I will send photos of the egg to anyone who gives me an email address to mail it to. No I do not intend making any replicas as I still make real gold Easter eggs in the style of Faberge`as commissions. The eggs used on Octopussy were made of silver and hard fired enamels, just as an original Faberge` egg. The stone sued were CZs instead of diamonds but we used real sapphires also.The coach was a model of the UK coronation coach.The scene in the Kremlin vaults shows Stephen Berkoff holding one of my real eggs which was hired from Asprey for the scene, This was a genuine £25,000 Easter Egg.
Can anyone please tell me whether these new replicas are still planned for production? I've asked the company but had no response.
I have just become the proud owner of one of your limited edition Octopussy Faberge Eggs {[]
Trying to contact you but can't seem to get through
Perhaps you could PM me with a telephone number ?