What are your fave Jason Bourne film action scenes & why?

GBaxterGBaxter Posts: 4MI6 Agent
edited December 2007 in Off Topic Chat
From the 3 Jason Bourne films, what are your 2 or 3 favorite Bourne fighting related stunt scenes and / or car related stunt scenes (from any of the 3 films) and please say why, for each fave scene named.


  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Can I just say that in the Bourne Ultimatum, the fight where Bourne kills the guy who is chasing Julia Stiles, that fight is blow for blow almost the exact same fight as the CR PTS Bathroom fight? When I saw it in the theatres, I was shocked by how similar they were.
  • DutchfingerDutchfinger Holland With LovePosts: 1,240MI6 Agent
    So I opened a Bourne series thread, but Barbel pointed out we already had a few and closed it, so I'm just bumping this one :)

    Here was my post:

    I have seen the Bourne Identity a couple of times, which is the one I remember the most off. I remember little about Supremacy and Ultimatum and haven't even seen Legacy yet.
    I remember liking Identity though and I'm thinking off giving them a watch again. Much like the Mission Impossible series, I just don't remember it all as much as Bond. (Then again, it's Bond - and we watch them all hundreds of times ajb007/lol )
    What would you guys say is the best Bourne movie, or what are your favorites?
    Any brief assessments on the series? :)
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  • Robbo88Robbo88 Newcastle, England.Posts: 253MI6 Agent
    I think all three of them are good. Especially Identity and Ultimatum.

    I say three because I disregard the fourth one (Legacy.) It doesn't even follow Jason Bourne.

    I think the chase in Ultimatum is brilliant. The part in the bank in Identity when he realises he can take out people swiftly is great also. That's off the top of my head though.
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