and Orlov are memorable villains, India was a top notch location and even Germany to a degree. It's only let down by overly silly moments like the tarzan yell and gorilla costume (clown never bothered me much). The climax isn't great, nor is the ending but overall - it is my third favourite Moore Bond film and it is memorable.

    9. Goldfinger (8/10) - A favourite to most, and I agree that it is an incredible film that illustrates the character of James Bond. It has a strong plot, a strong villain / henchmen and a decent score. It showcases Switzerland nicely, a beautiful Aston Martin DB5 belonging to James Bond and just a high quality film. It's only weakness is once they get to Kentucky, where the pace slows down and Kentucky was just a bland location in comparison. Some of the effects during the attack on Fort Knox are heavily dated, Galore was in no way a memorable Bond girl for me personally and Auric's death is pretty underwhelming, but overall it is a classic.

    8. Dr No (8/10) - While I don't often watch the original film as a random pick to pass time, the film itself is still one of the best in the series. It's beautifully directed, memorable and just a very fun factor. Sean Connery pulls off an awesome first performance as the 00 agent, the locations are peaceful, natural and very enjoyable, and the villain is great, despite not seeing him on screen that long. I guess DN is only brought down by the fact that the climax is rather bland compared to every other Bond film out there, but Bond girl is great as are the side characters. Great movie, definitely worth it.

    7. A View To A Kill (8/10) - I really enjoy and even love AVTAK, and I am not joking. I believe that this was the biggest missed opportunity for the series, for Timothy Dalton not to have started here. However, the movie itself is just so damn entertaining and enjoyable. It has the makings of a top grade bond film, such as best villain in the series with Walken and Grace Jones, terrific locations in France and San Francisco, and I honestly enjoyed Zorin's microchip plot here more than Goldfinger's, but all of that is only downgraded by two issues. The first and foremost is Roger Moore, who visibly aged since the last film and his performance, while good for someone his age shows that his charm is declining compared to previous films, but in some ways it's a good thing because he pulls in more of a serious performance this time as with FYEO. The second issue are the stunt doubles - in most films where they hide it, here it's too much as they are shown in Paris, and then with Gogol's double in San Fran. Had Timothy Dalton started here, this might have been my favourite of the series. With what it is, it is still up there despite it's flaws because it is a realistic, serious Bond film that actually makes more sense than a lot of the Roger Moore bond films thanks to director John Glen, the villain, action scenes and overall enjoyable factor.

    6. The Spy Who Loved Me (9/10) - Epic movie from start to finish. Roger Moore does one of his best performances here and it shows. Barbara Bach shines as the Bond girl, the opening scene is among the best of the series, score is very 70's but fantastic, the Lotus scene and chase is highly memorable, and then you have a lot of fun with Jaws. The only downside is once the film heads to the submarine and tanker just over half way in. It slows down but quickly picks up for the final fight between Bond and the brilliant Stromberg. Classic James Bond and one of the best in the series.

    5. Licence to Kill (9/10) - The first mention of Timothy Dalton, and as you can probably tell I rank his performance and both of his films highly. John Glen directed both of his films and the previous three as well, and I would say his direction of FYEO and these two Dalton films were among the best we've seen. This film is dark, believable, gritty, and it really goes personal with Bond avenging Felix Leiter after the death of his wife. Whether its the hotness of Talisa Soto or the hard edged Bond girl of Carey Lowell, it delivers. Franz Sanchez is an excellent villain, and while some may say his plot of drug smuggling is bland, well his plot shouldn't even be the main point. It's Bond's personal revenge against that lunatic for what he has done - and it also delivers. Everyone acts superbly and my only negatives would be the cheap locations and score.

    4. From Russia With Love (9/10) - The crown jewel of the Sean Connery era. This was the first cold war thriller entry into the series and one of the best. The plot is suspenseful and done very well, all action scenes including the gypsy camp fight, train sequence and boat chase are excellent, the villains are SPECTRE with Blofeld out to kill bond for revenge on Dr No are superb, and the Bond girl remains to be one of the best in the series. I don't have any flaws, except that the Bond theme is overplayed and Connery isn't shown for a good 20 minutes.

    3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (9/10) - I love OHMSS, whether anyone thinks George Lazenby's performance was bad or otherwise. I still prefer him over Brosnan, and this movie is really the king of Bond in the 60's. It was well ahead of time, and pulls ahead of most other Bond movies for it's plot - which is both a love story, and a plot to destroy Blofeld for the second time following You Only Live Twice. My only gripe with the movie are the major plot holes between Bond and Blofeld recognizing him. I just take that down to Bond being in disguise, because even if Blofeld hasn't met Bond, it wouldn't make any sense because Bond didn't know Blofeld's name until YOLT where he formerly introduced himself to Bond. Diana Rigg is easily the best Bond girl of the entire series -well tied with Havelock from FYEO, the locations are beautiful and the score is up there as one of the best.

