Lost Season 3 (USA)
Mr Martini
That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,709MI6 Agent
Well it's about that time again for Lost to premire. The season premire for season 3 is two weeks from tonight. The premire is on Oct. 4th. I'm curious as to how this season will start. last season ended with Michael and his son Walt leaving the island. My theroy is they won't get to far. Remember, Desomnd already tried to leave the island once, but mentioned that it was one big circle (or something like that.) and ended right back where he was. We also saw a few deaths last season (Ana-Lucia and the blond lady (forgot her name, sorry)). Locke and Desmond were also in a compromising situation. Did they survive the "blast"? What's everybody elses views of this? Also, what do you want to see happen this season?
Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
Steven King meets with the producers of Lost:
I wasn't too happy that the big flashback involved good ol' Jack and his daddy issues. Really--he thought his father was schtupping his wife? Please! I guess these sequences were supposed to get us to understand how driven and anguished Jack really is; to me, it just reinforced his status as biggest dickweed on the island. And I see Harold Perrineau's name is no longer on the credits. Have we seen the last of Michael? Or will he return, minus the kid who has somehow aged three years in the two months they've all been missing?
Here's to another season of mindbending, frustrating, addicting TV! -{
Mitchell is a very good actress and I thought she did some interesting things with her character last night. Too bad she's probably going to be wasted on the dickweed that is Jack (when to go in shoving Dad back into the booze Jack) who seemingly never stops whining and screaming.
I'm also glad Michael was gone. That arc just sucked unless we find out he was drugged and even then it still sucked. His character is ruined. Also I do think they didn't think through what would happen with a child actor in the years they says only months have passed by.
Not a bad episode though the flashback was blah and I missed Locke terribly.
*Sidenote. I'm still sticking with my theory that Walt and Michael will be back. Desmond tried to escape the island on the same boat and ended up back on the island (remember he says this in the finale of season 2). he said it was one big circle (or something).
Looking forward to next week, looks like we see more of the suriviors of the crash.
And finally, welcome to our world MBE_. It's nice to have fresh opinions in this topic. Hopefully you'll offer opinions every week. Because with this show it seems like if one person misses something, someone else will pick it up. Hope to see you here next week, and hopefully more people to.
So, anyhoo, this was an excellent episode. I hadn't realized it before, but I really like the Sun-and-Jin flashback episodes. They seem to indicate that, in his previous life, Jin was the polar opposite to what he is on the island: the austere, jealous Island Jin is a sensitive and tortured man in Korea who does work he hates in order to please the woman he loves; while each flashback suggests that Sun is a bigger liar--and a far guiltier person--than she appears to be on the island.
Otherwise, there was a lot of action and lots of twists and turns. Interesting to get "Henry's" full real name--Benjamin Linus?--and to see the power struggle between he and Juliette that's emerging. Also interesting to know that Ben has lived on the island his entire life. Last of all, this ep was high in the Sawyer factor: lots of two-fisted action, some face time with Kate, a bit of outsmarting the Others, and--as usual--the best lines in the show. "Chain gang looks good on you, Freckles." Priceless!
But there's some darkness on the horizon. . .after the sixth episode this season, Lost is going to go on hiatus until February, presumably to make room for this Taye Diggs show--which looks like Groundhog Day with corpses--ABC was promoting tonight. So it isn't only the producers who know how to string us along. . .
Hmmmmmmm. What will Jack do when he finds out the ChiSox won the '05 World Series?
And finally:
This is one reason Lost amazes me. . .so much of the episode was absurd if not silly: Locke's refusal to speak, his sweat-lodge hallucinations of the dead Boone, his rescue of Mr. Eko from a polar bear--yet it all worked. There's a crazy inner logic to this show--and to its characters--that you just have to buy, hook, line, and sinker, or you won't buy it at all.
The flashback scenes were particularly well done this time out. That a bitter and disillusioned Locke would have joined with some right-wing paramilitary terrorist group is something I'd believe. . .but that he'd be on a commune with hippie pot growers? It also revealed that, despite it all--the rotten father who stole his kidney, the obsession that cost him a life with Peg Bundy--Locke is a fundamentally decent guy whose humanity is both his weakness and his strength.
