A 1967 "007 Holy Grail".
At the end of 2012, I believe on the Mego Museum website/forum, a collector posted an image inquiring if anyone knew anything about this action figure? which his cousin had kept as new since the late 60's and had recently gifted to him. The web went hot with this discovery and it was suggested he may want to contact Chris Malbon of Metropolis Vintage Toys in Great Britain as he may be taken aback as to the value of his boxed toy. Jump forward to April 2013 and I contacted Metroplolis to see if the collector had contacted him, if he had purchased it or did he have access to it? At that time Chris did have a half original doll in a reproduction box...I hate fake!
Skip forward to January 2014 and a routine Google search produced a link for Metropolis Toys which I nearly passed over because of the repro jobby but luckily I clicked on the link which revealed that Chris had secured just 8 weeks earlier in Belgium....that very same Cecil Coleman You Only Live Twice James Bond doll of 1967 in an almost shop stock condition with the finest example of an original box this collector has ever seen....and as important with the silenced pistol and shoulder holster.
My quest for this illusive action figure began perhaps 20 years ago when Dave Worrall told me he'd recently been offered one but could not come up with the 400 pounds asking price so had passed it onto Andy Foley of TV Toy Zone...thanks Dave!
Until 2013, I had not even seen what the box or indeed the doll looked like & had expected stunning artwork similar to what the Cecil Coleman Kissy Suzuki doll box had. The box was a bit of a let down artwork wise. Perhaps like Corgi Cecil Coleman could not afford to pay to feature a likeness of Mr Connery as they were a relatively small British company whose product was manufactured in "The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong" therefore it was a bit of a surprise to see the Goldfinger inspired artwork on the side of the box including a stunning Connery headshot taken from a publicity still of Bond while at Goldfinger's Kentucky ranch. -{
go on laugh at us freemasons ,heard it all before,freemasons are one of the biggest money raising (to charities )in the world,
there are 2 good freemasony films to watch from hell with Jonny Depp and the man who would be king with Connery &Caine
also just type in on google list of famous freemasons and be prepared to say bloody hell a lot
By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,246Chief of Staff
In this 50th Anniversary year of the movie GOLDFINGER, this is quite an exciting find for me. An original 1964 10" x 7.5" black & white plate of BMT216A. Produced by Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd, the only one this collector has seen outside of the pages of the GOLDFINGER UK Exhibitors Campaign Book (press book) -{
Like GOLDFINGER, today Donk has reached his half century and had hoped to celebrate by sourcing something unique from that 1964 classic movie but the BMT216A AML press photo came too early and unless Acacia_Avenue wants to sell me his UA/NSS gold case? ...these will have to do?
To find a set of clean 1967 lobbies is becoming quite hard to do however to find a set of "unissued" NSS YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE lobbies in their original NSS paper wrap is quite frankly unheard of -{
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,246Chief of Staff
Where do you find this stuff ? Do you have a time machine so you can nip back and buy them new ? )
An important piece of Corgi Bond history and the latest addition to the Dungeon, Marcel Van Cleemput's personal invitation to the Press preview screening of The Spy Who Loved Me held @ 10.30 am at the Odeon Leicester Square on Tuesday 5th July 1977, two days before the Royal Premiere Screening in London. The invite also gave access to the Corgi Press Launch luncheon for their new C269 James Bond Lotus Esprit, held at the Pastoria Hotel, St.Martin's Street, WC1.
My heartfelt thanks to fellow AJB007 member Acacia_Avenue who knew how important it was for me to secure this piece for the C269 Archive and who agreed the moment Vectis announced the auction listings that he would not bid against me...what a really great guy -{
Mr Van Cleemput and some sadly departed friends at the Corgi Press Launch
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,246Chief of Staff
Great items....and such camaraderie, a true gent -{
Not licensed and perhaps not Bond as such but a very unique piece of memorabilia none the less.
George Lazenby was the guest of honour at the 2008 New York Comic Convention held at the Penn Plaza pavilion on 7th Avenue opposite Madison Square Garden on 14th-16th November.