    2. The Living Daylights (9/10) - Holy Jesus, this film was yet another comeback to the series after Moore's last film which suffered from old age, and then we have Timothy Dalton in a film that feels a lot like FYEO. It's a cold war thriller entry, with the best performance from a Bond actor, an exceptional girl, a great suspenseful plot that builds and finally unleashes in Afghanistan, and some of the best action scenes in the series. This movie is a solid A, and only faulters with the plane scene on the ground/war scene near the end, and while the villains get a less than satisfactory send off, it's realistic. I also would have preferred Gogol to be the head of the KGB so that we could see the same guy who Bond has been up against since TSWLM, but whatever, it makes sense for Bond to have less trust in a new head of the KGB like it did here. Henchmen are excellent, and this is John Barry's best score.

    1. For Your Eyes Only (10/10) - My favourite film of the series. Do what OHMSS and TLD did, and you have a perfect film. This film goes back to basics after the outlandish MR, and Moore pulls off his best performance which is serious but hard edged. This film has it all for me, best score in the series done by Bill Conti, best action with the car and ski chases, the mountain climb scene, an excellent bond girl who may be my best in the series, and a suspenseful realistic plot. I love FYEO, and I don't see it ever losing the #1 position.

    Great write up Wadsy. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it :) And an interesting ranking
  • Andi1996Andi1996 ZürichPosts: 50MI6 Agent
    I have seen all the movies once in spring, early summer. I have watched some of Roger's films a second time.
    My second Bondathon will happen during the next 30 days.

    My name's Bond. James Bond. - An unexpected honour, Mr Bond. Your reputation precedes you.
    (...the Top 5 won't change I think...)

    1 On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2 Dr. No
    3 Casino Royale
    4 Goldfinger
    5 You Only Live Twice

    Well, I must say, I've had a lovely evening. You? - Well, once again, the pleasure was all yours. You'll understand if I don't call.
    (...I most definitely will call...a great bunch of fantastic and enjoyable movies, some could go up 1 or down 1, we'll see...)

    6 The Spy Who Loved Me
    7 GoldenEye
    8 Diamonds Are Forever
    9 The Man With The Golden Gun
    10 Skyfall
    11 The World Is Not Enough
    12 Thunderball
    13 From Russia With Love

    Shaken or stirred? - Do I look like I give a damn?
    (...the middle section is definitely hardest to rank and films could go up or down several points, does it matter?...)

    14 Tomorrow Never Dies
    15 Moonraker
    16 Live And Let Die
    17 Die Another Day
    18 Spectre

    Who would pay a million dollars to have me killed? - Jealous husbands, outraged chefs, humiliated tailors. The list is endless.
    ( appears the 80s films do the least for me, maybe coincidence? Maybe not. But I still do like all of them a lot...)

    19 The Living Daylights
    20 For Your Eyes Only
    21 Never Say Never Again
    22 Octopussy
    23 A View To A Kill
    24 Licence To Kill

    Q, have I ever let you down? - Frequently.
    ( I wouldn't go that far but there is the one time I was tempted to turn the film off, what a disappointment this was after seeing the other movies....) I love 24 out of 25 movies, I have nothing to complain.

    25 Quantum Of Solace
    "It's always a pleasure to welcome someone with a mutual interest."
  • VesperMelogranoVesperMelograno The SouthPosts: 901MI6 Agent
    I see we do not have a new member of the Dalton fan club.
    I've always wanted to have Christmas in Turkey
  • Dirty PunkerDirty Punker ...Your Eyes Only, darling."Posts: 2,587MI6 Agent
    I see we do not have a new member of the Dalton fan club.
    One is never too old to learn from a master.
    How can you have "Dalton Rulez™" as a signature and only have him as No4 in your rankings? Or are you like me and you think that rankings don't matter?

    That's quite simple really. Timothy Dalton is my favourite Bond actor.

    That doesn't automatically mean TLD and LTK have to be No 1 and 2 in my ranking. But both are in my Top 10.
    a reasonable rate of return
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Dalton is like a fine wine, it takes a few years for his greatness to
    be appreciated :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Sterling ArcherSterling Archer Posts: 197MI6 Agent
    Dalton is like a fine wine, it takes a few years for his greatness to
    be appreciated :))

    That and reading the books help as he is the most accurate portrayal.
  • Andi1996Andi1996 ZürichPosts: 50MI6 Agent
    Well, the actor is great, I like all six of them. Nothing compares to Connery or Moore though.

