SPOILER: The Third Act

Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
The premise that Bond goes to Skyfall Lodge without any back up apart from breadcrumbs left by Q is far removed from reality. Remember, Silva is a man responsible for the explosion and deaths of eight MI6 operatives, the death of three agents, deaths at an enquiry, an explosion and derailment of a tube train. Having said all that, I could put it to one side if the ending was executed very well.

It certainly starts off in that fashion with the introduction of Kincade and the preparations and build up to Silva's attack. Kincade is a great character with some cracking lines. "Welcome to Scotland" being the best. The first wave of the attack is dramatic, as is the second wave. Watching the DB5 go up in flames was quite painful, I could understand Bond's anger. One or two things I could nit pack at but it's really good stuff to this point.

Things begin to unravel away from the Lodge when Silva and henchman stop Bond in his tracks on the ice. Never has the old adage "Don't talk, shoot" been more appropriate. Silva has M firmly in his sights. There is no sense in him wasting any time on Bond, especially after he saw what Bond was capable of on his island lair. The scene would have worked much better if it was just Bond and the henchman fighting each other. It would have added to the tension of Bond's pursuit of Silva before he got to M. Instead, the tension was taken away.

The torch makes no sense. Kincade knows the land like the back of his hand and would not need the torch, especially with all that light being given off by the explosion and flames at the Lodge. The torch would have made sense if Kincade had died at the Lodge and M was left on her own. That would have added to the drama, instead the drama is taken away. Kincade added nothing by being in the Chapel as he basically just stood there. M's death was a bit of an anti-climax because of what had happened between the Lodge and Chapel. Which is a shame because it's one of the most dramatic moments in the entire series.

I think I can some up the ending best like this.

Scenes at the Lodge 10/10
Scenes between the Lodge and Chapel 3/10
Scenes at the Chapel 9/10.....Kincade shouldn't have been there

No doubt, many of you will disagree with me but all opinions are welcome......within reason. :D
Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)


  • staff95staff95 Posts: 10MI6 Agent
    The premise that Bond goes to Skyfall Lodge without any back up apart from breadcrumbs left by Q is far removed from reality.
    That's absolutely true. Apart from what you said, Mallory mentions keeping an eye on Silva using CCTV etc. , so surely had they been keeping track of what he was doing, sending backup to Skyfall wouldn't be too difficult. They knew he wanted to get M, they knew she was on her own with Bond, so it would seem reasonable for MI6 to try to keep their boss alive, especially when under investigation for supposedly being inefficient and irrelevant!
    Kincade was a very nice addition to the story and I loved the humor he brought into the scenes (try to stop me, you jumped up little s**t!)
    I liked how they showed M and Bond playing Kevin Home Alone together, finally we got to see 'mummy' and James in action together. However, the fact that they had to make bombs out of broken light-bulbs and use an old hunting rifle (which by itself was great!) against a helicopter and machine guns was a little unrealistic, keeping in mind that back in London they had a whole arsenal of high-tech weapons they could just...borrow :v On the other hand, it's not a war film and it added tension to the scenes and actually made them feel great and exciting! I'll stop being picky and say I actually liked that!
    I couldn't put my opinion about the lake scene better than you did, you perfectly captured everything I had in mind.
    But the torch almost killed me. My mate had to physically restrain me from standing up and yelling 'SWITCH THE DAMN THING OFF!!!' Although, I can see where the script writers were coming from: Silva could add his 'mummy's calling' at the end of the scene. ;)
    Overall, great location, great dialogue and (apart from a few inaccuracies...ekhem... THE TORCH!...ehkem...) a great climax of a fantastic movie!!!
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,550Chief of Staff
    Moore Than wrote:
    The premise that Bond goes to Skyfall Lodge without any back up apart from breadcrumbs left by Q is far removed from reality.

    Whereas the rest of the film is true to life ? :))
    YNWA 97
  • CedricCedric Posts: 94MI6 Agent
    I think they didn't send backup and didn't tell anyone that they were hiding at skyfall because they thought there was a security leak within MI6.
  • Smoke_13Smoke_13 Kitchener Ont CanadaPosts: 285MI6 Agent
    Moore Than wrote:

    Things begin to unravel away from the Lodge when Silva and henchman stop Bond in his tracks on the ice. Never has the old adage "Don't talk, shoot" been more appropriate. Silva has M firmly in his sights. There is no sense in him wasting any time on Bond, especially after he saw what Bond was capable of on his island lair. The scene would have worked much better if it was just Bond and the henchman fighting each other. It would have added to the tension of Bond's pursuit of Silva before he got to M. Instead, the tension was taken away.

    This would have been the perfect scene if the film had introduced a No.1 henchman. Not as over the top as Jaws mind you, but a henchman that caused some real feelings of dread. Bond must get past this guy to finally get to Silva. Would have been great.

    The main villain stopping to talk to Bond in a Bond film seems to always happen. Rather than just killing Bond, or pushing the doomsday button, villains always seem to feel the need to have a chit chat with 007 first -and then get thwarted. Why it's as common in a 007 movie as the opening gun barrell...whoops, bad example I guess.
  • DTReinsmaDTReinsma Orlando, FL, USAPosts: 81MI6 Agent
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    Moore Than wrote:
    The premise that Bond goes to Skyfall Lodge without any back up apart from breadcrumbs left by Q is far removed from reality.

    Whereas the rest of the film is true to life ? :))

    What I actually meant (and should have said) was TOO far removed from reality for my liking.

    It would be nice to read your comments on those scenes I mentioned and also your opinion of the ending in general.
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
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