Let's see your non James Bond collection



  • The CatThe Cat Where Blofeld is!Posts: 711MI6 Agent
    edited May 2006
    Batman Forever was the first Batman and enjoyed it immensly, but rewatching it now on DVD, it kinda failed the test of time.

    Kilmer was great IMO and his performance is vastly underrated and Nicole Kidman is the hottest Batman babe out there. I'm kinda on the fence with her because she sometimes look like a godess and sometimes like a plastic surgery survivor, but she was absolutely gorgeous here, making it her best appearance (alongside with To Die For). And Chris O'Donnell wasn't as irritating as in B&R... And I even forgive the nippled suit, the pointless crotch-and-butt-shots and even the Batmobile which was shaped like a novelty condom (still better than BB's dune buggy :p ).

    But the problems are with the villains, who failed to impress me now. Now I know I'm making unfair comparisions with the absolutely fabulous animated series, but there was not a single scene where Carrey could convince me that Nygma is not mentally handicapped. Edward should be a frikkin' genius and so should his traps. Here's the unfair comparision - there was an episode of the AS which was basically Batman solving one riddle after another until he saved Comissioner Gordon... or something like that. And my, THOSE riddles were clever! That Riddler ruled. This one makes crummy cut-outs with riddles stolen from children books... And what's with all the prancing, the make-up and the flaming red hair? The little wooden dummy was more riddleresque... But I'd be okay with even that, since at least had a PLAN - none of the Burton villains had any plans or great schemes.(Seriously Joker, what's your biggest crime? Handing out free money?).

    The real disappointment of the re-watch was Tommy Lee Jones' Two-Face. As a child, he scared the bejesus out of me. I mean he is truly horryifying, but I've made the crucial mistake of learning more about Harvey Dent. Okay, I swear I'm going to take it up the last time here, but the animated series's Two-Face was my fav villain, just for the pure fun of watching him arguing with himself, and how sometimes his good side prevented his bad side from evil-doing. But there's no evidence of this in Batman Forever, Harvey is just bad to the bone. There's one scene in particular that irritated me on rewatch. When Nygma and Two-Face attack Wayne's manor, Harvey sits in one of the rooms and flips his coin to make a decision about what to do with the people inside. And he flips his coin almost a dozen times because he is unsatisfied with the result (naturally, he doesn't like that the unscarred half is the winner). Harvey should always flip his coin once and obey it, no matter what's the result, that''s what makes HIM Two-Face. It looked extremely lame considering that the movie opened with a lengthy speech about the power of the coin.

    But to add a + for my re-watch, I finally discovered Elliot Goldenthal's magnificent score. I'll let you all into my dirty little secret - this is my fav Batman soundtrack, simply because it's so well-assembled, complex and FUN! (In my official review series I said it's Batman, but I'd be locked inside Arkham if I had admitted this). Goldenthal borrows from every source possible (yes, EVEN Bond music) and it's not straight-forward action music - it's experimental dance music. Magnificent, over the top stuff here. And justifies more rewatches. :)
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited May 2006
    The villains of Batman Forever were definitely a disappointment. Tommy Lee Jones completely misjudged the character, turning him into something of a Joker wannabe and Jim Carrey hammed it up too much in a lot of his scenes (as he did in all his movies back then, it was pretty much expected of him).

    But in fairness to the filmmakers and Schumacher (who I enjoy bashing as much as the next guy) I suspect a lot of that was studio pressure to make a more "family friendly" Batman movie after the utterly bleak Batman Returns (I remember reading how children had nightmares after watching that one). By 1995 sustaining the "franchise" was the number one priority and any artistic integrity was secondary at best.

    Batman Forever is far from a perfect film, but it is still very entertaining and could have been so much worse (just watch Batman & Robin). Again, I'd urge you guys to check out the deleted scenes on the new DVD release, they would have really added a lot to the movie if they had been included.
  • The CatThe Cat Where Blofeld is!Posts: 711MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    But in fairness to the filmmakers and Schumacher (who I enjoy bashing as much as the next guy)

    I've already forgiven Schumacher. Unlike some other Hollywood hired guns, he has some good movies to his credit, and he IS a gentleman. Watch B&R with audio commentary and count how many times he apologizes and he takes FULL responsibility for his decisions. He has admitted his mistakes, he publically apologized (I'd have preferred a personal phonecall, I we can't have evertyhing), so I've forgiven him Batman & Robin.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    The Cat wrote:
    TonyDP wrote:
    But in fairness to the filmmakers and Schumacher (who I enjoy bashing as much as the next guy)

    I've already forgiven Schumacher. Unlike some other Hollywood hired guns, he has some good movies to his credit, and he IS a gentleman. Watch B&R with audio commentary and count how many times he apologizes and he takes FULL responsibility for his decisions. He has admitted his mistakes, he publically apologized (I'd have preferred a personal phonecall, I we can't have evertyhing), so I've forgiven him Batman & Robin.

