James Bond and The Queen to open The Olympics Games



  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Cue Alex Salmond sliding in and trying to recruit Bond to the course of Scottish Nationalism (and a chorus from English tax payers saying, "007, if that'll get the Sweaties to vote for independence, please help Mr Salmond with his mission")
    Charming. And highly ignorant.

    Pffft, says you?
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    edited May 2012
    Cue Alex Salmond sliding in and trying to recruit Bond to the course of Scottish Nationalism (and a chorus from English tax payers saying, "007, if that'll get the Sweaties to vote for independence, please help Mr Salmond with his mission")
    Charming. And highly ignorant.

    Without turning a light-hearted thread on a website about about one of life's inconsequences (Bond - however fascinating) into a political debate, in what way do you think my comment shows ignorance???
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Without turning a light-hearted thread on a website about about one of life's inconsequences (Bond - however fascinating) into a political debate, in what way do you think my comment shows ignorance???
    It's a rather blanket statement about an entire population (of which a majority are constantly shown to be opposed to independence) and Scotland's position within the United Kingdom, which is a little more complex than being subsidised from the English taxpayer, as the ramifications of ending the Union will shake this entire island quite dramatically.

    Also nice to be referred to as a sweaty.
    minigeff wrote:
    Pffft, says you?
    Oh hello, I'd wonder when you'd eventually turn up to crank my handle despite my best intention to pretend you don't exist.
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    By "population...majority constantly shown to be opposed to independence" I presume you are refering to the population of Scotland, because in my experience the English would happily be rid of the Union?

    The image is that Scotland is the equivalent of a shrewish, stop-at-home wife, always spending the money while constantly complaining about how much better off they'd be without the hard-working husband anyway.

    The view from here is that its' about time the opportunity was given to find out if the grass of Independence was greener on the other side. Further, the fact that we'd never get another Labour Government elected in England after Independence issurely a wonderfully beneficial ramification.

    On the sweaty thing, however, if you have genuinely never refered to an Englishman in slang terms, I apologise.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    I was referring to the population of Scotland, yes. But by the opinion polls we get (and there are lots, it's a prominent debate up here) they seem to strongly suggest the majority of the English population being opposed also. But you're better in tune with your compatriots with whom you talk so I bow to that. Regrettable that they think that, but that's their virtue and they are as absolutely entitled to that opinion as the pro- camp are up here.
    On the sweaty thing, however, if you have genuinely never refered to an Englishman in slang terms, I apologise.
    I haven't, actually, I'm quite the Anglophile and proud of the union we make (hence my signature flag), so apology accepted. I could say that your last couple of posts tempted me, but that would be more about an individual, rather than a derogatory catch-all term for an entire populace. I know that most people south of the border are far from being as boorish.
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    edited May 2012
    minigeff wrote:
    Pffft, says you?
    Oh hello, I'd wonder when you'd eventually turn up to crank my handle despite my best intention to pretend you don't exist.

    Turn up? Never left dear.

    And keep pretending by all means....

    (Still here though)
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    I was referring to the population of Scotland, yes. But by the opinion polls we get (and there are lots, it's a prominent debate up here) they seem to strongly suggest the majority of the English population being opposed also. But you're better in tune with your compatriots with whom you talk so I bow to that. Regrettable that they think that, but that's their virtue and they are as absolutely entitled to that opinion as the pro- camp are up here.
    On the sweaty thing, however, if you have genuinely never refered to an Englishman in slang terms, I apologise.
    I haven't, actually, I'm quite the Anglophile and proud of the union we make (hence my signature flag), so apology accepted. I could say that your last couple of posts tempted me, but that would be more about an individual, rather than a derogatory catch-all term for an entire populace. I know that most people south of the border are far from being as boorish.

    I suppose its easy to dismiss strong opinions which are at variance with one's own as boorish. The fact is, there are iniquities between the finanical benefits of the Union to the Scots over the English and more and more people here believe this should end.

    I appreciate you appear not to faviour the break up and, frankly, I wouldn't worry while ever the vote remains with the Scots alone; there will be no Little Scotland, no President Alex, Sir Sean will not be returning "home" anytime soon. The feeding hand is not about to be severed.