    My ranking is less about the actors than the time they were made, you'll notice that all 60s Bond films are in my top 13 with 4 of my Top 5 being from the 60s.

    Three 70s films in my Top 10 and the other two on 15th and 16th. So the first 11 films are in my Top 16 if I count that right.
    "It's always a pleasure to welcome someone with a mutual interest."
  • VesperMelogranoVesperMelograno The SouthPosts: 901MI6 Agent
    Dalton is like a fine wine, it takes a few years for his greatness to
    be appreciated :))
    And he is getting progressively hotter.... Just saying....
    I've always wanted to have Christmas in Turkey
  • WadsyWadsy Auckland, New ZealandPosts: 412MI6 Agent
    Revolver66 wrote:
    Wadsy wrote:
    This has always been a tough one for me to do, but I think I've finally found the ultimate ranking...

    24. Die Another Day (2/10) - Yeah... Besides the first half hour or so this movie is a complete train wreck. Nothing stands out as being good, except for what you see BEFORE Iceland. It really did have the makings of a good Bond movie, but like Moonraker, this one feels it needed to go way over the top in the second half, but unlike that film where it was superb, this one is just complete s*it.

    23. Quantum Of Solace (3/10) - This film was just unfortunate on so many levels. Everything about it felt underwhelming and uninspired compared to what we had seen in not only the previous film, but most of the entire series. A very 'B' grade movie feel to it, just rushed and directed with the thought of making a Bond movie and not the 'best' bond. Daniel Craig is awful here, directing sucked, villain was the worst of the series and the plot was terrible.

    22. Tomorrow Never Dies (4/10) - I am truly sorry for anyone who feels offended by this, but I just can't stand this film. In fact, I dislike it so much that even talking about it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. It's basically Goldeneye, but nowhere near as good in any capacity. The plot is outlandish and underwhelming, the villain is sloppy, the Bond girl is good but forgettable, Brosnan's performance is even worse here than in the previous film, and the locations are hideous. I'm not a fan, not now, not ever.

    21. Diamonds Are Forever (4/10) - It was hard deciding which to put higher between this and Tomorrow Never Dies. This film has an actor who only returned for a large sum of money, and it shows. Peter Hunt's beautiful direction in On Her Majesty's Secret Service was good for nothing for the douche bag known as Guy Hamilton who released this steaming pile of dong. Nothing is good about this movie, cheap boring locations - yup can't stand Las Vegas. Tiffany Case is a laughing joke, as was Wint and Mr. Kidd, Charles Gray is the worst Blofeld and cannot be taken seriously, the score sucks and many things are just hard to stomach. Most disappointingly was the fact that this should have been a sequel to Majesty's, boy was I wrong.

    20. You Only Live Twice (4/10) - It's hard ranking another Sean Connery movie so low, but this one suffers a lot from what I mentioned with Diamonds Are Forever. This was Connery's fifth performance as 007 and he just wasn't here, and the bond movies that seem to be affected the most are ones where the hero just doesn't give a care. The plot of this movie was somewhat lackluster compared with the first four Bond films, and while the first half had a lot going for it, the second half just blows. Aki was a good Bond girl, and was killed off in favour of a forgettable inclusion. The only good in this movie were the exotic locations and the first half, which is still flawed.

    19. The World Is Not Enough (5/10) - Sadly, another mediocre Bond film starring Pierce Brosnan. Boy he sure did get his nasty inclusions, and this one is passable, but on a deeply flawed level. I found this film rushed in many areas, particularly with Elecktra and Bond, the whole plot and also what is considered the worst Bond girl - Denise Richards which I completely agree with. I don't have much to say about TWINE, other than it's a weak forgettable entry, but still better than the ones I've ranked lower obviously.

    18. Moonraker (5/10) - This movie is one of the most ridiculous flicks of all time. Roger Moore is comfortable as Bond in his fourth portrayal and it clearly shows, the opening scene is among the best pre credits scenes, and while the movie starts slow during the California scenes, it quickly picks up in Venice and that trend continues into Rio and the amazon. It is an entertaining movie, but that does not make it a good film, as nothing makes sense as the producers expect us just to go along with it. Don't ask what happens when they get into space. The plot is confusing for the first two thirds of the movie and doesn't make anything clear, and why would MI6 randomly discover that the Moonraker hijacking was done by it's own creator? Evidence anyone? Most characters are down to comical relief, and it's over the top, campy and just terrible in comparison to TSWLM. This is the worst Roger Moore Bond movie... Yes folks, even more than TMWTGG which was my least favourite for years.