    You know, I bought the 4 DVD package but I still haven't been able to bring myself to watch that one. I want to hear him eat crow, but every time I think of that damn Bat Credit Card scene I get weak in the knees.
  • The CatThe Cat Where Blofeld is!Posts: 711MI6 Agent
    I think he makes an apology at the end of the documentary too. I'm afraid one of the apology highlight of the audio commentary is during the BatCard scene, so beware of that. But B&R is quite an experience with commentary, sort of having a safety net - Joel is so casual about commenting on his turkey, that you're waiting for Crow T. Robot or Tom Servo to make a few riffs from the back aisles.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    The Cat wrote:
    I think he makes an apology at the end of the documentary too. I'm afraid one of the apology highlight of the audio commentary is during the BatCard scene, so beware of that. But B&R is quite an experience with commentary, sort of having a safety net - Joel is so casual about commenting on his turkey, that you're waiting for Crow T. Robot or Tom Servo to make a few riffs from the back aisles.

    :)) :)) :)) I'll have to try to watch it this weekend. Hopefully it won't make me go running into the street screaming "The end is near!!!" like it did the last time I saw it.

    WG, sorry to hear you hated Batman and Batman Returns so much. I actually enjoyed Batman primarily for the look of the film. The plot was very flimsy and Nicholson did basically hijack the movie but just seeing Gotham City, the Batmobile, and a serious treatment of the Dark Knight was enough to win me over. Batman Returns went too dark for my tastes and took too many liberties with the source material (especially with Penguin and Catwoman). The movie was downright depressing and I didn't find it as "expansive" as the first film, if that makes any sense.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    The Cat wrote:
    I think he makes an apology at the end of the documentary too. I'm afraid one of the apology highlight of the audio commentary is during the BatCard scene, so beware of that. But B&R is quite an experience with commentary, sort of having a safety net - Joel is so casual about commenting on his turkey, that you're waiting for Crow T. Robot or Tom Servo to make a few riffs from the back aisles.

    :)) :)) :)) I'll have to try to watch it this weekend. Hopefully it won't make me go running into the street screaming "The end is near!!!" like it did the last time I saw it.

    WG, sorry to hear you hated Batman and Batman Returns so much. I actually enjoyed Batman primarily for the look of the film. The plot was very flimsy and Nicholson did basically hijack the movie but just seeing Gotham City, the Batmobile, and a serious treatment of the Dark Knight was enough to win me over. Batman Returns went too dark for my tastes and took too many liberties with the source material (especially with Penguin and Catwoman). The movie was downright depressing and I didn't find it as "expansive" as the first film, if that makes any sense.

    I agree on both points, Tony.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited May 2006
    TonyDP wrote:
    The Cat wrote:
    I think he makes an apology at the end of the documentary too. I'm afraid one of the apology highlight of the audio commentary is during the BatCard scene, so beware of that. But B&R is quite an experience with commentary, sort of having a safety net - Joel is so casual about commenting on his turkey, that you're waiting for Crow T. Robot or Tom Servo to make a few riffs from the back aisles.

    :)) :)) :)) I'll have to try to watch it this weekend. Hopefully it won't make me go running into the street screaming "The end is near!!!" like it did the last time I saw it.

    WG, sorry to hear you hated Batman and Batman Returns so much. I actually enjoyed Batman primarily for the look of the film. The plot was very flimsy and Nicholson did basically hijack the movie but just seeing Gotham City, the Batmobile, and a serious treatment of the Dark Knight was enough to win me over. Batman Returns went too dark for my tastes and took too many liberties with the source material (especially with Penguin and Catwoman). The movie was downright depressing and I didn't find it as "expansive" as the first film, if that makes any sense.

    That makes plenty of sense.BR is a dark depressing motion picture in which neither The Penguin or Catwoman are depicted in a manner comparable to their initial incarnations.It's a waste of 2 good actors.The movie says more about Burton than it does about Batman.And Keaton is absolutely wrong and entirely out of his depth as Batman.He tries,but he's miscast.I remember reading an interview with Burton from around the time he was making Batman.He said that he loathed the character and had cast Keaton primarily because he wanted to have a friend with him while shooting in England.Not the right reason in my book.And when Nicholson signed on the movie became The Joker--a character Burton favored over all of the others.I generally like Jack but it's a very hammy performance.IMO The role of The Joker needed someone along the lines of a young John Glover or James Woods.Somebody who could not only look like the character(long thin face,slim body)but also bring a real air of menace to the role.A real son of a b!tch--not another Gene Hackman Lex Luthor.Here was a missed opportunity--a chance to create a fearsome villain.Cesar Romero was more imposing than Jack.