    And I guess there will be no absence of "ABE" T shirts knocking about next month north of the border, which doesn't really help.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited May 2012
    I suppose its easy to dismiss strong opinions which are at variance with one's own as boorish.
    Oh I wasn't dismissing your opinion as boorish, I respect it - disagree profoundly as the complexities are far, far deeper than that one simplistic view of 'subsidy' (the block grant is ending anyway with the Scotland Act 2012 being introduced; from the next Scottish budget Edinburgh will be responsible for raising its own tax to spend and anything else will be borrowed - oil and gas excepted, which still flows direct to the Treasury for defence, foreign affairs and everything else under central government) - but respect your opinion nonetheless. Anyway, I'm not out to change anyone's mind or even debate it.

    It was your sweeping dismissiveness of Scots as sweaties, and ultimately the insinuation that we've all referred to the English in a deragotory manner at some point, that I found boorish. But as I said, I know not eveyone down there is like that, just as much as I know that many, many people up here would cringe at an ABE shirt never mind be seen dead wearing one. But there are a55holes in all four corners of this kingdom, just thankfully they're in the minority of their population.
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    I suppose its easy to dismiss strong opinions which are at variance with one's own as boorish.
    Oh I wasn't dismissing your opinion as boorish, I respect it - disagree profoundly as the complexities are far, far deeper than that one simplistic view of 'subsidy' (the block grant is ending anyway with the Scotland Act 2012 being introduced; from the next Scottish budget Edinburgh will be responsible for raising its own tax to spend and anything else will be borrowed - oil and gas excepted, which still flows direct to the Treasury for defence, foreign affairs and everything else under central government) - but respect your opinion nonetheless. Anyway, I'm not out to change anyone's mind or even debate it.

    It was your sweeping dismissiveness of Scots as sweaties, and ultimately the insinuation that we've all referred to the English in a deragotory manner at some point, that I found boorish. But as I said, I know not eveyone down there is like that, just as much as I know that many, many people up here would cringe at an ABE shirt never mind be seen dead wearing one. But there are a55holes in all four corners of this kingdom, just thankfully they're in the minority of their population.

    When we see a fair balance restored, we may view things differently down here. However, the current evidence is that there is unfairness.

    Your own morally high-minded position appears to be shared by few of your countrymen, ABE an inbred default.

    Finally, may I suggest a thicker skin and more relaxed approach to the expression "sweaties"? Or, in this New Labour PC world, has that become a racial insult too these days?
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited May 2012
    Your own morally high-minded position appears to be shared by few of your countrymen, ABE an inbred default.
    I didn't realise you know us better as a people than I did, or you had such superior expertise in Scottish thinking. Apologies, I'll defer to your greater experience on the matter undefended.
    Finally, may I suggest a thicker skin and more relaxed approach to the expression "sweaties"? Or, in this New Labour PC world, has that become a racial insult too these days?
    Oh don't worry I'm not offended. I can take a good bit of banter when it's on offer, and lord knows I'm one of the first to criticise our own on their actions, but I stand by my intial sarcastic reaction of 'charming', it better sums up the pity I feel for such a narrow-minded blanket view.

    Anyway, I get it. You don't particularly care for us much, I accept that. On the flipside, I feel a bit sorry for you for having such 'tar all' thoughts, much like I feel sorry for most racists, bigots, sectarians, homophobes etc that also find their fun taken away from them by the New Labour PC world.

    So in summary, no I'm not offended. I also don’t pretend to know the depth of opinion or feeling south of the border, but I’ve certainly met many, many charming English people – enough to know they’re not all like you. But I didn’t realise I wasn’t as knowledgeable on the leanings of the majority of Scottish people than I initially thought, so thanks for that. Lets move on :)

    At least there'll always be an England. :)
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    edited May 2012
    Your own morally high-minded position appears to be shared by few of your countrymen, ABE an inbred default.
    I didn't realise you know us better as a people than I did, or you had such superior expertise in Scottish thinking. Apologies, I'll defer to your greater experience on the matter undefended.
    Finally, may I suggest a thicker skin and more relaxed approach to the expression "sweaties"? Or, in this New Labour PC world, has that become a racial insult too these days?
    Oh don't worry I'm not offended. I can take a good bit of banter when it's on offer, and lord knows I'm one of the first to criticise our own on their actions, but I stand by my intial sarcastic reaction of 'charming', it better sums up the pity I feel for such a narrow-minded blanket view.