    17. The Man With The Golden Gun (6/10) - TMWTGG isn't a great film by any stretch of the imagination, even though I felt that while Scaramanga was one of Moore's best adversaries. His part was just used inefficiently, particularly in the climax and his poor death scene. Nick Nack was very annoying as a character, Britt Eckland, while gorgeous is completely useless, the locations were nothing special considering that Asia was the done to death in You Only Live Twice. It's campy as hell, Sheriff J W Pepper made this cringe-worthy, and the middle part was full of silly karate scenes and Bond's worst ally who drives off without him, because as 'DutchBondFan' states, Hip is a moron! 'M' is irritated the entire movie and it doesn't do half of what Live And Let Die did well, where you really felt a threat from the antagonists. It's not a bad film, but certainly one of Moore's weakest.

    16. Thunderball (7/10) - This movie has really gone up my list over the last few years. While it's not up with the quality of DN, FRWL and GF, it works on many levels. The only things that bring it down are the long underwater scenes and how badly some back projection has aged. The plot is very good with Spectre's third appearance in a Bond film, and while it is a bit slow in some places, I thoroughly enjoyed the fight scenes and various bond girls.

    15. Goldeneye (7/10) - Yeah, as you can probably already tell, I'm not a Pierce Brosnan fan. He is my least favourite actor of the six, but this is definitely his best film/performance. With the cold war over, this film is about a corrupt 00 agent who is now in league with the devil (not literally), and is out for revenge against James Bond and England for his own selfish reasons. While some people claim Alec is the best villain, I disagree feeling as if there was a missed opportunity. Whenever I watch this movie I feel disappointed that it was not Timothy Dalton, as this film felt made for him. The locations are good, though I wasn't a fan of the Russian segment due to the storyline, and the score is just OK. It's not a bad film, but a decent one with several missed opportunities.

    14. Skyfall (7/10) - This movie finally establishes Daniel Craig as James Bond, and he pulls off a wicked performance as the 00 agent. I really really wanted to like this one more, I mean really... but there are a lot of problems. First and foremost are it's plot holes, which are so many that I honestly had a hard time following what was going on a lot of the time. There is no Bond girl which really downgrades the overall quality of SF, and the main villain, while excellent in the bad guy department isn't introduced until half way in, making the first half quite dull in comparison. The second half of the movie is some of the best scenes I have seen in Bond and it was sad to see 'M' get killed off, but all of this could not pick the film enough for me to consider it a great flick.

    13. Live And Let Die (7/10) - Roger Moore's debut wasn't exactly the finest Bond film ever, but it gets the job done. I enjoyed his performance here, Jayne Seymour's performance and the villains along with David Hedison as Felix Leiter. The Caribbean Island scenes were fun to watch, as well as the crocodile farm scene and the boat chase. It is a bit silly in some areas and has a somewhat underwhelming final, but it's miles ahead of Moore's second film and is an entertaining watch.

    12. Casino Royale (8/10) - I never used to think highly of this movie, but after a recent viewing it has gone up in my rankings a lot. The movie itself is a reboot to the series which is more than fine, it hosts a lot of action scenes, suspense and it's also entertaining in parts. The plot makes a lot of sense, and it is fast paced and serious. Daniel Craig's performance is very good, even though he isn't my favourite Bond. What really lifts this movie up for me is La Chiffre, excellent storytelling and directing and it just shows that not every movie needs to have a good ending. To date, it is my second favourite Daniel Craig Bond film.

    11. Spectre (8/10) - One of the most underrated films in the series. SP is by far my favourite of the Daniel Craig films, as I felt that it perfectly blended the stories between the last three films and one epic rollercoaster with Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Bond, Madeline, and Mr. White. The British secret service continue to shine and I like the first half just as much as I like the second, and the action scenes are a superb inclusion to the series. It's suspenseful, exciting and enjoyable, with Craig pulling his best performance as well. My only gripe would be the the realism of Bond's relationship to Swan, but hey, Skyfall took us straight from Macau and forced an introduction to the villain without any real explanation.

