George W. Bush - the worst US prez since ..?

Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,478MI6 Agent
To be honest, I feel AJB is a bit on the dull side now. Perhaps we need to get a bit shaken and stirred?

I think Bush is the worst US president for decades - at least since Nixon, perhaps since Hoover. ...or even beyond?

- The opinion of the US abroad has worsened on his watch. During the Vietnam war a norwegian author wrote a book titled "We who loved America". The more and more people feel this way He had to go to Albania to find a friendly population last time he was in Europe!

- The US has become a nation devided. When he very narrowly won the 2000 election (or did he?), most expected him to try to build a bridge between the parties. But he didn't. Instead of placing moderate people in his administration he picked controversial figures like Ashcroft and Rumsfeld. It's been a tradition to apoint one minister from the other party, but Bush didn't. Now we have to go back to the civil right strugle in the 60's to find a time when the US was at least as devided as now.

- He has weakned civil liberties and the protection of the constitution (Patriot act and Guantanomo etc.)

-He has failed to follow all the suggestions of the 9/11 commision.

- He was right to invade Afghanistan, but they didn't think of what to do after the invation until two days before they went in! Now Taliban is on the offencive and opium production is up. If they had used half the resources they have used in Iraq on Afghanistan AND really planned ahead, things could have looked a lot better now.

- He claimed Saddam was Behind 9/11. Wrong!
He claimed Iraq was a al-Queida sacnctuary. Wrong!
He claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (or at least a program to make them) in 2003. Wrong! They thought Iraqis would welcome the attackers. Wrong! They invaded Iraq,. WRONG!

- Bush has given Bill Clinton (clue: he's rich) at least six major tax-cuts since 2000. Did you get those tax-cuts?

Bush has not only ignored mounting evidence of human-made climate change. He has even tried to stop information and stopped the US (still the world's worst polluter) from signing even the puny Kyoto agreement.

-and the list goes on . ....
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