Invent a Crime Syndicate...

Colonel ShatnerColonel Shatner Chavtastic Bristol, BritainPosts: 574MI6 Agent
If SPECTRE does not come back, what kind of international syndicate could be behind LeChifre and Mr. White's sinister activities in Casino Royale? Here is my idea for a SPECTRE-style knock off:

* It is known only as "The Association".

* The Association is a secret global network of businessmen, scientists, mercenaries, and ex-spies whose goal is forging a global hegemony of total peace and economic prosperity, but through potentially dirty means.

* The Association has significant links to Western governments and MI6 has even contacted this organization for it's services in the past.

* The Association is internally democratic on paper, has no defined commander with a council of cell leaders governing Association affairs and policies, but power struggles still occur between cell leaders on occasion, yet this bickering both overt or covert is kept in check by certain cell leaders with more political/financial clout than the others, and by the collective vetoing powers of the Association's council.

* The Association has existed since the 1500s, but remained a purely passive intelligence and financial organization only until WWI, when a clique of Association members wanted to take things directly into their own hands on the international stage.

* The Association has established various major holding companies as commercial fronts and bases of operations, with the paramilitary/intelligence sections of the Association operating out of them, perhaps posing as government agencies (as inspired by Alias).

* The Association's leadership is mobile, holding meetings in not the same place twice since the 1960s, at the advent of more advanced intelligence gathering displayed by the Cold War powers.
'Alright guard, begin the unnecessarily slow moving dipping mechanism...'


  • Zorin13Zorin13 Great BritainPosts: 8MI6 Agent
    The Reaper Consortium

    The Reaper Consortium was founded after the second world by a german colonel in the Linz special mission. The Consortium is designed to battle the threat of communism and make a substantial profit at the same time.

    It is lead by 13 leaders each one from a different country and in a different field of work such as military,politics, science and industry some of them have they're own organisations and some of them have links with they're countries own criminal organisations. They're activities vary but one of they're biggest operations is a three way trade which involves stealing weapons from communist countries exchanging them for drugs from fascist terrorist organisations and rebels and then selling the drugs to markets in the same communist nations. They supply weapons to brother organisations, Undermine communism and make a profit all from one operation.
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent

    AND THE film would be called


    dont know what it stands for but thats my suggestion

    but I think the new crime organisation is called Quontum

    SPECTURE was growing a little tiring anyway

    I am Glad Bond killed blofeld in FYEO

    and yes is was BLOFELD ! KEVIN MCklory you To**er

    But I think if they were ever to bring back blofeld

    Ben Kingsly would be the ultimate blofeld.. no scarring just the way he is... I also think kingsly would make a great villain in a Bond film..
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