    10. Octopussy (8/10) - I loved the 80's Bond films, and this is no exception. Roger Moore is starting to look a bit old at 55, but his character, suaveness and personality are still intact here, something I can't say for A View To A Kill. The plot is very much about the cold war, and these types of plots are ultimately my favourite in a Bond as they are not outlandish. Kamal Khan and Orlov are memorable villains, India was a top notch location and even Germany to a degree. It's only let down by overly silly moments like the tarzan yell and gorilla costume (clown never bothered me much). The climax isn't great, nor is the ending but overall - it is my third favourite Moore Bond film and it is memorable.

    9. Goldfinger (8/10) - A favourite to most, and I agree that it is an incredible film that illustrates the character of James Bond. It has a strong plot, a strong villain / henchmen and a decent score. It showcases Switzerland nicely, a beautiful Aston Martin DB5 belonging to James Bond and just a high quality film. It's only weakness is once they get to Kentucky, where the pace slows down and Kentucky was just a bland location in comparison. Some of the effects during the attack on Fort Knox are heavily dated, Galore was in no way a memorable Bond girl for me personally and Auric's death is pretty underwhelming, but overall it is a classic.

    8. Dr No (8/10) - While I don't often watch the original film as a random pick to pass time, the film itself is still one of the best in the series. It's beautifully directed, memorable and just a very fun factor. Sean Connery pulls off an awesome first performance as the 00 agent, the locations are peaceful, natural and very enjoyable, and the villain is great, despite not seeing him on screen that long. I guess DN is only brought down by the fact that the climax is rather bland compared to every other Bond film out there, but Bond girl is great as are the side characters. Great movie, definitely worth it.

    7. A View To A Kill (8/10) - I really enjoy and even love AVTAK, and I am not joking. I believe that this was the biggest missed opportunity for the series, for Timothy Dalton not to have started here. However, the movie itself is just so damn entertaining and enjoyable. It has the makings of a top grade bond film, such as best villain in the series with Walken and Grace Jones, terrific locations in France and San Francisco, and I honestly enjoyed Zorin's microchip plot here more than Goldfinger's, but all of that is only downgraded by two issues. The first and foremost is Roger Moore, who visibly aged since the last film and his performance, while good for someone his age shows that his charm is declining compared to previous films, but in some ways it's a good thing because he pulls in more of a serious performance this time as with FYEO. The second issue are the stunt doubles - in most films where they hide it, here it's too much as they are shown in Paris, and then with Gogol's double in San Fran. Had Timothy Dalton started here, this might have been my favourite of the series. With what it is, it is still up there despite it's flaws because it is a realistic, serious Bond film that actually makes more sense than a lot of the Roger Moore bond films thanks to director John Glen, the villain, action scenes and overall enjoyable factor.

    6. The Spy Who Loved Me (9/10) - Epic movie from start to finish. Roger Moore does one of his best performances here and it shows. Barbara Bach shines as the Bond girl, the opening scene is among the best of the series, score is very 70's but fantastic, the Lotus scene and chase is highly memorable, and then you have a lot of fun with Jaws. The only downside is once the film heads to the submarine and tanker just over half way in. It slows down but quickly picks up for the final fight between Bond and the brilliant Stromberg. Classic James Bond and one of the best in the series.

    5. Licence to Kill (9/10) - The first mention of Timothy Dalton, and as you can probably tell I rank his performance and both of his films highly. John Glen directed both of his films and the previous three as well, and I would say his direction of FYEO and these two Dalton films were among the best we've seen. This film is dark, believable, gritty, and it really goes personal with Bond avenging Felix Leiter after the death of his wife. Whether its the hotness of Talisa Soto or the hard edged Bond girl of Carey Lowell, it delivers. Franz Sanchez is an excellent villain, and while some may say his plot of drug smuggling is bland, well his plot shouldn't even be the main point. It's Bond's personal revenge against that lunatic for what he has done - and it also delivers. Everyone acts superbly and my only negatives would be the cheap locations and score.

    4. From Russia With Love (9/10) - The crown jewel of the Sean Connery era. This was the first cold war thriller entry into the series and one of the best. The plot is suspenseful and done very well, all action scenes including the gypsy camp fight, train sequence and boat chase are excellent, the villains are SPECTRE with Blofeld out to kill bond for revenge on Dr No are superb, and the Bond girl remains to be one of the best in the series. I don't have any flaws, except that the Bond theme is overplayed and Connery isn't shown for a good 20 minutes.

