SPOILER James Bond's parents

wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
edited November 2012 in Skyfall - Bond 23 (2012)
Hey guys! Glad to be logged back in to ajb007! It was weird to see my last log in was in 2003 almost 10 years ago but the love of Bond is still going strong! Anyway I've decided to come back on to ask you guys some questions that average non-bondian people seem to notice or care about.

This post is heavy on SPOILERS so please look away if you haven't seen Skyfall yet! If you're still reading then you have been warned. I do apologise in advance if this already has been brought up... I did a brief search as well and read through some forum titles to see if the topic had already come up.

My question/observation doesn't really have much to do with James Bond's parents but more to do with James Bond's mother. In the novels it's canon that James Bond's parents died in a climbing accident but after seeing Skyfall (disclaimer- not as canon as the work Fleming of course) I thought of the possibility of M being James Bond's mother. The reasons for this being:-

1. M talks about her late husband during the movie, you do see a man in bed with her during Casino Royale, possibly him! Edit: or is the late husband shes talking about Andrew Bond who died in that climbing accident? End edit. During Casino Royale you never see this mans face which I interperrated as a lack of importance but at the same time an insight we've never seen before into M. Maybe this was M's husband we saw or maybe, like Bond, it was a stone called lover?

2. During Casino Royale, Bond says something along the lines of "I never knew the M stands for..." Before Judi Dench immediately shuts him up. This indicates her name may begin with an M.

3. When Silva spies the gravestone of James Bond's parents he lets out a weird type grin/laugh. James Bond's mother was called Monique and lo and behold- that begins with an M.

Although its just speculation it did make me wonder. It also made me feel more tension for emotion for M's choices during the movie ("take the shot")

Did anybody have the same feeling? Or notice the same thing?

Sorry once again if this has already been talked about

Good to be back


  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,516MI6 Agent
    1. That was her husband. Not Bond's father. Bond's father died when Bond was a kid. Bond is about 36 in CR.

    2. M stands for Mawdsley as in Barbara Mawdsley.

    3. Monique died at the same time as Andrew. They had nothing to do with SIS. Silva grins as he thinks it's ironic that he should find the stone after just killing their son, as he thinks he has.
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    edited November 2012
    I'm not saying that the man in M's bed was Bonds father- just the possibility that M is Bonds mother.

    Is anything post Fleming considered canon? As Barbara Mawdsley was used in a script (as well as a post Fleming book) but not in the final film does it make it the solid truth? This is a sort of reboot afterall.

    EDIT: If we were to assume Barbara Mawdsley is the name of M going from "Official" James Bond novels we must also assume that Miss Moneypenny's real name is Jane which is now Eve in Skyfall.
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    It's Mawdsley.

    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
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