No Sawyer in this episode to provide the witticisms (and it looks like he's in for the medical exam of his life next ep), but thank heavens for Hurley. Never has his "Dude!" meant more than when he was staring at Locke's knife in his canteen; and he also got the best line, directed to the naked Desmond: "So the hatch blew your underwear off?"
Anyway, tonight's episode left me shrugging my shoulders. Not bad, but not too many surprises. While the prison flashback scenes were kind of fun, I still figured that a con was being played--and, big surprise, James "Sawyer" Ford proved he had a heart when he asked that an account be created for his daughter. I also wasn't too surprised when the pacemaker also turned out to be a hoax. And the last scene. . .huh? I always thought that the Others lived on the other side of the island--are they actually on a separate island just across the channel from where our castaways live? And was Sawyer led to believe that they were all thousands of miles away from the island or something? As I said, not a bad episode, but I think it was too wrapped up in its own transparent mind games.
Still, there's always at least one great line to quote. Sawyer to Benjamin: "Of Mice and Men. You'd like it. Lots of dead puppies."
Sawyer has got to be in love with Freckles for her bony back to get his heart rate up so high. ) I can't believe it took her that long to realize she could get her skinny self though the bars. Sawyer getting beat up by Ben -- embarrassing -- and I don't care if he has a metal rod or not -- Sawyer should have snapped his arm when it went through the bars. Are we suppossed to believe he survived prison with those lame fighting skills? He couldn't con everyone to get by. I did very much like his Of Mice & Men puppy joke.
I can't tell if the village is on the Alcatraz like Island or it's just where they're keeping the prisoners. From earlier episodes it would seem as if the main villiage is indeed on the main island. But then how did they get Jack back and forth to help with the gunshot vicitm? Surely they didn't boat her over to New Alcatraz, or do they have some kind of underwater tunnel which would explain the hatch Jack opened. It doesn't seem that far away, but if it's not how did the Lost people miss it? As far as a reveal it's no Statue of Liberty (though I did like the Planet of The Apes music they used a couple of episodes back when Sawyer was running)
Charlie continues to be annoying -- so obviously it wasn't drugs making him an ass. Luckily he's paired with the annoying (and good lord that voice) Claire so I can ignore them more easily.
I like Desmond. For someone that spent a few years alone in a hatch he seems pretty easy going.
I miss Locke. He was in what -- one episode so far this season? Not nearly enough.
I know they're splitting up the cast into episodes because with the new contracts they're paying salaries per episode but we still seem to get Jack (and way to work that CPR -- a whole 20 seconds!) all the time. Feh. Though I do like the actress that plays the female Dr. She plays her subtely enough it's ahrd to tell whether it's all one big con or she's really having all these doubts and misgivings about what her Others are doing.
And yet Charlie, Claire, Jack and those two new non entities all live. There is no justice.
I like Juliet. She's complicated and I can't tell what she's lying about or to whom and why. She's too good for Jack.
Wow, didn't see that coming at all.
Pretty weird, I need to lie down and figure it out in my head.
All in all, a good episode. The back story was fascinating--just when you think Mr. Eko really had a life-changing religious experience, you realize he's a true apostle of existentialism. So, apparently, doing what you have to do in order to survive is the wrong answer when confronted by God-as-dust-cloud-from-the-vaccuum-cleaner.
I'm not sure what to make of this new couple (do they even have names?), except now I have some faces to connect to those two new names that have been appearing at the end of the credits list. Going by the female side of the duo, though, I'm convinced that our castaways are indeed on the Island of Hot Women. Maybe it's all being masterminded by the ghost of Russ Meyer?
And the Henry/Ben-has-spinal-cancer storyline. Hmmm, why do I get the feeling this is all a big mind ____? (You can fill in the blank yourself.) Maybe I'm thinking of last week's ep, when Ben revealed to Sawyer that he was part of a big con to keep him docile. It all seems too convenient, even by Lost standards.
And how about this--next week is the Fall season finale! So this is how they justify running six episodes of one of the most popular shows on TV and yanking it from the schedule for the next three months to show Taye Diggs' take on Groundhog Day. It's all part of the Fall season! Do we get a Winter season too? Feh!
Looking forward to next week, but every Wednesday between then and February will be a little gloomier. . .