    3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (9/10) - I love OHMSS, whether anyone thinks George Lazenby's performance was bad or otherwise. I still prefer him over Brosnan, and this movie is really the king of Bond in the 60's. It was well ahead of time, and pulls ahead of most other Bond movies for it's plot - which is both a love story, and a plot to destroy Blofeld for the second time following You Only Live Twice. My only gripe with the movie are the major plot holes between Bond and Blofeld recognizing him. I just take that down to Bond being in disguise, because even if Blofeld hasn't met Bond, it wouldn't make any sense because Bond didn't know Blofeld's name until YOLT where he formerly introduced himself to Bond. Diana Rigg is easily the best Bond girl of the entire series -well tied with Havelock from FYEO, the locations are beautiful and the score is up there as one of the best.

    2. The Living Daylights (9/10) - Holy Jesus, this film was yet another comeback to the series after Moore's last film which suffered from old age, and then we have Timothy Dalton in a film that feels a lot like FYEO. It's a cold war thriller entry, with the best performance from a Bond actor, an exceptional girl, a great suspenseful plot that builds and finally unleashes in Afghanistan, and some of the best action scenes in the series. This movie is a solid A, and only faulters with the plane scene on the ground/war scene near the end, and while the villains get a less than satisfactory send off, it's realistic. I also would have preferred Gogol to be the head of the KGB so that we could see the same guy who Bond has been up against since TSWLM, but whatever, it makes sense for Bond to have less trust in a new head of the KGB like it did here. Henchmen are excellent, and this is John Barry's best score.

    1. For Your Eyes Only (10/10) - My favourite film of the series. Do what OHMSS and TLD did, and you have a perfect film. This film goes back to basics after the outlandish MR, and Moore pulls off his best performance which is serious but hard edged. This film has it all for me, best score in the series done by Bill Conti, best action with the car and ski chases, the mountain climb scene, an excellent bond girl who may be my best in the series, and a suspenseful realistic plot. I love FYEO, and I don't see it ever losing the #1 position.

    Great write up Wadsy. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it :) And an interesting ranking

    I've seen a few of the Bond films recently again and I would have to say that Goldfinger and Licence To Kill have gone even higher on my rankings so I might have to do it again.
    1. FYEO 2. OHMSS 3. LTK 4. FRWL 5. TLD 6. TSWLM 7. AVTAK 8. GF 9. MR 10. TB 11. OP 12. SF 13. DN 14. SP 15. LALD 16. GE 17. CR 18. YOLT 19. TWINE 20. TMWTGG 21. NTTD 22. TND 23. QOS 24. NSNA 25. DAD 26. DAF 27. CR '67

    1. Dalton 2. Moore 3. Connery 4. Lazenby 5. Craig 6. Brosnan
  • WadsyWadsy Auckland, New ZealandPosts: 412MI6 Agent
    edited February 2018
    80's for me all the way.
    1. FYEO 2. OHMSS 3. LTK 4. FRWL 5. TLD 6. TSWLM 7. AVTAK 8. GF 9. MR 10. TB 11. OP 12. SF 13. DN 14. SP 15. LALD 16. GE 17. CR 18. YOLT 19. TWINE 20. TMWTGG 21. NTTD 22. TND 23. QOS 24. NSNA 25. DAD 26. DAF 27. CR '67

    1. Dalton 2. Moore 3. Connery 4. Lazenby 5. Craig 6. Brosnan
  • Mr_OsatoMr_Osato Posts: 398MI6 Agent
    1.OHMSS: This is still my favorite Bond movie. It is the most loyal one to the novel (which is one of Fleming's best) it has the best soundtrack, the best Bond girl, amazing scenery, a great villain. Lazenby is decent too and excels in the fight scenes and the end scene.

    2 FRWL: An excellent movie. Also very loyal to the novel. Connery in fine form. Kerim Bey is one of the best allies, the plot is simple, not over the top, it is a classic spy thriller. The third act is a bit less exciting, but overall a fantastic movie. I love Bond's outfits also, he looks so classy.

    3 DN: This movie has climbed higher over the last year or so. Especially on Blu Ray, it just looks amazing. Connery is immediately fantastic in the role, he looks amazing, his intro is cinema history. For a relative cheap movie, it has so many classic moments. Love this movie.

    4 GF: The defining Bond movie, which just breathes swinging 60's. It also oozes one thing: Fun. Connery is so confident and comfortable in the role of Bond, it is the best performance of any Bond actor. Frobe is terrific as Goldfinger too, the soundtrack is pure class, the colors of the movie is amazing. The only thing that brings it down is that Bond itself doesn't really do that much, strangely enough.

    5 CR: Great reboot. I still think Craig is to ugly to be Bond and misses the class and sophistication that is required for a Bond movie, but he does ooze danger and looks like a killer. Loyal to the book, with additional great scenes like the free running scene, the airport scene etc.