    Anyway, I get it. You don't particularly care for us much, I accept that. On the flipside, I feel a bit sorry for you for having such 'tar all' thoughts, much like I feel sorry for most racists, bigots, sectarians, homophobes etc that also find their fun taken away from them by the New Labour PC world.

    So in summary, no I'm not offended. I also don’t pretend to know the depth of opinion or feeling south of the border, but I’ve certainly met many, many charming English people – enough to know they’re not all like you. But I didn’t realise I wasn’t as knowledgeable on the leanings of the majority of Scottish people than I initially thought, so thanks for that. Lets move on :)

    At least there'll always be an England. :)

    Hadn't realised that I was any of the above.

    All this because I, as an English taxpayer, mention I don't like subsidising the Scots, and suggest that perhaps there might be tensions from not inconsequential evidence.

    Clearly there is indeed.

    Never mind.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Hadn't realised that I was any of the above.

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,424MI6 Agent
    We had St George's Day recently and it passed without notice. I got to thinking about what films they could show to commemorate it. Thing is, it doesn't easily work because what passes as English is also British. I mean, Battle of Britain is all London and Spitfires all over Kent but it would be an insult to the UK to pass that off as an English film. I suppose you could have the film Alexander about the founder of England or rather how he took on the Danes - but it's not a classic really. The Italian Job is great, I'd say that is English rather than British, ditto Quadrophenia. You could have From the Ashes, about the English cricket victory. But the Beatles, Liverpool or not, are really universal surely.

    However, the English like to think their values are not really English but universal and exportable. They think they're the Greenwich Mean Time of nations.

    Also, you have the class thing down here, where it isn't that unified cos the posh hate the working class and so on, it's like three nations in one anyway. :#

    I have never been to Scotland. :o So I have a vague sense of inadequacy when the subject pops up.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    However, the English like to think their values are not really English but universal and exportable. They think they're the Greenwich Mean Time of nations.

    all rise england's spokesperson Nap!

    I wouldn't think English views are exportable at all. Burma, India, Australia, Iraq, Afgahistan.... all places we've tried to make a mark on but ultimately it just didn't work out.

    I honestly think us Brits do have values, some good and some bad like all countries around the world, but universal and exportable? Can't think of an example of either tbh...
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    We had St George's Day recently and it passed without notice.
    Much to the annoyance our Glorious Leader and despite his best efforts, St Andrew's Day passes off with a whimper up here.
    The Italian Job is great, I'd say that is English rather than British, ditto Quadrophenia. You could have From the Ashes, about the English cricket victory.
    Absolutely! There's not a lot of films that would be uniquely Scottish, either (Braveheart aside...<shudder>), it's the world of television where Englishness and Scottishness stand apart from Britishness. Eastenders, Coronation Street, Midsomer Murders, all very English rather than British.
    I have never been to Scotland. :o
    Well, if you're looking to get out of London for the Olympics I know a place that would give you a very warm welcome - that's right, Ireland! :D (In all seriousness Nap, I think you'd really like Edinburgh)
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Well, if you're looking to get out of London for the Olympics I know a place that would give you a very warm welcome - that's right, Ireland! :D (In all seriousness Nap, I think you'd really like Edinburgh)

    :)) :)) :)) :))

    But there are a55holes in all four corners of this kingdom, just thankfully they're in the minority of their population.

    In all four corners of AJB apparently as well. But after almost 10 years, we're used to it, aren't we Moonie? I was going to ask you what a "sweaty" is supposed to be, but I don't even want to know. It sounds nothing like any of the Scottish people I have ever met, especially one of my closest friends, who I have the utmost respect and admiration for. :x
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    edited May 2012
    Monique wrote:
    Well, if you're looking to get out of London for the Olympics I know a place that would give you a very warm welcome - that's right, Ireland! :D (In all seriousness Nap, I think you'd really like Edinburgh)

    :)) :)) :)) :))

    But there are a55holes in all four corners of this kingdom, just thankfully they're in the minority of their population.

    In all four corners of AJB apparently as well. But after almost 10 years, we're used to it, aren't we Moonie? I was going to ask you what a "sweaty" is supposed to be, but I don't even want to know. It sounds nothing like any of the Scottish people I have ever met, especially one of my closest friends, who I have the utmost respect and admiration for. :x

    Allow me to explain for you.

    In Cockney Rhyming slang (you'll be familiar with that?), sweaty socks rhymes with Jocks (you'll be familiar with that expression) i.e sweaty socks = Jocks, or, as most often appreviated, sweaties.

