How many times have you seen QOS?

StrangewaysStrangeways London, UKPosts: 1,469MI6 Agent
I am going on Friday 31/10/2008 and again on Saturday 1/11/2008. I will go again the following week and again with some mates from work. That will be four times in the cinema.

What are other fans' plans?



  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    I will proberly
    only go once not spending loads of money going loads of times.
  • Max EMax E In the northPosts: 80MI6 Agent
    I go just one time the night between 30-31 on thursday.
    You know in America it’s “bling, bling”, but out here it’s “bling, bang”.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,484MI6 Agent
    I will go loads of times in the first two weeks, even if it is rubbish, just to spite our American friends who cannot see it! :D All they will be able to do is log on and read reviews during this time...
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Danny-BoyDanny-Boy Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    How many times have you seen QOS?

    Less than once, so far! :D

    As I failed to get tickets for the London screening on the 29th,
    I'll be seeing it on the 31st, at the ODEON LEICESTER SQUARE

    I haven't decided yet, how many further times I'll see it?, or where?
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    My plan this time round is the same as all other Bond Days* in the past: myself (fortified by a well-made vodka martini), Loeff Jr and Loeff III, and perhaps one or two other close friends, will catch a late afternoon/early evening at the cinema in our neighborhood. Then it will be several more viewings with other friends and family over the next month or so...

    Of course, I encourage all British correspondents to see the film loads of times, whatever your motivation; Eon and Craigger need your support!

    * I always refer to opening day (14th November for us Yanks this time :# ) for a new Bond film as Bond Day, asking the day off work, because after all it is a holiday! :007)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • LOO7K OUTLOO7K OUT United KingdomPosts: 474MI6 Agent
    Two nights booked at the moment.

    Regional premiere on 30th October and again for a normal screening on 1st November - can't wait!

  • discovolantediscovolante los angeles ca usaPosts: 66MI6 Agent
  • discovolantediscovolante los angeles ca usaPosts: 66MI6 Agent
    no need to rub it in our American faces...
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,917Chief of Staff
    I've booked the 31st off - will go to the 11:30am screening. I wanted to go to a local premiere screening but I can't find one that close to me.

    I saw CR about 11 times in the cinemas - QoS is shorter so I should be able to fit more screenings in :))
    YNWA 97
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    I will go loads of times in the first two weeks, even if it is rubbish, just to spite our American friends who cannot see it! :D All they will be able to do is log on and read reviews during this time...
    Or we can keep it fresh by simply staying out of the QoS forum until the 14th. (Such as I plan on doing)

    So review all you want! Good things come to those who wait :p
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters that respect, it will be nice to attend the opening day of a film that's already a smash hit {[]
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    I have tickets for 12:40 at my local cinema, I asked for the earliest, They gave me these, 1 month later they now have 3 showing before that X-( Only a few hours out though. I will no doubt see it again many times after. I saw CR about 4 -5 times.
  • Agent WadeAgent Wade Ann ArborPosts: 321MI6 Agent
    I gotta say, I'm a bit jealous of you saucy brits that get to see it before us lazy yanks do. It's only fair though since so many American films start out first here and later make their way across the pont.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    I'll be seeing it on Thursday 30th, then Friday 31st with my nephews. Whether I'll catch it on Saturday before jetting to sunnier climes on Sunday morning I'm not sure. Then I'll be seeing it in Tenerife, where I'll be lounging for a fortnight, before rounding up various family members and friends to go see it a couple of times when I come back. B-)
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,068Chief of Staff
    I'll be seeing it with Son Of Barbel and Barbel's Daughter on Saturday 1st November. Since I have two gigs the previous day we won't be able to go any sooner.
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
  • StrangewaysStrangeways London, UKPosts: 1,469MI6 Agent
    Cheer up Mantis, you are going to the US Premier!!!
    It will be great.

  • Aston Martin DBSAston Martin DBS Derbyshire, EnglandPosts: 661MI6 Agent
    Well I am going to see it for the 1st time in the delx screen of our local Cineworld cinema with my much beloved on 31 October. Can't wait and I hope that she likes it as we'll have spent all day on 29 October braving the weather in London to watch people going into the premier.

    However I've not decided on whch day but on 1 or 2 of November I plan on watching 1 of every screening of the film! I kid you not!

    I have a card whree I pay £12.99 a month and I can see as many films at the cinema as I want. I have checked with the cinema staff and it would be possible to see each of the screenings of QOS - so I can't wait - but I guess my good lday wife will give that day out a miss

  • Moores Left EyebrowMoores Left Eyebrow Posts: 27MI6 Agent
    Don't really understand all these people stating they will be going *insert silly number here* times in the first week.

    Its like arguing about who has a bigger penis! ;)

    I'm there on the 31st for one of the first viewings in the area. If i like it, i'll go again when its died down after the first week or so.
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Well, I have the bigger penis -- let's just settle that now. I plan to see the film at least three times: First with best friend (female), second with girlfriend (another female), and third with myself (exemplar of ultra-male virility) because then I can focus on the film with a more critical eye. I will eventually get it on DVD and watch it multiple times after, generally when bored and in need of that something that, as Honor Blackman once put it, makes a man stand a little taller after watching a Bond film.
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    I find myself in the rather odd possition of not knowing when I will get to see QoS.Work committments have totally messed up any weekend viewing and next week is looking very tricky too ...

    Its a sad, sad day when I know I will see High School Musical 3 before a new Bond film ... :o

    ( I really must re-educate my daughter into the wonders of Bond )
  • TheSaintTheSaint Posts: 18MI6 Agent
    I am going on Friday 31/10/2008 and again on Saturday 1/11/2008. I will go again the following week and again with some mates from work. That will be four times in the cinema.

    What are other fans' plans?


    Waiting another bloody month for it to open in New Zealand!

    Should have done what I did last time, fly to LA to see it on the first day …
  • Brosnan_fanBrosnan_fan Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 521MI6 Agent
    I will definitely watch it once in the cinema; whether I see it alone or with friends will be a question of availability.

    It would have to be a very special installment for me to consider any subsequent visits.
    "Well, he certainly left with his tails between his legs."
  • Mark_HazardMark_Hazard Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    Im off to a corporate screening on the 30th then Odeon L. Sq. Nov 4th. That'll do nicely.
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    I have just pre-booked a ticket for 9:30 pm, in seat J-14, on Saturday the 22nd of November (three days after the film gets released in Australia) at the Jam Factory here in Melbourne. :D Hopefully, the film will be really good, although even if it's not, I will probably see it again anyway.
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    I am seeing it tomorrow, with a bunch of friends...can't wait. Not sure if I will see it again on the big screen (I only saw CR once at the cinema) but no doubt will get the DVD and watch it many, many times.
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    I'll go twice. First on Saturday morning, and then I'll leave a gap of a couple of weeks and go again.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Once. I've passed my tickets on to tonight's screening. I was going to take my nephews, but their dad is keen enough to see it so he's got my ticket. I need to pack for going away on Sunday, and to be honest, I never thought I'd say this about a Bond film, I'm not really that bothered if I don't catch it at the cinema again.
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    I never thought I'd say this about a Bond film, I'm not really that bothered if I don't catch it at the cinema again.

    Its weired because I feel a bit like that.I said in an earlier post I'm not sure when I will get to see it because of other committments and I'm not really that bothered. :(
  • Pud2002Pud2002 Posts: 65MI6 Agent
    I'm going to see it for the first time in just over an hour and im not as half as excited as i should be :(
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