I think if we can survive Bush and Blair, we can survive anything. )
On a recent radio comedy they made the point of modern politicians
Not being as smart as ones of old. The example they used was......
President James Garfield could write Greek with one hand and Latin
with the other at the same time ! Cut to 100 years later and President
George W, has been served soup and is desperately trying to figure out
if he should use the spoon or the fork ? )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
I believe FDR asked people to to get their world maps before at least one of his "fireside chats". It seemed politicians expected people to make an effort to understand the complexities of politics and the world. In the Republican party (or at least in the Tea Party movement) it seems inteligence and education is seen as suspicious and elitist - "Look! I'm just as simple as you folks. Vote for me!"
I reccomend the book "The age of American unreason" by Susan Jacoby on this subject.
CDonald Trump has no shame. Hardly news, I know. Here he gets a question from a supporter who says "We have a problem in this country, it's called muslims." He goes on claiming Obama is a muslim and not even an American. Trump makes no effort to correct this lunatic, but really eggs him on.
The idea of this man as a President is horrifying. At least Bush jr. seemed to be fairly moderate before is election. this man brags openly of how irresponisible and extreme he is:
As high as Trump's numbers appear to be, if you look more closely there's still something like 67% of Republican voters are declaring themselves as undecided. When you factor that into the total, Trumps numbers drop down to something like 11% of total Republicans. Now, that's still way more than any of the other Republican candidates but in all likelihood one of the other Republicans will eventually break away from the pack and when that person is pitted head-to-head against Trump, I suspect they'll swamp him. Many of Trump's supporters are diehard and committed and likely won't waiver but I don't think too many of the undecided will go for him because if they were that keen on him they would already have switched. I personally don't believe Trump will win the Republican nomination.
I hope so too, but lt's face the truth: Republicans voted Bush jr into office TWICE (or one and a half times ...)
We can take nothing for granted, because many Republicans don't only seem to forgive dumbness in a leader, they even embarce it.
On a separate issue, I think it's a disgrace that the two companies that
Will be the first to pay" The living wage" are foreign owned, IKEA and
Lidl. Congratulations to both companies for respecting their workers -{
and shame on those other companies looking for excuses for not paying
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Thunderbird 2East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,820MI6 Agent
On a separate issue, I think it's a disgrace that the two companies that
Will be the first to pay" The living wage" are foreign owned, IKEA and
Lidl. Congratulations to both companies for respecting their workers -{
and shame on those other companies looking for excuses for not paying
That makes cynical marketing sense to me Pussy.
IKEA (as much as I find their stuff too modern and plastics) do booming business.
Lidl and Aldi are so popular now, I can't pick a quiet time to get my groceries. Both stores are always packed with shoppers, because price wise they are kicking T.A.S.M.A.W in the shins. They can afford to be fair to their staff!
Everyone says the money grabbing days of the eighties went with Thatcher's government. It didn't. It simply got better camouflage and protection to hide retail, financial and political profiteering at the expense and loss of others.
This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
Lidl, do some lovely Croissants
I do find it amusing to hear exactly the same arguments, that were used
against the introduction of the minimum wage, being rolled out again. )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Actually M&S's croissants are the best in the world imo. You don't get them better in France!
As for Lidl, I can tell you from a supplier's standpoint that they are the most arrogant and careless people that I have ever met!
They show no respect to anyone here - Aldi are by far better in that regard.
I refuse to step my foot into any of Lidl's shop.
Lidl was caught for massively suveilling their staff with hidden CCTVs and detctives sniffing their staff in their private lifes. Aldi came later but not in the sheer quantity and cheekiness of Lidl's.
And TP, you are welcime to send me over some M&S croissants niw and then :v
President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
On the topic of minimum wages: We've gotten it in January, lots of moaning in the years before - nothing turned out to be problematic with it after minimum wages became reality.
President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Politicians are all useless it does not matter which side of the fence they sit - they are only in it for themselves and what they can get out of it - seriously, does anyone actually believe that they are doing it to better the lives of the general population?
