Lotus Esprit TSWLM Prop for sale!!
Gebruder Gumbold
San FranciscoPosts: 550MI6 Agent
The film seen underwater prop car, white Lotus Esprit will be auctioned off at Coy's@Monaco on 5/21. See www.classicdriver.com.uk for details. Looks as if it may go for 40-50,000Euros. Now THAT would be a prop to have. Now, don't be a bother to Naomi, darling...
There are two Esprits listed but I can't find the Bondmobile. Am I missing something?
turns out its the submersible "mock" car...no engine, just a shell, sold at the 2002 christies auction for £35,000
the other one mentioned above was to be sold on ebay, but the listing has been pulled...this looks like the FYEO esprit that was offered on ebay 6-7 mths ago....I think it is one of the two owned by Peter Nelson at CarsoftheStars
and choose the James Bond Collection link...