    Looking back,lanky Jim Carrey could've pulled it off.He can do evil as well as anyone.

    Of course,the final screenplay(as filmed)didn't help matters.Joker deserved a better death--something suggesting that he might've survived.

    Batman Returns was extensively revised by Burton from one of Hamm's drafts.Batman's role was reduced considerably and the monstrous version of Penguin enlarged.And there was no logic to Selena Kyle's transformation into the Catwoman.

    I think there were too many villains in the Batman films that followed the 1989 production.Look at how crowded Batman and Robin is--bad guys everywhere.I think only Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy works.The governor of my state was all wrong as Mr.Freeze.Robin Williams was okay,but it looked like the villains were competing with each other to see how far they could send the (lousy) material up.And the Clooney Batman--who at least resembled the generally agreed upon image of Bruce Wayne,was lost in the shuffle.And then there's Batgirl!Enough already...

    I DID like the dark retro/futuristic depiction of Gotham City in the 1989 film.And I like Elfman's score.I like Michael Gough's Alfred.I like Kim Basinger's Vicky Vale(even if she looks more like Silver St.Cloud).I like Nicole's Chase Meridian and Elle's Julie Madison.I like the Batmobile in the 1989 film.That's about it.

    And after seeing Dark City I've wondered what a Batman(or Watchmen or Spirit) film directed by Alex Proyas might look like.

    I understand that these movies were aimed at family audiences and that the main goal was really to sell toys.Both Burton and Schumacher have been very candid about this.Warners didn't trust the material or subject matter for anything resembling a relatively faithful interpretation of Batman.But they could see Batman toys flying off the shelves.And they did.Just like the earlier time when Adam West was playing Batman on TV.And Frank Miller's Batman-the Dark Knight Returns also informed the look of the film.

    I don't hate these movies,Rogue and Tony--they are what they are.I still remember seeing the first episode of the Batman TV series.I liked the show but I always hoped there would one day be a more serious interpretation of Batman.It wouldn't have to be too dark--just something that'd hark back to the character as he'd originally been depicted--the modern day Zorro crossed with Dick Tracy's gadgetry and the mind rivaling that of Sherlock Holmes.See?I don't expect much.The animated series did this.

    Until Batman Begins came along,the best Batman movie I'd ever seen was the 1940 production of The Mark of Zorro.Also the Spy Smasher and Zorro's Fighting Legion serials.It's all in the casting and it's certainly in the writing.Someone once said that a garbage can from Tiffany's is still a garbage can--and that's how I feel about Batman,Batman Returns and especially Batman and Robin.They might look nice on the outside but they're empty and cynical.

    Wow.I'm getting a little too serious here.And this is starting to look like a lecture.Sorry about that(as Agent 86 would say),but I like my comics and I like movies and I always hope for the best.Like you,I'm mainly a DC fan and although there've been some great comics based films recently,it's been a source of frustration to see so many other comics adaptations torpedoed from within by people who just didn't give a damn about their source material..

    Now that's what I call ending on a high note...:v
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited October 2006
    This thread has been very quiet, so I thought I'd post a pic of the Sideshow Star Wars 12" figures that I've been slowly acquiring: 5 Jedi Scum, 1 Scoundrel, and 1 Chosen One.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Awesome! I've got Bespin Han and Obi-Wan, as well as Sith Eyes Anakin.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Awesome! I've got Bespin Han and Obi-Wan, as well as Sith Eyes Anakin.

    Thanks Night; I'm partial to Qui Gonn ... they really did a good job on his nose. :))
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    I would've liked to get Qui Gonn, but the way his hair was connected to his head looked very weird to me, and totally threw off his otherwise great likeness. I can't wait for an Episode I and II Kenobi, although I'm not sure they'll ever happen. I'm a big Ewan's Kenobi fan.

    How do you like the Luke? I'm thinking of getting him, but I've heard mixed things.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited October 2006
    I would've liked to get Qui Gonn, but the way his hair was connected to his head looked very weird to me, and totally threw off his otherwise great likeness. I can't wait for an Episode I and II Kenobi, although I'm not sure they'll ever happen. I'm a big Ewan's Kenobi fan.

    I think they were trying to mimic the braided hair on Qui Gonn; it didn't bother me but luckily the Jedi Robe covers any aesthetic issues.

    I don't think they'll be doing alternate versions of the characters any time soon. The most recent announcements were for anonymous rebels of all things. I'm hoping they'll do a good 12" Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.

    I'm also a Ewan McGregor fan; he was probably the best actor in the prequels IMHO (well, him and Palpatine).
    How do you like the Luke? I'm thinking of getting him, but I've heard mixed things.

    I think it's a servicable sculpt, but not the best in the line; the mouth is a bit odd. It was the first one they made and I think the later figures have better likenesses. Here's a link to another photo of the one I have:

  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    I can't wait for Boba or Jango Fett. I'm not a huge Boba fan, I like Jango better, but Hasbro already made a Jango, so we'll more likely see a Boba.