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,939Chief of Staff
On the topic of minimum wages: We've gotten it in January, lots of moaning in the years before - nothing turned out to be problematic with it after minimum wages became reality.
I work for the NHS and we are paid above the minimum wage but under the Government Living Wage...that's if you are in Band 1 of the payment structure - I've been told the vast majority of NHS workers are in this Band...be interesting to see what happens when Cameron's promised pay rises kick in over the next 5 years...probably job cuts !
Once the NHS is privatised, wages will be no concern of the government.
Which is true...the Government has tried to 'break up' the NHS to sell it piecemeal...I work in prescriptions - which would be easy to do...but when offered out to tender it was found that no one could make a profit from it, so they all backed out ! It's now even more difficult with the Government promising higher basic wages...more difficult - but not impossible...
In my opinion to show how corrupt politics has become, the latest case
Of two big name politicians who were caught agreeing to lobby for a firm
For " big pay offs" as they had the ear of the cabinet and PM. Yet when they
Were checked out by a panel ( of other MPs) it was decided they had done
Nothing wrong ! )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Thunderbird 2East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,820MI6 Agent
Junk mail! As in letter box junk mail, it's really winding me up!
Email junk mail is less of an issue to me, but if I ever get my hands on the fracking morons who put those leaflets through my door! There is a large A4 sign in the ajacent window! I have even phoned some of the culprits demanding exclusion and it still happens! They can take their political fliers, religious statements, restraunt promos, supermarket discounts and maintenance offers and shove them up their guttering!!
Re the politicians, one day enough people will finally loose their temper and something dreadful will happen. Politicians will only get away with it as long as the public are both accepting and apathetic to it. When it does happen, I just hope I'm not there to witness it.
This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
The best way to deal with these people is ,if you cant beat them ,join them ,I put mine in a un stamped envelope ,and post it back,knowing full well that they have to pay ,when they get it back
On politics,over here in N.Ireland . One of our government committees
Has just voted in " Free, tea and coffee " at meetings. Now this had to go
Through several meetings over many weeks ............ Luckily N.Ireland has
NO problems to deal with, so has plenty of time to spend on such important
Issues ) Next big decession to work out will be ...
" Rich tea or Digestives ?". Discuss ! )
Over years I've had a few chats with Number24 about politics as he has a
Bit more respect for them, This event I hope goes to show , why I have no
Respect for these self serving parasites.
We have some real problems, but they want to spend time, trying to find ways
so that they don't have to pay for a cup of tea. The amount of money isn't even
Important ( around £5000, a year) it's the fact that given the lack of jobs, the
economic situation, the many other bigger problems we have. They could find
the time to worry over having to pay a few pence for a cup of tea. 8-)
Infact, that £5000, could be better spent ( only my opinion) on helping charities
hand out soup and food to the homeless.
Proof if needed that we do infact live in an Asylum ! )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
As I have said before TP, they are only in politics to serve themselves not the general population
If voting changed anything they would ban it
I disagree with both of these -{
The majority of politicians don't go into it to serve themselves, it's the minority sadly who take advantage of what's often put before them.
And if you don't vote then you have lost any chance of changing anything. In the uk we've had different successive Governments and the rise of parties like UKIP in the last election, both going to show how votes can make change... -{
On a recent radio comedy they made the point of modern politicians
Not being as smart as ones of old. The example they used was......
President James Garfield could write Greek with one hand and Latin
with the other at the same time ! Cut to 100 years later and President
George W, has been served soup and is desperately trying to figure out
if he should use the spoon or the fork ? )
I reccomend the book "The age of American unreason" by Susan Jacoby on this subject.
The idea of this man as a President is horrifying. At least Bush jr. seemed to be fairly moderate before is election. this man brags openly of how irresponisible and extreme he is:
of world war three and a nuclear holocaust.
( as in The Dead Zone )
We can take nothing for granted, because many Republicans don't only seem to forgive dumbness in a leader, they even embarce it.
