- Resolution

For all at, I posted the following topic on a movie poster forum (with the new year well and truly under way I think it only right, after the ridiculous claims made against me a while back on this forum and others by certain people, it is time to extend my point of view here today):

Hello everyone,

I thought it best to create this separate topic so not to take away from Paul Waine's posting about his visit to see me & my collection.

My thanks go to Paul for taking the time to take a (slight) detour from his route today so that he could pop in to say 'hello' and inspect some of what I have.
It was a pleasure meeting you & I look forward to the next time.

An overall response RE members questions concerning my whereabouts, validity & person:

The reason I have not been posting on any poster forum as often as I used to is because of the outlandish statements some members have made, and continue to make, against me.
It is needless, unfounded and at times very immature.

I noticed through watching this forum over many months that a lot of those who have said (negative) things about me have done so after jumping on the bandwagon built initially some time ago on MPF.

Part of the problem is that some people keep on posting deplorable topics and comments about me.
What makes it worse is that these people have never met me (even after invitations to do just that).

It is not about having a thick skin as one member pointed out to me a while back; I have.
This is about acknowledgement and respect. Yes, I have already admitted to unwittingly boasting on MPF, but that was not my intention and I apologised for that privately AND publicly.

If you have a problem with someone, whatever it is, there is simply no justification to oust that person as a fraud or liar without foundation & solid proof.
A fair assessment to make, I'm sure all would agree.

Unfortunately, that has not been the case with me.
Sadly, one member of this forum (he knows who he is) above what anyone else has said or done, really disappointed me and made me decide to rethink & question my whole involvement in the love of collecting movie posters.

I am sure this member is in fact a great guy, just like every single one of us on here!
But he did something incomprehensible in my mind by voicing false information to people, on a public forum (not here), stating I was a fraud and that they should avoid me at all costs.


- This is the best case of jumping on the bandwagon I could ever report.

Many people believe, and some here may think so too, that I have bloody good reason to dislike anyone who has vilified me over the past x number of months.
But here's the thing: A lot of all this is misunderstanding, jumping on the bandwagon and childishness.

I, therefore, do not have a personal problem with any single man or woman.
What I do have a problem with, and understandably so, is the lurid comments & accusations made against me (just as anyone in my position would).


Many of you have claimed I don't have certain posters because of the lack of visual proof.
But look guys, the only person who probably actually needs to have a visual record of my collection is me - that is why you should not kick off with me for not producing an image for whatever poster you talk about.

HOWEVER, I will post what I deem to be decent images on this forum, BUT IN MY OWN TIME.
You have to respect me on this.

I am not like some other members; thinking of one in particular who posts images of almost every poster they come into contact with.
I mean, that's what the guy does and I respect him for that.
I actually like seeing the posters, but that doesn't mean I have to do the same.

I am not prepared to take mediocre photographs of something I require good photographs of.
Why do something twice when it can be done properly once?

For those interested, I am commencing actual photography within the next two weeks.
The plan is to spend one day per week photographing and cataloguing items the way in which I see best fit for my purpose.
This does not mean I will be posting images on this or any other forum within the next two weeks.

People who have visited me are able to acknowledge the amount of work I have on my hands, not least because of what I do outside of posters.
I don't know any of you on a truly personal level (some members on excluded) , so I cannot comment on any of your lives, but I can comment on my own:
My time is divided between university, training (gym & free fighting etc), seeing friends & family (the most important part of my life), working and the posters.
Therefore, I hope you can see my life does not revolve around posters as much as I wish it did.
Posters, as geeky as this may sound, are my one true escape from the world - an escape I openly talk about & do not hide.

To that end, I think it is time all the negativity, jabs and hooks directed to me comes to a stop.
Let me get on with what I am doing, let me get involved in the forums again, and let me do it in peace.

Life is too short.

Thanks for your time,

Best wishes,
Adam Carter-Jones - FREE James Bond Poster Reference site
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