Who could have/ should have played doctor who?

dr. evan-gelistdr. evan-gelist SheffieldPosts: 399MI6 Agent
here is my list of those who would have played doctor who pretty well.

Richard E. Grant
Edward Tudor-Pole
Timothy Dalton
Daniel Craig
Jonathan Pryce
Jonathon Morris
"You're in the wrong business... leave it to the professionals!"
James Bond- Licence To Kill


  • trs007trs007 AmericaPosts: 102MI6 Agent
    Well, 2 of the six have played evil time lords, so I guess that's a start......

    I've only seen the 1st Matt Smith episode and am OK with him so far. David left HUGE shoes (trainers) to fill.
  • asioasio Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 546MI6 Agent
    It's kind of like the "Who could have played James Bond?" question really. It's all subjective because each actor gets to play The Doctor their own way (to an extent), so whose to say that Daniel Craig would've been a good Doctor? He could've been atrocious and everyone might have hated him.
    I guess the closest you could get to seeing a different actor in the role would be to look at their screen-tests, but to date all I have ever seen of these are screen-caps in "Regeneration", the behind-the-scenes book of the 1996 Tele-Movie, written by Philip Segal.
    Now, if anyone does have the screen-tests and would be willing to show us...
    Drawn Out Dad.
    Independent, one-shot comic books from the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia.
  • mrbondmrbond Posts: 296MI6 Agent
    I thought Jonh Hannah would be a great Doc.
  • DangerMouseDangerMouse Benfleet, EssexPosts: 235MI6 Agent
    I think two of the best Dr. Who actors we never had was David Collings (who appeared in one of the classic stories) and Rik Mayall. Probably explains why I can picture the latter fighting Cybermen in his Bottom costume. I also think Timothy Dalton and Bill Nighy would've made great portrayals of the Master.
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