How many times have you seen QOS?

I am going on Friday 31/10/2008 and again on Saturday 1/11/2008. I will go again the following week and again with some mates from work. That will be four times in the cinema.
What are other fans' plans?
What are other fans' plans?

only go once not spending loads of money going loads of times.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Less than once, so far!
As I failed to get tickets for the London screening on the 29th,
I'll be seeing it on the 31st, at the ODEON LEICESTER SQUARE
I haven't decided yet, how many further times I'll see it?, or where?
Of course, I encourage all British correspondents to see the film loads of times, whatever your motivation; Eon and Craigger need your support!
* I always refer to opening day (14th November for us Yanks this time
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
Regional premiere on 30th October and again for a normal screening on 1st November - can't wait!
I saw CR about 11 times in the cinemas - QoS is shorter so I should be able to fit more screenings in
So review all you want! Good things come to those who wait
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
It will be great.
However I've not decided on whch day but on 1 or 2 of November I plan on watching 1 of every screening of the film! I kid you not!
I have a card whree I pay £12.99 a month and I can see as many films at the cinema as I want. I have checked with the cinema staff and it would be possible to see each of the screenings of QOS - so I can't wait - but I guess my good lday wife will give that day out a miss
Its like arguing about who has a bigger penis!
I'm there on the 31st for one of the first viewings in the area. If i like it, i'll go again when its died down after the first week or so.
Its a sad, sad day when I know I will see High School Musical 3 before a new Bond film ...
( I really must re-educate my daughter into the wonders of Bond )
Waiting another bloody month for it to open in New Zealand!
Should have done what I did last time, fly to LA to see it on the first day …
It would have to be a very special installment for me to consider any subsequent visits.
Its weired because I feel a bit like that.I said in an earlier post I'm not sure when I will get to see it because of other committments and I'm not really that bothered.