Will be the first to pay" The living wage" are foreign owned, IKEA and
Lidl. Congratulations to both companies for respecting their workers -{
and shame on those other companies looking for excuses for not paying
That makes cynical marketing sense to me Pussy.
IKEA (as much as I find their stuff too modern and plastics) do booming business.
Lidl and Aldi are so popular now, I can't pick a quiet time to get my groceries. Both stores are always packed with shoppers, because price wise they are kicking T.A.S.M.A.W in the shins. They can afford to be fair to their staff!
Everyone says the money grabbing days of the eighties went with Thatcher's government. It didn't. It simply got better camouflage and protection to hide retail, financial and political profiteering at the expense and loss of others.
I do find it amusing to hear exactly the same arguments, that were used
against the introduction of the minimum wage, being rolled out again. )
As for Lidl, I can tell you from a supplier's standpoint that they are the most arrogant and careless people that I have ever met!
They show no respect to anyone here - Aldi are by far better in that regard.
I refuse to step my foot into any of Lidl's shop.
Lidl was caught for massively suveilling their staff with hidden CCTVs and detctives sniffing their staff in their private lifes. Aldi came later but not in the sheer quantity and cheekiness of Lidl's.
And TP, you are welcime to send me over some M&S croissants niw and then :v
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
...... well everybody needs a hobby
Especially if they were wearing green trainers
should be a set of miniature green trainers, that
we could hang from our windscreen mirror. )
Lovely, cuddly, humanitarian type of Guy ? )
I work for the NHS and we are paid above the minimum wage but under the Government Living Wage...that's if you are in Band 1 of the payment structure - I've been told the vast majority of NHS workers are in this Band...be interesting to see what happens when Cameron's promised pay rises kick in over the next 5 years...probably job cuts !
......... You could be Me ! )
Once the NHS is privatised, wages will be no concern of the government.
Which is true...the Government has tried to 'break up' the NHS to sell it piecemeal...I work in prescriptions - which would be easy to do...but when offered out to tender it was found that no one could make a profit from it, so they all backed out ! It's now even more difficult with the Government promising higher basic wages...more difficult - but not impossible...
Of two big name politicians who were caught agreeing to lobby for a firm
For " big pay offs" as they had the ear of the cabinet and PM. Yet when they
Were checked out by a panel ( of other MPs) it was decided they had done
Nothing wrong ! )
Email junk mail is less of an issue to me, but if I ever get my hands on the fracking morons who put those leaflets through my door! There is a large A4 sign in the ajacent window! I have even phoned some of the culprits demanding exclusion and it still happens! They can take their political fliers, religious statements, restraunt promos, supermarket discounts and maintenance offers and shove them up their guttering!!
Re the politicians, one day enough people will finally loose their temper and something dreadful will happen. Politicians will only get away with it as long as the public are both accepting and apathetic to it. When it does happen, I just hope I'm not there to witness it.
Has just voted in " Free, tea and coffee " at meetings. Now this had to go
Through several meetings over many weeks ............ Luckily N.Ireland has
NO problems to deal with, so has plenty of time to spend on such important
Issues ) Next big decession to work out will be ...
" Rich tea or Digestives ?". Discuss ! )
Over years I've had a few chats with Number24 about politics as he has a
Bit more respect for them, This event I hope goes to show , why I have no
Respect for these self serving parasites.
We have some real problems, but they want to spend time, trying to find ways
so that they don't have to pay for a cup of tea. The amount of money isn't even
Important ( around £5000, a year) it's the fact that given the lack of jobs, the
economic situation, the many other bigger problems we have. They could find
the time to worry over having to pay a few pence for a cup of tea. 8-)
Infact, that £5000, could be better spent ( only my opinion) on helping charities
hand out soup and food to the homeless.
Proof if needed that we do infact live in an Asylum ! )
If voting changed anything they would ban it
I disagree with both of these -{
The majority of politicians don't go into it to serve themselves, it's the minority sadly who take advantage of what's often put before them.
And if you don't vote then you have lost any chance of changing anything. In the uk we've had different successive Governments and the rise of parties like UKIP in the last election, both going to show how votes can make change... -{