    The Endor troopers are not interesting to me. The only nondescript troopers I want are Ep 3 clones and Stormtroopers.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    This thread has been very quiet, so I thought I'd post a pic of the Sideshow Star Wars 12" figures that I've been slowly acquiring: 5 Jedi Scum, 1 Scoundrel, and 1 Chosen One.

    To imitate my best James Earl Jones...

    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Thanks ohmss; I actually didn't collect any Star Wars stuff until very recently (only the past 3 or 4 years). I have been acquiring some stuff from Episodes IV-VI (mostly lightsabers and busts).

    By the way, as a longtime Ghostbusters fan, I LOVE your Mr. Stay Puft.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    I added a few new items to the collection and I thought I'd share (click on any picture for a larger version):

    My Iron Man pieces, including a very cool metal helmet done in 1/2 scale:

    A couple of mini-busts from Batman Begins (complete with oddly shaped cowl) and Superman Returns:

    The Chewbacca and Han Solo mini-busts as well as Han Solo's blaster done at .33 scale:
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Haven't taken pictures, but I just received Sideshow's Darth Maul, which is actually fantastic. I love it! It is spot on.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Haven't taken pictures, but I just received Sideshow's Darth Maul, which is actually fantastic. I love it! It is spot on.

    Night, how does it look? Any chance you can post a pic? One of the comics shops in my area will probably have it by the weekend and I'm seriously thinking about picking it up.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    It looks fantasitc. Exactly like it does on the website, too. http://www.sideshowtoy.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?item=21151
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    It looks fantasitc. Exactly like it does on the website, too. http://www.sideshowtoy.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?item=21151

    Looks like I'll be going to the dark side. Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy!!!!
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    It is definitely the best SW fig I own. I own Evil Eyes Ani, Obi Wan, and Han.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    A couple of mini-busts from Batman Begins (complete with oddly shaped cowl) and Superman Returns:

    Could you push the figure on the right of the picture a little more to the right? It's killing the imagery. :D

    Like I've said before, Tony. Charge admission for this fantastic display you have.

    Do you own any large cut-outs like one may see in a theatre lobby?
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited December 2006
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Could you push the figure on the right of the picture a little more to the right? It's killing the imagery. :D

    Like I've said before, Tony. Charge admission for this fantastic display you have.

    Do you own any large cut-outs like one may see in a theatre lobby?

    At least they didn't make a bust of little Jason. :p As I said before, I know Superman Returns wasn't much of a film (especially when viewed next to Superman I and Donner's Superman II) but I have nothing against Routh and don't mind having him in the collection. Too bad nobody ever made a decent statue of Reeve as Superman; I've seen some fan made stuff but the likeness is always lacking.

    No cardboard cutouts, I'm afraid; they're way too big and I try to stay away from paper items.

    The Iron Man mini helmet has become one of my favorite pieces. All the talk on these boards about the upcoming movie got me stoked and I decided to grab it. Its hard to tell from the picture, but the thing is all metal and they caught they colors perfectly; it really looks like the helment from the 1970's era; and it's nice and heavy too.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited December 2006
    That IM figure does look very George Tuska/Gene Colan. That will remain my favorite costume designs of the hero.

    I think for the film that will go very intricate and not as simplistic as this classic look.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Pierce Brosnan335Pierce Brosnan335 Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    edited December 2006
    I have some batmann stuff but jeeze, it doesn't compare to that. I'm going to see if I can get a picture of My Elvis Collection to put up. Thats probably my best non-bond collection.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    I have some batmann stuff but jeeze, it doesn't compare to that. I'm going to see if I can get a picture of My Elvis Collection to put up. Thats probably my best non-bond collection.

    Go for it PB; I'm sure there are a lot of Elvis fans on the site (I'll even admit to owning a few CD's and DVD's of the King) and I'd love to see what you've got.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Hey guys, just thought I'd say that I've just ordered this: http://www.spawn.com/news/images/medicom_12spawn_photo_01_dp.jpg

    Pre-ordered actually, the release date is March. But it looks incredible! I haven't read any of the Spawn comics but I always thought he was one of the coolest looking superheroes ever.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Hey guys, just thought I'd say that I've just ordered this: http://www.spawn.com/news/images/medicom_12spawn_photo_01_dp.jpg

    Pre-ordered actually, the release date is March. But it looks incredible! I haven't read any of the Spawn comics but I always thought he was one of the coolest looking superheroes ever.

    I used to read Spawn when it first came out; I think I even have 1st editions of issues #1 - #6 somewhere. Haven't read the book in ages though. You're amassing quite the action figure collection ( and remember, they're not "dolls" ;) ). I want to see some pics.
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