a voice in the desert...

The first day I posted to the administrators a request for simple assistance. I didn't obtain ANY answer. I requested an assistance from a person of the group even punishment.
Then I put my question about this forum: I resized my avatar in 60*60. The answer is that's not the good size.????
I wish to know how to include a banner in signature. How to manage it?
Why SMILEYS are ON but don't make it in my posts ??
At home we've got an expression for this kind of situation:“howlin' to a mule's ass it will answer you for sure!”…


  • Bill TannerBill Tanner "Spending the money quickly" iPosts: 261MI6 Agent
    Or "Vox Clamantis in Deserto" to coin a phrase. Thought this was going to be a HardyBoy topic.

    Welcome to AJB, Classic. Sorry I don't know the answer to your question, but one of the mods will. Try to remember that they're regular guys with regular jobs and can't necessarily be on call 24 hours a day. If you don't receive an answer to your question from the first mod you try, move on to another. They're good guys and I've always been able to find the answers to any question I've asked them within a day or so.
  • Bill TannerBill Tanner "Spending the money quickly" iPosts: 261MI6 Agent
    This might help:


    ...otherwise try typing 'avatar' in to the search menu; there are quite a few topics on the subject so I'm sure you'll find the answer you're looking for.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Mmmm... This is the infamous Moderators PM box that everyone promised to check on a regular basis and isn't checked anywhere near as often as it should be.

    Si, we need to see Pop Ups or some sort of indication of unread messages, please ;)

    As for your request, I'm not the expert in the internet code speak to get pictures and the likes up. Hopefully the thread above will be of some help, otherwise it's over the more IT literate mods and members...
  • ClassicClassic Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    edited April 2007
    Thank you.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,912Chief of Staff
    Just approved your avatar, Classic. The main techie here is SiCo, but he's often fiercely busy and so at times there may be delays in that particular service. But, never fear, your friendly neighborhood moderators will never let any problem linger for too long!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • ClassicClassic Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    edited April 2007
  • s96024s96024 Posts: 1,519MI6 Agent
    edited February 2007

    Thats how I put my sig in. Just remove the star and change it for the url of wherever yours is hosted.
  • ClassicClassic Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    edited April 2007
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