Mount Rushmore of Bond

Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
In the US, 'Mount Rushmore' is where 4 presidents were carved into a mountain. It has been a fad for people to say Mount Rushmore' of this and that. Basically is the 4 best of something.

Books - CR, FRWL, DN, TB
Girls - Honey, Tracy, Goodnight & Vesper
Movies - FRWL, TLD, CR & QOS
Scores - TB, OHMSS, TLD & QOS
Titles - TSWLM, LTK, GE & CR


  • jorgemjorgem DTWPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    That would include Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Pierce Brosnan on Mount Rushmore.

    The Mount Rushmore of Bond would probably be located somewhere in Australia.
  • youknowmynameyouknowmyname Gainesville, FL, USAPosts: 703MI6 Agent
    Sweepy, you betray yourself. I just posted on this over at Bondaholic. :007)
    "We have all the time in the world..."
  • yodboy007yodboy007 McMinn CountyPosts: 129MI6 Agent
    edited January 2009
    I think that the Mount Rushmore of Bond should have four of the most important people in the franchise's history. I know that there are many more than just four people who are deserving of being up here, but I think I have my four. My four are like the "Founding Fathers of 007"

    Ian Fleming - the author who created our beloved character.

    Albert R. "Cubby" Broccoli - the long-time producer who made the franchise last and stuck with it through thick and thin until his death.

    Sean Connery - the original and most famous Bond actor who in the eyes of many "defined" the role.

    Terence Young - the original director who brought Fleming's Bond to the screen.

    I hate to leave out Harry Saltzman and Richard Maibaum, but they are important as well because they helped form Bond in the early days.

    If we go by other categories like director, actor, etc. that leaves room for many more people.


    Terence Young - the director who converts Fleming's Bond into a more Cinematic Bond with his dark, serious spy thrillers.

    Guy Hamilton - the director who expanded upon Young's cinematic Bond and established the Cinematic Traditionalist formula with his fun, light-hearted adventures.

    John Glen - the director who worked his way up through the ranks to become the most versatile director. He could do a spy thriller, a light-hearted/fun adventure and a balanced film.

    Lewis Gilbert - the director who established the grand, epic, sometimes campy, extravagant and borderline sci-fi Bond adventures.

    The director who just missed the mark was Martin Campbell who does Fleming well, but is best with a more balanced film. He helped rejuvenate Bond on two occasions after a long drought with a new actor. Peter Hunt would be up there but he did
    just one film.


    Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and currently Pierce Brosnan.

    The first three will most likely never be removed because I believe they dominate their respective approaches (Balanced, Cinematic and Fleming). Craig needs a few more films to have the chance to pass Brosnan (or maybe even Dalton in the eyes of some people). However, the impact of both Brosnan and Craig may not be fully realized until way down the road.

    Other Important Crew Members

    John Barry - the composer who perfected Monty Norman's theme and wrote the best scores in the series that may never be topped. One of the best film composers ever as well.

    Bob Simmons - the original stunt coordinator/action arranger. His work was both groundbreaking and excellent. His unique and creative ideas in his field help set Bond apart from other action films.

    Peter Hunt - the original editor who pioneered an editing style that is still influential today. He even directed a good Bond film. His work lived on in the efforts of his long-time "understudy" John Glen.

    Ken Adam - the production designer with the imagination that brought to life some of the best sets and locations in film history. His work has influenced not only film but also buildings and interior design around the world. His work lived on in the efforts of his unofficial successor Peter Lamont.
  • youknowmynameyouknowmyname Gainesville, FL, USAPosts: 703MI6 Agent
    Wow, people are taking this a lot more serious than I did. yodboy7, nice stuff!

    over on bondaholic I just put up four things in each category you did sweepy, I will have to think about four people's faces up on a true Mt. Rushmore of Bond...hmmm


    I think that's who should be up there, they were the ones who really gave shape to this thing in the end I believe.
    "We have all the time in the world..."
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