Craig's workout



  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    Hello, highhopesh.

    My name'sh Sean. Could you pleash e-mail Daniel Craig'sh workout to


    :)) Cute. Something about those bodybuilding poses just crack me up. Thanks, MNL
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    If anyone else wants this, please just go ahead and send your email to High Hopes via personal message.

    Thanks. -{
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    if anyone's interested this months FHM is running a competition with subway to win a personal training session with Simon Waterson Daniel's trainer, and a stay at a five star hotel

    check out subways site for more info apparently
  • anshyaanshya Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Highhopes, a late request but not too late i hope! please email the workout on:
  • Apocrypha23Apocrypha23 Posts: 177MI6 Agent
    I bought a used copy of Waterson's book, "The Commando Workout" on Amazon and am finishing up the 28 day program this week. It's intense! The first week acclimates you to the type of lifting you'll be doing, the second and third focus on muscle building and the last on high-level cardio to burn fat. I don't drip as much sweat on the morning runs as I did during the evening cardio/weight workout. Highly recommended!
  • AsossAsoss Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    I'd really appreciate it if you could send me the Daniel Craig workout to
  • ZoKuZoKu Posts: 6MI6 Agent
    edited February 2010
    Can you send me the Daniel Craig's workout to my mail adress please.
  • kevin84kevin84 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    can you email me daniel craigs workout please
  • VW2006VW2006 Posts: 47MI6 Agent
    Ok, I'm joining the crowd. If the workout could be emailed to me too I would appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance!
  • harrisonlaxharrisonlax Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Hello, highhopesh.

    My name's Eroc. Could you pleash e-mail Daniel Craig'sh workout to
  • on_and_onon_and_on Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Hi could you please email me Daniel Craig's workout
  • bakerbaker The moonPosts: 1MI6 Agent
    edited July 2020
  • beefcakehbeefcakeh Posts: 2MI6 Agent

    could I please have a copy of the workout too?

    thanks a lot!
  • DeltaEliteDeltaElite Posts: 14MI6 Agent
    Could the first poster or one of the people who got the workout sheet send it to me,
  • Dracos_OculistDracos_Oculist Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    Can someone send me Goldfingers salad dodging workout please?
  • Red IndianRed Indian BostonPosts: 427MI6 Agent
    edited March 2007
    Nice one! Feel free to contact me when you want a Curt Jurgens "fat-man leisure suit" for your evil lair! I'm having my tailor replicate them...
  • Neville JamesNeville James Posts: 29MI6 Agent
    Much has been said about DC's shape, does anyone know what his suit measurements are now? I have guessed that Brosnan's slim shape in Goldeneye at around 40" Chest and 34" waist (so says Q anyway), he later seemed to beef up in TND perhaps to a 42/44 chest and then go slimmer again in TWINE.
    Connery also put on weight during the series and went from a 40" chest in Dr. No to a 44" chest in Diamonds. God knows what his waist was at this time, but he looked overweight!
    Anyone with any info on the actors suit measurements please post a reply.
  • mailmanmailman Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Could Highhopes please email the workout to

  • Red IndianRed Indian BostonPosts: 427MI6 Agent
    edited March 2007
  • RobertSMillerRobertSMiller Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    If anyone still has the workout, please send it to
  • Apocrypha23Apocrypha23 Posts: 177MI6 Agent
    Red Indian wrote:

    Borders still hasn't gotten their finger out regarding my special order of Waterson's book. Would you mind sending the info to me? Thanks in advance, you're saving me some $!

    When I inquired at Borders they said it wasn't available/not/never-in-print in the US. I ended up getting a copy from an Amazon Z-shop.
  • Red IndianRed Indian BostonPosts: 427MI6 Agent
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for the information. I think they actually ordered his other book: "The 30-Minute-A-Day Body Challenge" by mistake. I looked on Amazon, but there are only two copies. One for $66.95 or one for $99.99 - USED! Someone please shoot me an email! Best regards.
  • Apocrypha23Apocrypha23 Posts: 177MI6 Agent
    Red Indian wrote:
    Thanks for the information. I think they actually ordered his other book: "The 30-Minute-A-Day Body Challenge" by mistake. I looked on Amazon, but there are only two copies. One for $66.95 or one for $99.99 - USED! Someone please shoot me an email! Best regards.

    WHOA!!! Apparently the secret's out and this book has become "rare Bond memorabilia". I think I paid $15-$20 for it. A demand-driven market, innit?
  • TylerTyler Posts: 184MI6 Agent
    Waterson's "30 min a day book" is available for peanuts on
    Never fear the event
  • TylerTyler Posts: 184MI6 Agent
    Never fear the event
  • TylerTyler Posts: 184MI6 Agent
    edited March 2007
    an insight into the first 7 days of the diet:


    YOU eat proteins, carbohydrates, fruit or vegetables at each meal using portion control. There is no calorie or carb counting and no weighing or measuring - just use your hand! Remember the three golden rules:

    1 A protein serving (meat, fish, nuts) should be no larger than the flat of your palm.

    2 A fruit or vegetable serving should be no larger than your cupped hand.

    3 A carbohydrate (potatoes, wholemeal bread, brown rice or wholemeal pasta) serving should be no larger than your fist. And you MUST make sure you eat FIVE servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

    Simon says: "Always have three meals a day and up to two snacks. Never deprive yourself - if you want a glass of wine have one, just don't have 10.

    "Try not to eat less than two hours before you go to bed as the body is less active at night and won't burn the food off as fast."

    On the right is a selection of easy-to-follow menu plans to help you get started.


