Connery's shpeech impediment
Napoleon Plural
LondonPosts: 10,501MI6 Agent
I suppose this is the elephant in the room in some respects. Every Connery impersonation hash that sh sound to it - but he didn't always talk like that. The 'shplendid' thing comes from NSNA, when he's talking to the Shrublands gal. Is that something he acquired with age? I noticed BBC newsreader Anna Ford had something similar going once she got in her 50s...
"This is where we leave you Mr Bond."
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Yup, that's the one. It increashesh... er, increases with his age; the slight "sh" was always there but becomes more noticeable later. It's not a Scottishism- nobody talks exactly like that around here!- but I've never had the patience to work out at which point the "sh" becomes most prominent.