Name the most sinister Bond girl


In my opinion it has to be this lady right here, Xenia Onatopp played by Famke Janssen in Goldeneye. Hands down the most sinister, sexually driven, no mercy killing bitch i've ever seen play in a Bond film.


  • LastRatStandingLastRatStanding ScotlandPosts: 296MI6 Agent
    Irma Bunt is pretty sinister, not sure if she's a Bond girl though! Scariest part of the entire series is when shes in bed instead of Ruby - absolutely lost it the first time I seen it! Not sure if it was because its actually scary though or whether it was just because it was unexpected and weird and colourful and...yeah :#

    Other contenders are of course Xenia Onatopp - a straight up evil woman! Very sinister indeed; Miranda Frost who is a really horrible character as well being a two faced double crossing annoying bitch; and last but not least Mayday, even though she turned 'good' - just because its Grace Jones.
    Now, they only eat rat.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent

    In my opinion it has to be this lady right here, Xenia Onatopp played by Famke Janssen in Goldeneye. Hands down the most sinister, sexually driven, no mercy killing bitch i've ever seen play in a Bond film.

    If you found her sinister, sexually driven, no mercy killing in GE, you must watch her in Nip-Tuck ;)
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • BunsenPPKBunsenPPK Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 77MI6 Agent
    I'd say Rosa Klebb, but Bond had the sense not to go there :))
    "I think he got the point"
  • always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
    Has to be Onatopp, all the other killers do it for some sort of proffesional
    pride ,duty ect but this one actualy gains some type of sexual pleasure, relief,
    after spraying the whole room with her Czech scorpion submachine gun,
    total nut job ,but excellently played by Janssen.
    By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Fiona Volpe gets my vote, and Bond did go there. Great looking and sexy but ice cold and obviously very capable of disposing of anyone who gets in her way.

    Her alter-ego in Never Say Never Again, Fatima Blush, also gets an honourable mention.
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • ZorinIndustriesZorinIndustries United StatesPosts: 837MI6 Agent
    It has to be Onatopp.

    One can make a case for Elektra King potentially, being in on her father's death, betraying M and falling prey to Renard. Who knows?

    But I agree 100% with what everyone said about Onatopp.
    "Better luck next time... slugheads!"

    1. GoldenEye 2. Goldfinger 3. Skyfall 4. OHMSS 5. TWINE
  • PMNPMN LeicestershirePosts: 24MI6 Agent
    Most sinister Bond girl has to be Solitaire in LALD.
    Before Bond got hold of her she could genuinely see in to the future.
    Spooky or what ?
  • ChromeJobChromeJob Durham, NC USAPosts: 149MI6 Agent
    Haha, I was actually thinking the same thing today. But not with Seymour. They made her such a cute, cuddlicious Barbie doll you couldn't take your eyes off her. Sinister? Only if you consider Valerie Bertinelli a "tough broad."
    “It reads better than it lives.” T. Case
  • Unknown007Unknown007 Posts: 201MI6 Agent
    How about Miranda Frost from Die Another Day?
  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    Fiona Volpe.

    Rosa Klebb and Irma Bunt were justy 'nasty old women', and were basically taking orders. Irma Bunt did kill bond's wife however, but still...

    Fiona however, although taking orders, seemed to get great pleasure from the possibility of killing bond.

    Xenia is up there too, but Fiona seems to genuinely enjoy her role, whereas Xenia seems to be more on the crazy/psychotic side.
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
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