It's kind of sad to see Mr. Eko die. I really liked his charector. Then he whispers into Lockes ear, "Your next." Next for what? Could they be killed by the "God-as-dust-from-the-vacuum-cleaner?"
I also thought there was supposed to be six episodes. Wasn't this week 4 of the season? Or is next week a two hour fall finale? It'll be interesting to see how much of a cliff hanger there will be?
'Till next week.....
BTW, I didn't notice anything swirling in the black cloud. Maybe I'll take a second look later.
This should answer your question HB:
Oh, I should have mentioned this before: the guy who appears in the monitor screen when our castaways turn it on. . .Could it be? Yes. . .
ABC is also promissing 16 new shows every week, for 16 weeks. So when it comes back on Feb 7th, it should go straight through to May 23rd. Let's hope they don't decide to change their mind.
Actually, though, Mr. M, I didn't think the backstory so much showed how much of a liar Kate is--I think it showed how tied into the past she is and how she can't escape her criminal real life. I'm not sure whether or not the captain of the Serenity died--I think he was just knocked out so Kate could make it look like she had to overpower him to get away--but one thing I did miss: during the scene where Kate was in the bathroom and she started crying, ABC ran a news blurb that covered the lower quarter of the screen! I'm sort-of assuming that she was taking a pregnancy test and it showed positive? Am I right?
Otherwise, I enjoyed seeing Jack go a little nutso--his line to Ben, "I just want you to know how you're going to die," was deliciously malevolent. Strange, though, that Sawyer is indeed becoming more docile--all because he knows he's on a separate island?--so much so that he's willing to get busy with Kate in the cage, right in front of everybody!
So no more Lost until February. Well, at least they're promising to air all 16 remaining eps without repeats. ABC took that approach in the last two or three seasons of NYPD Blue and I really began to think of that as an ideal way to air series TV. So, until February. . .
Then she went in to her husband and said "I almost had a child, I can't carry on like this. Taco Night, I don't do Taco Night." or something similiar.
Good episode; too hyped up yes (The next two episodes, everything's going to change).
Maybe the next episode will live up to that sentiment;
Argh, a long wait until the next episode!
Lost S03 officially comes out here in the U.K on Friday I think. But we'll still have a similar wait you guys do between episodes 6 & 7.
There's a few survivors still scattered about. I think Roses husband Bernard was in the tail section of the plane. I also believe Paulo and his female sidekick Nikki(not sure if they're bro and sis or husband and wife) where in the tail section.
Nikki and Paulo are just boyfriend/girlfriend I believe. Pretty sure they aren't brother and sister! LOL! Bernard is the only main character from the tail section left right now. Not sure if Paulo and Nikki were from there or not.
According to my TiVo guide Abc will be showing a program an hour before hand called "Lost Survivors Guide" The surviviors guide is one hour long.
I just set my TiVo up for the Season Pass for Lost. Oh man, I can't wait to see what happens. Remember though, Lost will be on at 10pm.
I also enjoyed the flashback, which shed some light on Juliet's past. It was a clever trick to make us believe she's walking down a corridor on the island--complete with passing the late Ethan--only to reveal she's in Miami. And the scene with the bus--delicious. (And hilarious!)
Anyway, welcome back, Lost, and I'm happy to know there will be fifteen more weeks and no reruns. Now, would ya please let us know what's going on with all the other castaways?
Other than that, this episode packed a lot of info. As mentioned by HB, Jules is a fertility expert. And here I thought her sister was a diabetic needing insulin.
Now I wonder about the other castaways to. Who's the daddy to Suns (I think that's her name, been so long) baby?
i guess the next 15 weeks will answer most of my questions. Of course, knowing lost, more questions will come up.
It was all very Clockwork Orange-ish, wasn't it? It looks like they're practicing some sort of brainwashing technique, and perhaps it only affects men, which might explain why Sawyer was temporariliy entranced by the words and images. Apparently Ben didn't like the kid messing with his daughter, so this could be some form of aversion therapy. But, as you say, you never know with this show.
Oh, and as always, Sawyer seems to get the best lines. After being rescued by Alex in the jungle: "Nice to meet you, Sheena." Dragging the drugged boyfriend into the boat: "Come on, Cheech." Dang, this guy is cool!