    A reletively endearing terms, like other similar terms. Or not, depending on how you want to take it. "Moonie" doesn't like it.

    So don't worry, no one was suggesting that any of your Scots friends' fellow countrymen might perspire a lot and or have poor personal hygene.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    It sounds nothing like any of the Scottish people I have ever met, especially one of my closest friends, who I have the utmost respect and admiration for. :x

    ;% Let me point out, Mo that I am not Scottish...... :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • The Domino EffectThe Domino Effect Posts: 3,636MI6 Agent
    For much of the world, British and English are interchangeable. I've seen references made to the "British Premier League" in football and 'British champions' Manchester United. During World Cups, I've seen professional foreign news organisations use the Union Jack to represent England...and references made to the 'British and Scottish national teams.' These are from legitimate news organisations and professional journalists. I even remember seeing a letter to the editor of a Canadian magazine from a woman on a tyrade that the previous issue had described Ewan McGregor as British "...he's SCOTTISH, you idiots..." she fumed. I don't know what got me more, the woman's ignorance or the magazine's decision to run her letter without an editorial comment pointing out that she was the idiot.

    I am English and British and proud of it. I have English, Welsh and Scottish friends - as well as Irish and Northern Irish. There are as many English I dislike intensely as there are Scots...although more of the latter during football and rugby competitions!
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    We had St George's Day recently and it passed without notice. I got to thinking about what films they could show to commemorate it. Thing is, it doesn't easily work because what passes as English is also British. I mean, Battle of Britain is all London and Spitfires all over Kent but it would be an insult to the UK to pass that off as an English film. I suppose you could have the film Alexander about the founder of England or rather how he took on the Danes - but it's not a classic really. The Italian Job is great, I'd say that is English rather than British, ditto Quadrophenia. You could have From the Ashes, about the English cricket victory. But the Beatles, Liverpool or not, are really universal surely.

    However, the English like to think their values are not really English but universal and exportable. They think they're the Greenwich Mean Time of nations.

    Also, you have the class thing down here, where it isn't that unified cos the posh hate the working class and so on, it's like three nations in one anyway. :#

    I have never been to Scotland. :o So I have a vague sense of inadequacy when the subject pops up.

    You raise a very good point Nap, its like we're embarrassed to celebrate anything English, (and I use that term specifically) as we might offend someone...can't be seen to do that, even though we bombarded our way across the globe...its almost like we're apologising for our previous generations...and our pink domination of the atlas!

    Jilly Cooper wrote a great book called Class and she challenges the perception that upper class and working class are miles apart, when in fact, their values are very similar...you have to read the book to understand her point...but it was an interesting one ;)
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    A new article (but old news) from the Mirror claiming that three helicopters will swoop down the Thames river and under London Bridge before heading to the Olympic Park. Then to the strains of the James Bond theme Daniel Craig will drop into the stadium on a rope ladder. This will follow a short film from Danny Boyle in which Bond visits Buckingham Palace by Royal Appointment.

    London 2012: Daniel Craig to open Olympics with a daredevil leap from a helicopter

    MT. It looks pretty certain to me that Daniel Craig/Bond will make an appearance at the opening ceremony but whether he drops in on a rope ladder is certainly open to debate.
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Moore Than wrote:
    MT. It looks pretty certain to me that Daniel Craig/Bond will make an appearance at the opening ceremony but whether he drops in on a rope ladder is certainly open to debate.

    No chance. Consider the time he made his debut by arriving up the Thames with the royal marines, in a life jacket. No insurance company or producer would allow the main star to descend a rope ladder hung from a hovering helicopter.

    You imagine what would happen if he fell off;

    "oh my god, you just killed james bond!"
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • Agent007jamestAgent007jamest usaPosts: 163MI6 Agent
    minigeff wrote:
    Moore Than wrote:
    MT. It looks pretty certain to me that Daniel Craig/Bond will make an appearance at the opening ceremony but whether he drops in on a rope ladder is certainly open to debate.

    No chance. Consider the time he made his debut by arriving up the Thames with the royal marines, in a life jacket. No insurance company or producer would allow the main star to descend a rope ladder hung from a hovering helicopter.

    You imagine what would happen if he fell off;

    "oh my god, you just killed james bond!"

