Has anyone made a story from the film titles?

BunsenPPKBunsenPPK Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 77MI6 Agent
I'm curious as I was thinking about this the other day...has anyone else tried to make a story using the film titles in or out of order to make a story? I thought it would be an interesting concept. I'll write one below, keeping in mind I'm making it up as I go so don't expect anything great.... :))

I went to see Dr No the other day, he was From Russia With Love and it was said he touched his patients with a Goldfinger, he said I was healthy. It was a stormy day and I could have sworn I saw a Thunderball. Then the next week I thought hell, You Only Live Twice, I'm going to go On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Before I left I bought my wife a ring, she said Diamonds Are Forever, and I left. During my training they said I had to Live And Let Die when facing The Man With The Golden Gun. By the end of the course, I found out The Spy Who Loved Me was leaving to become a Moonraker. She came to see me before she left and told me she had something For Your Eyes Only. When I turned around she had her Octopussy out! Thought to myself gee, thats A View To A Kill, but she scared The Living Daylights out of me doing that... When I returned to the base, I was issued with my Licence To Kill, I looked my boss in his GoldenEye when he said to me Tomorrow Never Dies and The World Is Not Enough for these criminals. They've tried to kill you once but I guess you'll Die Another Day, your mission is to go to the Casino Royale and win a game against a man we believe owns the Quantum Of Solace, good luck.

I'm done.... :))
"I think he got the point"


  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    BunsenPPK wrote:
    When I turned around she had her Octopussy out! Thought to myself gee, thats A View To A Kill, but she scared The Living Daylights out of me doing that

    Can't top that!!! :))
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • BunsenPPKBunsenPPK Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 77MI6 Agent
    BunsenPPK wrote:
    When I turned around she had her Octopussy out! Thought to myself gee, thats A View To A Kill, but she scared The Living Daylights out of me doing that

    Can't top that!!! :))

    Haha yeah, I was looking foward to doing Octopussy :))
    "I think he got the point"
  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    Ok here's mine, although the films are not in order:

    I was working in a jewellery store called ‘Diamonds Are Forever’. Some of the customers scared the living daylights out of me. For example, one man, by the name of Dr No, had a goldeneye, and always gave me dirty looks with it. Another customer, known as the man with the golden gun, didn’t actually have a gun of any kind, but rather thought he did (he was mentally ill). I decided that enough is enough, the world is not enough, and left my job. My boss, goldfinger, wasn’t too pleased (he got his nickname from when he was rumoured to have fingered a gold swimming medallist). For the next few years, I was in a bit of a rut, and at times wanted to live and let die. Some sort of skyfall wouldn’t have gone amiss. However, years later, I had regained my confidence and was working on her majesty’s secret service. Having gained my licence to kill, I was ready to take on my first mission - the infiltration of the moonraker shuttle. But then I thought “Screw this! I’m not going into space! I signed up to be a secret agent, not a frigging astronaut!”, so I decided to just gamble away at casino royale. M wasn’t too pleased, and so sent me a warning from Russia with love (he was on holiday in Russia at the time). It was actually a video message, entitled “for your eyes only”. So I watched it, and M was so pissed off that he was raging like a thunderball. I then phoned M up, saying “C’mon M. You only live twice. Loosen up!” M apologised, and admitted that he was in an angry mood in general because he hadn’t been getting much octopussy recently. To which I replied “Tomorrow never dies M, I’ll meet you next thing in the morning in Russia and we will go on the pull!” So the next day, we did just that, and that very night we hit Moscow. We went to a nightclub called “Quantum Of Solace”, when suddenly M began to look startled. I asked M what the problem was, to which M replied “It’s my ex wife – the spy who loved me! I’m gonna give her a piece of my mind!” M went up to his ex wife, who had obviously hurt him in the past, and a bitter argument kicked off. “You’re dead!” shouted M’s ex-wife. “Screw that, I’ll die another day!” replied M. To which then M’s ex-wife pulled out a gun and shot M in the head at point blank range. All I could think was “What a view to a kill!”
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
  • StrangewaysStrangeways London, UKPosts: 1,469MI6 Agent
    This thread is purile!

    :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
  • BunsenPPKBunsenPPK Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 77MI6 Agent
    Jarvio wrote:
    Ok here's mine, although the films are not in order:

    I was working in a jewellery store called ‘Diamonds Are Forever’. Some of the customers scared the living daylights out of me. For example, one man, by the name of Dr No, had a goldeneye, and always gave me dirty looks with it. Another customer, known as the man with the golden gun, didn’t actually have a gun of any kind, but rather thought he did (he was mentally ill). I decided that enough is enough, the world is not enough, and left my job. My boss, goldfinger, wasn’t too pleased (he got his nickname from when he was rumoured to have fingered a gold swimming medallist). For the next few years, I was in a bit of a rut, and at times wanted to live and let die. Some sort of skyfall wouldn’t have gone amiss. However, years later, I had regained my confidence and was working on her majesty’s secret service. Having gained my licence to kill, I was ready to take on my first mission - the infiltration of the moonraker shuttle. But then I thought “Screw this! I’m not going into space! I signed up to be a secret agent, not a frigging astronaut!”, so I decided to just gamble away at casino royale. M wasn’t too pleased, and so sent me a warning from Russia with love (he was on holiday in Russia at the time). It was actually a video message, entitled “for your eyes only”. So I watched it, and M was so pissed off that he was raging like a thunderball. I then phoned M up, saying “C’mon M. You only live twice. Loosen up!” M apologised, and admitted that he was in an angry mood in general because he hadn’t been getting much octopussy recently. To which I replied “Tomorrow never dies M, I’ll meet you next thing in the morning in Russia and we will go on the pull!” So the next day, we did just that, and that very night we hit Moscow. We went to a nightclub called “Quantum Of Solace”, when suddenly M began to look startled. I asked M what the problem was, to which M replied “It’s my ex wife – the spy who loved me! I’m gonna give her a piece of my mind!” M went up to his ex wife, who had obviously hurt him in the past, and a bitter argument kicked off. “You’re dead!” shouted M’s ex-wife. “Screw that, I’ll die another day!” replied M. To which then M’s ex-wife pulled out a gun and shot M in the head at point blank range. All I could think was “What a view to a kill!”

    Haha nice :))
    "I think he got the point"
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