    TO get the best diet result you need to exercise. Simon has devised a simple plan which you can do at home for fast results.

    Follow the 30-minute exercise programme just four times a week. The best time to exercise is in the morning before you have breakfast as the body will burn up fat instead of the food you have just eaten. If you can't face it that early, working out any time of day will be beneficial.

    Make sure you drink plenty of water - about two litres a day - and keep some on hand when you work out. Simon says: "This programme is designed so you can carry it out in your own home, or in the garden. You must remember to work at your own level. The key to fitness is continuity."

    ALWAYS consult your doctor before starting a diet.


    DAY 1


    One slice of dry wholemeal toast, no butter, with honey or peanut butter and a carton of yoghurt


    Fresh fruit


    Small jacket potato with chilli beans


    Sports meal (meal replacement or protein) bar or breakfast bar


    Grilled or baked fish (salmon, mackerel or trout) with jacket potato (optional) and steamed vegetables

    DAY 2


    Porridge made with skimmed milk topped with raisins and pumpkin seeds (try flaxseeds and sunflower seeds too)


    Home-made or bought fruit smoothie, using strawberries or blackberries and one carton of low-fat yoghurt


    Bowl of wholemeal pasta with tomato sauce, sprinkle of grated cheese and green salad on the side


    Rice cakes with peanut butter


    Prawn or marinated tofu and vegetable stir-fry with brown rice

    DAY 3


    Bowl of sugar-free muesli with skimmed milk and fresh fruit



    of almonds


    Wholemeal sandwich, no butter or mayo, with chicken/prawns or egg and salad


    Fresh fruit and yoghurt


    Grilled chicken or turkey breast with salad and new potatoes

    DAY 4


    Fresh fruit salad with natural yoghurt and sunflower seeds


    Meal replacement shake (Slim Fast)


    Sugar-free baked beans on toast and salad


    Handful of trail mix (mixed dried fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, seeds and cereal)


    Turkey, lentil or quorn & low-fat ready-made curry sauce

    DAY 5


    Two Weetabix with skimmed milk and fresh fruit


    Handful of walnuts or seeds


    Grilled fish, chicken or cooked beans with brown rice & steamed vegetables


    Handful of mixed sunflower and sesame seeds and raisinsDINNER

    Chicken and steamed veg or vegetable paella

    DAY 6


    Toasted bagel, no butter, with low-fat cream cheese and fresh fruit


    Banana/yoghurt smoothie


    Wholemeal roll, pitta bread or wrap filled with sliced turkey and salad


    Handful of trail mix


    Grilled sardines (or any other oily fish) with

    grilled Mediterranean vegetables

    DAY 7


    Boiled or poached egg with wholemeal dry toast


    Milkshake made with skimmed milk, fresh fruit and yoghurt


    Pasta with tuna and sweetcorn (no mayo)


    Rice cakes with peanut butter


    Kebabs made with lean meat or marinated tofu, peppers, courgettes, mushrooms and tomatoes, and brown rice


    NEEDED for muscle growth - people who work out need more than inactive people. With each main meal make sure you eat lean protein (lean meat, chicken, fish or cottage cheese). Plant proteins (pulses, cereals, nuts) must be combined with a carbohydrate to get the maximum benefit from them. So eat your beans on toast and lentils with rice or peanut butter on bread.


    IT'S important to eat wholemeal bread, brown rice, potatoes and wholemeal pasta as carbohydrates are needed for energy. Avoid white bread and white bread products such as bread sticks and pizza bases, as they have limited nutritional value. It's also essential to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day.


    HEALTHY fats are needed for healthy tissue - but they must be the right fats. These are monosaturated (avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds and rape seed) and omega 3 (oily fish, walnuts and eggs). Avoid fatty meat, full-fat dairy products, butter, margarine, low-fat spreads, pastries, pies, biscuits, cereal bars, breakfast bars, cakes, ice cream desserts and puddings.
    Never fear the event
  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    Hi guys:

    I think I may have missed some of you, but can't tell for sure because there have been so many. Please instant message me. It's easier for me to sort it all out that way.
  • BondurantBondurant Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    edited March 2007
    Hi, I'm a newcomer. I'm 24 years old and exercising since 2 years. I achieved good results but I'm not as big as Craig. I'm 1m80 and 74 kg. I would like to have a look to the workout so if anyone could send it to me I would appreciate it.

    Here is my e-mail address :

    And for the nutrition plan I read I would like to give my advice :

    The secret for more muscles is NOT a lot of proteins. 1.1 gr. per 1 kg is enough (so if you have 70 kg 80 gr. of proteins is enough, if you eat more you will not increase your muscles but your body fat)

    You need to eat a lot of fruits (bananas are very good because they have a lot of vitamins)

    B12 vitamin is essential, you can find it in milk and meat.

    The sun as well is important, it seems silly but you need it to fix the protein.

    The essential part of a diet is eat a lot of carbohydrats, a lot and lot pastas, rice, cereals (potatoes are poor in carbohydrats) and rice. If you eat a lot of them you will see your muscles becoming bigger during the weight training. That's the secret.

    If anyone has a question I have good knowledge about nutrition but English is not my mothertongue. I will reply toi every e-mail.
  • Wildturkey858Wildturkey858 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    If someone could please send the workout to me too at Thank you.
  • tuxedomasktuxedomask Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    I too would quite like a copy of the workout from highhopes...or anyone else who happens to have it by now. If someone could email it to me I would be greatful,

    I have been exercising for 5 years now and studied sports science at college so am always interested in the techniques actors and actresses use to get into shape for film roles! :)
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