A survey on James Bond...

SiCoSiCo EnglandPosts: 1,371M
edited September 2008 in The James Bond Films
A post on behalf of 007online...

I am a 3rd year undergraduate at the University of Southampton in England studying human geography.

My research is aimed at understanding how audiences interpret and learn from films, and specifically, James Bond films.

I would be very grateful if you would spend a few minutes of your time answering this questionnaire. There are just 5 open questions, where you can answer for as long as you wish or need (the longer the better!).

Your perspectives will be central to my research; hence I am grateful for your responses!

Simply click on the following link to complete the survey (on completion of the questionnaire, you will be returned to www.ajb007.co.uk ;


For further details, please refer to the main article on the website’s main page.

Many thanks for your time.

Alister Read

ajcr106 (at) soton (dot) ac (dot) uk
University of Southampton, England.
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