I don't have one of these, but I guess the buttons are to far away on the sides from each other, and the lapels are to big in comparison to the original one. It doesn't seem to be also a tailored one.
That's absolutely the closest replica that I've seen. Bravo to the maker. It's not spot on (the lapels and collar are a bit wide, the buttons are VERY far apart, and the fit looks pretty boxy), but it's a great-looking copy.
Still, for most people, $400 isn't chump change. It's not nearly cheap enough for me to justify buying a replica. The big benefits of buying a replica are that it's cheapers and you don't feel as bad about wearing it and possibly damaging it. $400 just wouldn't do it for me. The fact that it isn't authentic and completely accurate would eat at me. $200 would be my sweet spot.
My peacoat was £40 and looks just as good.
Still, for most people, $400 isn't chump change. It's not nearly cheap enough for me to justify buying a replica. The big benefits of buying a replica are that it's cheapers and you don't feel as bad about wearing it and possibly damaging it. $400 just wouldn't do it for me. The fact that it isn't authentic and completely accurate would eat at me. $200 would be my sweet spot.