In 1995, Pierce Brosnan was the first Bond actor to sign an authorised limited edition run item with the Hollywood Archive Collectibles Goldeneye senigraphs. To celebrate Bond's 50th Anniversary Daniel Craig signed Taschen's gold art edition of The James Bond Archives. Roger signed his Bond on Bond book and Factory Entertainment's signature edition Golden Gun. Sean has been known to sign the odd book or two about his good self and George....well Mr Lazenby signed a 9mm Kurz Walther PPK which had been cast off a real firearm. Just 20 numbered Walther pistols (prop quality) were cast for Mr Lazenby to sign. This example has been tweaked by one of the Bond production team who regrettably is no longer with us (who will be sorely missed) to screen/Skyfall specification with a bored out & silvered barrel, genuine Walther brown grips and hardware & detailing to appear identical to the 9mm pistol Mr Lazenby used on screen back in 1969 -{
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
At the end of 2012, I believe on the Mego Museum website/forum, a collector posted an image inquiring if anyone knew anything about this action figure? which his cousin had kept as new since the late 60's and had recently gifted to him. The web went hot with this discovery and it was suggested he may want to contact Chris Malbon of Metropolis Vintage Toys in Great Britain as he may be taken aback as to the value of his boxed toy. Jump forward to April 2013 and I contacted Metroplolis to see if the collector had contacted him, if he had purchased it or did he have access to it? At that time Chris did have a half original doll in a reproduction box...I hate fake!
Skip forward to January 2014 and a routine Google search produced a link for Metropolis Toys which I nearly passed over because of the repro jobby but luckily I clicked on the link which revealed that Chris had secured just 8 weeks earlier in Belgium....that very same Cecil Coleman You Only Live Twice James Bond doll of 1967 in an almost shop stock condition with the finest example of an original box this collector has ever seen....and as important with the silenced pistol and shoulder holster.
My quest for this illusive action figure began perhaps 20 years ago when Dave Worrall told me he'd recently been offered one but could not come up with the 400 pounds asking price so had passed it onto Andy Foley of TV Toy Zone...thanks Dave!
Until 2013, I had not even seen what the box or indeed the doll looked like & had expected stunning artwork similar to what the Cecil Coleman Kissy Suzuki doll box had. The box was a bit of a let down artwork wise. Perhaps like Corgi Cecil Coleman could not afford to pay to feature a likeness of Mr Connery as they were a relatively small British company whose product was manufactured in "The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong" therefore it was a bit of a surprise to see the Goldfinger inspired artwork on the side of the box including a stunning Connery headshot taken from a publicity still of Bond while at Goldfinger's Kentucky ranch. -{
Thanks for sharing pics of an extremely rare item
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
He's just copying Sir Rog in the Princess Anne photo.
Yes, but while inserted in to each others bottoms
there are 2 good freemasony films to watch from hell with Jonny Depp and the man who would be king with Connery &Caine
also just type in on google list of famous freemasons and be prepared to say bloody hell a lot
They should be laughed at...but they LOVE breaking the rules for a fellow mason...makes me sick X-(
Sorry to hijack the thread...so let's leave it there...any further discussions on masons can be done via PM....
...I mean, some of the stuff and how he finds it = AMAZING! -{
Nice additions, ppw!
Adam Carter-Jones
Bondposters.com - FREE James Bond Poster Reference site
To find a set of clean 1967 lobbies is becoming quite hard to do however to find a set of "unissued" NSS YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE lobbies in their original NSS paper wrap is quite frankly unheard of -{
Congratulations -{
A good friend of yours is looking after it for you
My heartfelt thanks to fellow AJB007 member Acacia_Avenue who knew how important it was for me to secure this piece for the C269 Archive and who agreed the moment Vectis announced the auction listings that he would not bid against me...what a really great guy -{
Mr Van Cleemput and some sadly departed friends at the Corgi Press Launch
George Lazenby was the guest of honour at the 2008 New York Comic Convention held at the Penn Plaza pavilion on 7th Avenue opposite Madison Square Garden on 14th-16th November.
In 1995, Pierce Brosnan was the first Bond actor to sign an authorised limited edition run item with the Hollywood Archive Collectibles Goldeneye senigraphs. To celebrate Bond's 50th Anniversary Daniel Craig signed Taschen's gold art edition of The James Bond Archives. Roger signed his Bond on Bond book and Factory Entertainment's signature edition Golden Gun. Sean has been known to sign the odd book or two about his good self and George....well Mr Lazenby signed a 9mm Kurz Walther PPK which had been cast off a real firearm. Just 20 numbered Walther pistols (prop quality) were cast for Mr Lazenby to sign. This example has been tweaked by one of the Bond production team who regrettably is no longer with us (who will be sorely missed) to screen/Skyfall specification with a bored out & silvered barrel, genuine Walther brown grips and hardware & detailing to appear identical to the 9mm pistol Mr Lazenby used on screen back in 1969 -{
What was it you were saying about unlicensed crap
Adam Carter-Jones
Bondposters.com - FREE James Bond Poster Reference site