    6 GE: My most watched Bond movie from my youth. Brosnan looks like a Bond actor supposed to. Suave, handsome, sophisticated but with a bit of danger. Onatopp is a great villainess, although I thought Trevelyan was a bit bland. As was Natalya. But great colours, production values and brought back Bond back to the world audience.

    7 SP: Yep, I like Spectre. Finally a bit more classic Bond back now during the Craig era. A bit more humor and some gadgets, without overloading it. Definitely has flaws and I can already see this movie dropping soon a few places though.

    8 YOLT: My guilty pleasure Bond. I love Japan (hence the name) and this movie is one of my most watched ones. Love the scenery obviously, the soundtrack, the sets from Ken Adam, Tiger Tanaka, Aki. Connery is the weak part of the movie, because he is phoning it in. But still, one of the movies I enjoy the most.

    9 TB: Maybe this one is still too high. I do enjoy it, but it feels over long. Some scenes really drag on. But I love the
    ,plot, the locations, the music, Largo, the Spectre meeting room, and the sexiness of Thunderball as a movie.

    10 TSWLM: The Goldfinger of the 70's. has almost all the Bond elements, except for a Barry soundtrack and a real memorable villain. But it is Moore at his very best. Should maybe move higher. Anya is my favourite Bond girl lookswise.

    11 LALD: This one has a very consistent high tempo. It just never stops, it is like a bullet. One of the most fun movies, with some classic scenes like the alligator jump, the boat chase.

    12 TLD: The first half of this movie is flawless. It becomes a lot less interesting for me when they arrive in Afghanistan. and the villains are among the most bland ones, as well as the Bond girl. Dalton does well though and brings back some new energy to the series.

    13 TND: Brosnan's second best. Love the Arnold soundtrack. But it is probably the most generic Bond movie. It touches upon all the Bond elements, without ever really excelling. Hence maybe the middle of the ranking. I see this one dropping over time though.

    14 FYEO: A solid movie, Bond back to basic. Has very strong elements, but it does lack a strong villain. Bibi Dahl and the end scene with Thatcher brings it down. But I might be a bit too harsh for this movie. It was nice to see Moore play it straight for most of the movie.

    15 SF: I know, this one is quite low, but I am not a big fan of this movie. Silva is great, some of the locations are great too, but I am missing the 'fun' of the Bond movies with some of Craig's work.

    16 MR: A mixed bag. Still very enjoyable, but with a bit too much slapstick with some hits and also a lot of misses: Jaws is **** in this movie, the pigeon double take, the laser fight in space. Drax is great though!

    17 TMWTGG: I like Asia a lot but maybe this movie is still too high. Scaramanga is a fantastic villain, the locations are amazing and the plot is quite interesting. A little bit too much kung fu though and Goodnight is a rubbish Bond girl (but easy on the eyes.)

    18 TWINE: I like Brosnan in this performance. I like Electra. I dislike Christmas Jones and Renard though. And the locations are the worst of the series, even the ski chase is boring. I see it as a missed opportunity, because Brosnan deserved better in

    19 OP: I see why some people really like it. The colours are great, and I still enjoy this one too. It is just a bit boring at the end and some areas are cringe worthy: the monkey suit, the tarzan yell, the clown suit, the stereotype Germans in the car chase. But it does have strong elements too: Octopussy is a great Bond girl, Khamal Khan is fantastic.

    20 AVTAK: Also still enjoy it, one of the most watched movies in my youth. But Moore is really too old now for the role, as are most of the traditional cast. Walken is great though, but the Bond girl Roberts is one of the worst. Love Grace Jones though, she is awesome.

    21 DAF: This is the missed opportunity Bond after the great OHMSS. Blofeld in drag, Tiffany Case started strong but ended as a bimbo. Soundtrack is great though. But Connery is past his prime, and Vegas is the least Bond like location.

    22 LTK: I see this as a cheap TV action movie, very much like Miami Vice. Great series, but it doesnt feel like a Bond movie. It all looks so cheap and dated.

    23 QOS: Boring plot and villain. Craig did well and looked great, but this movie looks to artsy for a Bond movie and like a Bourne rip off.

    24 DAD: a Train wreck. the first hour was actually quite good/decent. But then it fell apart and then some and became a XXX rip off with terrible effects. Poor Haley berry was terrible and poor Brosnan never got a really great Bond movie to shine in.

    1. Connery 2. Craig 3. Brosnan 4. Dalton 5. Lazenby 6. Moore
  • MIMI Posts: 11MI6 Agent
    I haven't been active here very long. Though I have been reading the forum for some time.
    Perhaps if I note my ranking of the Bond movies it will give you a better understanding of how I enjoy the series.

