Has Daniel Craig made Bond cool again?

its my first thread guys so be gentle :))

I have to say i'm not the biggest of Bond fans but i have the Connery, Dalton and Craig films and OHMSS and Goldeneye on Dvd. I used to watch them on ITV as a kid on Wednesday nights at 8 o'clock. I fell out of love with Bond for a few years with Bronson as i felt his films really sucked and made Bond a bit of joke just like Moore did.Anyway i was a dating a girl back in 2006 and she wanted to go see Casino Royale, i was a bit agaisn't it but to please her i said yes. After nearly two hours and a half of cracking Cinema Craig made me fall in love with Bond again like i did as a 11 year old. I saw Royale 5 times in the cinema it was that mind blown ( i saw QOS 3 times and Skyfall now 4 times). It seems with Audiences around the world he's the most popular Bond since Connery and been a Bond fan is no longer something to be ashamed off. From his Brutal methods and charmisa (yes Craig has it in tons) Craig has made Bond cool again (during Halloween i've seen Kids and grown men dressed up like Craig in Bond) .

So after that long ramble has Craig made Bond cool for a world audience and did he bring you back into the Bond fold after the Bronson era?


  • JADE66JADE66 Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    Welcome, lahaine. Yes, I think that Daniel Craig has definitely injected some new cool into Bond I have been a Bond fan for a very long time- 40 plus years and never been out of the fold, really. Still I have been less than enthused by some of the Moore/ Brosnan outings. Golden Gun, Moonraker, Die Another Day were all enormous disappointments to me. Craig has revitalized the character and I hope he sticks around for a while. I like his toughness, his ruthlessness and most importantly his drive to get the job done. Connery remains my favorite for now. Craig could supplant him if he keeps up the good work. CRaig is definitely cool and he has made Bond cool again. {[]
  • LukeLuke USAPosts: 99MI6 Agent
    Yes, I think Bond is at his most fashionable since his incarnation as Connery in the early 1960s. Craig has a very broad appeal and men as well as women enjoy watching his antics (though perhaps for different reasons). In 2002 I kept my infatuation with the series a secret. These days I am more comfortable to wear it on my sleeve. B-)
    It's all right. It's quite all right, really. She's having a rest. We'll be going on soon. There's no hurry, you see. We have all the time in the world.
  • Blood_StoneBlood_Stone Posts: 184MI6 Agent
    I got a few of my friends recently to convert to being Bond fans (Craig only)! They like the realism.
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