Bonds Japanese name?

I ask this question for one reason When I earned my 1st Dan in Shotokan my sensei gave me the Japanese name that Bond was called in You only live twice Todaroki Taro well my GF who lives in Japan says that not a proper name so I hope someone on this site can clear up this conundrum I will await your replies.
Closing Channel D


  • SeahawkSeahawk Posts: 85MI6 Agent
    I would assume that your girlfriend knows whereof she speaks on this one. I don't know the meaning of "Todaroki" however "Taro" denotes a first born son so if that doesn't describe you then it's a misnomer.
    That having been said I can think of one famous exception, which is Sean Taro Lennon. Though he is the son of John & Yoko he is not the first born child of either parent.
  • James003James003 Posts: 28MI6 Agent
    That's correct it means first son of thunder I am my fathers first son and was born when it was storming so my sensei thought it would be appropriate since he was a very big Bond fan I took it that Fleming knew of what he wrote about. It may be a old Japanese word since Fleming wrote that in the 50s but thanks very much Seahawk Oh gun wise which do you prefer the P-99 or the P-5? Myself I prefer the P-5 contact me back.
  • SeahawkSeahawk Posts: 85MI6 Agent
    I've just done a quick google search & can't find a reference to the name which predates Fleming's use of it.
    As for the handguns I haven't fired either so am not really qualified to say, but from an aesthetic point of view I prefer the P-5.
  • Mister BiswasMister Biswas TokyoPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    Hello. I am Japanese.

    The given name Taro is a common one in Japan.

    It has been some time since I have read YOLT, but if I recall correctly, the family name was spelled TODOROKI and not TODAROKI. I have never come across a Japanese family name of TODAROKI. While the name TODA is a common one, TODAROKI is one that I have never seen.

    However, the name TODOROKI is not uncommon. There is even a train station called Todoroki Station, near where I live in Tokyo.
  • James003James003 Posts: 28MI6 Agent
    Domo Arigato I checked my certificate and discovered I misspelled the name you were correct IT is Todoroki Taro which is my given Japanese name

    Quote: Queen and Country safe and sound with villains six feet under ground
  • Mister BiswasMister Biswas TokyoPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    James003 wrote:
    Domo Arigato I checked my certificate and discovered I misspelled the name you were correct IT is Todoroki Taro which is my given Japanese name

    Quote: Queen and Country safe and sound with villains six feet under ground

    With your permission, then, I shall call you Todoroki Taro. Hajime-ma****e.

    Best of luck to you with your ongoing training in the martial arts.
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