    24. Die Another Day
    23. Tomorrow Never Dies
    22. Spectre
    21. The World Is Not Enough
    20. A View To A Kill
    19. Moonraker
    18. Skyfall
    17. The Man With The Golden Gun
    16. Diamonds Are Forever
    15. Goldeneye
    14. Octopussy
    13. You Only Live Twice
    12. Licence To Kill
    11. Quantum Of Solace
    10. The Living Daylights
    09. For Your Eyes Only
    08. Casino Royale
    07. Live And Let Die
    06. The Spy Who Loved Me
    05. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    04. Thunderball
    03. Dr.No
    02. From Russia With Love
    01. Goldfinger
  • RagalElMostaheelRagalElMostaheel Cairo, EgyptPosts: 11MI6 Agent
    1. From Russia with Love
    2. The Spy Who Loved Me
    3. Casino Royale
    4. Goldfinger
    5. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    6. GoldenEye
    7. You Only Live Twice
    8. Dr. No
    9. For Your Eyes Only
    10. Licence to Kill
    11. Thunderball
    12. Skyfall
    13. Live and Let Die
    14. Octopussy
    15. The Living Daylights
    16. Tomorrow Never Dies
    17. Moonraker
    18. The Man with the Golden Gun
    19. A View to a Kill
    20. The World is Not Enough
    21. Diamonds Are Forever
    22. Spectre
    23(1). Die Another Day
    23(2).Quantum of Solace
  • FiremassFiremass AlaskaPosts: 1,910MI6 Agent
    17. Moonraker
    18. The Man with the Golden Gun
    19. A View to a Kill

    The trilogy of RM films that people don't seem to like, but are actually awesome. :D
    My current 10 favorite:

    1. GE 2. MR 3. OP 4. TMWTGG 5. TSWLM 6. TND 7. TWINE 8.DN 9. GF 10. AVTAK
  • FiremassFiremass AlaskaPosts: 1,910MI6 Agent
    There are many films that have rotated in and out of my top rankings and that's just part of the fun :)

    What you know from my signature:

    1. MR 2. GE 3. TSWLM 4. DN 5. GF 6. TND 7. TMWTGG 8. OP 9. TWINE 10. AVTAK

    The rest:

    11. LTK
    12. TLD
    13. TB
    14. FRWL
    15. LALD

    16. DAD
    17. YOLT
    18. DAF
    19. QoS
    20. CR

    21. SP
    22. FYEO
    23. OHMSS
    24. SF
    My current 10 favorite:

    1. GE 2. MR 3. OP 4. TMWTGG 5. TSWLM 6. TND 7. TWINE 8.DN 9. GF 10. AVTAK
  • ShatterfangShatterfang Posts: 538MI6 Agent
    edited December 2020
    27. Spectre
    26. '67 Casino Royale
    25. Diamonds are Forever

    24. Die Another Day
    23. Tomorrow Never Dies
    22. Quantum of Solace

    21. The Man with the Golden Gun
    20. A View to a Kill
    19. Climax Casino Royale

    18. The World is Not Enough
    17. Never Say Never Again
    16. Skyfall

    15. Moonraker
    14. License to Kill
    13. You Only Live Twice

    12. Goldeneye
    11. Octopussy
    10. The Living Daylights
    09. Thunderball

    08. Live and Let Die
    07. Dr. No
    06. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    05. Casino Royale

    04. Goldfinger
    03. From Russia with Love
    02. The Spy who Loved Me
    01. For Your Eyes Only
  • RemingtonRemington CAPosts: 239MI6 Agent
    Final ranking until No Time to Die arrives.

    1. GoldenEye
    2. Licence to Kill
    3. The Living Daylights
    4. Casino Royale
    5. Quantum of Solace
    6. Thunderball
    7. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    8. Dr. No
    9. From Russia with Love
    10. Goldfinger
    11. For Your Eyes Only
    12. Live and Let Die
    13. Tomorrow Never Dies
    14. Die Another Day
    15. The World Is Not Enough
    16. Octopussy
    17. Diamonds Are Forever
    18. The Spy Who Loved Me
    19. Moonraker
    20. A View to a Kill
    21. Skyfall
    22. You Only Live Twice
    23. The Man with the Golden Gun


    24. Spectre
    1. Connery 2. Moore 3. Dalton 4. Brosnan 5. Craig 6. Lazenby
  • ShatterfangShatterfang Posts: 538MI6 Agent
    Interesting list. I definitely agree with the large gap.
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