    That was my thoughts exactly no way DC is performing the stunt. a stunt man will slide down a rope or parachute in to some kind of covering and 007 will emerge. great news though and a huge publicity bump for skyfall!
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Two helicopters were filmed flying through Tower Bridge in London yesterday. It is thought to be a part of Danny Boyle's short film The Arrival in which Daniel Craig looks set to appear as James Bond. The Arrival will be shown during the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games.

    Helicopters fly through Tower Bridge
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • HoagieHoagie Posts: 48MI6 Agent
    Am I alone in thinking this 'stunt' is a bit of a rubbish idea. We've got a deeper, more brooding darker Bond now, and this whole idea is very flippant, and against the grain for me.

    I can see Brosnan doing it and it feeling comfortable, but Craig is has built a whole new Bond persona, and this at a time when there is so much much expectation for Skyfall, with such hard work that has seemingly been put in to make a great film just seems to set the whole 'reboot' thing back.

    Also can't see it being much good for Craigs career either, espsecially if he doesn't want to be Bond forever.

    I may be being a miserable git of course, that is entirely possible.
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    Hoagie wrote:
    Am I alone in thinking this 'stunt' is a bit of a rubbish idea. We've got a deeper, more brooding darker Bond now, and this whole idea is very flippant, and against the grain for me.

    I can see Brosnan doing it and it feeling comfortable, but Craig is has built a whole new Bond persona, and this at a time when there is so much much expectation for Skyfall, with such hard work that has seemingly been put in to make a great film just seems to set the whole 'reboot' thing back.

    Also can't see it being much good for Craigs career either, espsecially if he doesn't want to be Bond forever.

    I may be being a miserable git of course, that is entirely possible.

    No, fair comments all, and one's that have crossed my mind.

    But the Olympics is a hugely important event for Britain and there is nothing so ultimately British in the world as James Bond, so tieing the two together makes great commecrial sense.

    No, the stunt doesn't fit with Craig Bond, BUT it might work as a way of lightening his Bond up; we have all complained that Craig-Bond is too dark, seems not to enjoy himself enough, so this might work to bring a bit of balance. Of course, there is the possibility it might be too camp and OTT and backfire horribly...

    Does it fit with Craig? I can't answer that. When he took over from Brosnan, I thought the one thing that would have to end would be the Omega campaigns: "can't see Craig being prepared to be a watch salesmaen" I recall posting. How wrong, of course, I was; seems DC'll advertise just about anything.

    So I'm 50/50 that its a good idea all-round. Or not.
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    Wonder if he is going to drag up for this publicity stunt, he did seem to rather enjoy it the last time.
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Some details of the opening ceremony have been revealed. One of which is the opening scene called "Green and Pleasant" in which 10,000 volunteers will help recreate country scenes. The set will feature meadows, fields and rivers, with families taking picnics, people playing sports on the village green and farmers tiling the soil.

    The FULL article.
    London 2012: Olympics opening ceremony details revealed
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Maybe this countryside idea will involve all the bonds?

    Connery could open proceedings with herding some sheep spouting "you're all animals, you shhhhould be locked in a cage"

    Lazenby could be the village idiot stuck in the stocks "this never happened to the other idiot"

    Moore could reply to David Cameron's comments that the country has lost its charm - "not from where I'm standing"

    Enter stage left the panto horse, which comes apart to reveal Dalton "I AM a horses arse!!"

    Brossa could come in crashing through the stadium wall "sorry I forgot to knock"

    And Craig could light the Olympic torch by igniting a rasping fart while scratching his nads "now the whole worlds seen my open the Olympics while scratching my balls"
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    minigeff wrote :
    Maybe this countryside idea will involve all the bonds?

    Connery could open proceedings with herding some sheep spouting "you're all animals, you shhhhould be locked in a cage"

    Lazenby could be the village idiot stuck in the stocks "this never happened to the other idiot"

    Moore could reply to David Cameron's comments that the country has lost its charm - "not from where I'm standing"

    Enter stage left the panto horse, which comes apart to reveal Dalton "I AM a horses arse!!"

    Brossa could come in crashing through the stadium wall "sorry I forgot to knock"

    And Craig could light the Olympic torch by igniting a rasping fart while scratching his nads "now the whole worlds seen my open the Olympics while scratching my balls"

    :)) :)) :)) this sounds better that what we'll get. ;)
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
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