You Tube Blue Pencil Review of Cold/Cold Fall (1996) by John Gardner
Silhouette Man
The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,865MI6 Agent
The latest Blue Pencil Review of John Gardner's Cold/Cold Fall (1996)
The reviewer says near the end that General Brutus Clay would have been happy to serve as merely Secretary of State for Defence under President Clinton (who he'd be happy to serve under and allow to remain in place) - I can't say that I remember this scene from the novel - is he right? If he is, this is admittedly rather weird!
The reviewer says near the end that General Brutus Clay would have been happy to serve as merely Secretary of State for Defence under President Clinton (who he'd be happy to serve under and allow to remain in place) - I can't say that I remember this scene from the novel - is he right? If he is, this is admittedly rather weird!
"The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
Yes, never thought of him as drunk, just a typical English idiot - but now you mention it - THAT MAKES SENSE!
It probably explains a lot about these reviews - they are crude and have little serious bearing on the work at hand.
No, sir. JG never touched a drop of the liquid falling down medicine after 1959 - see his book Spin the Bottle. He was a recovering alcoholic, of course.
If that's the quality he churned out...he would have been better off with a drink or two...certainly drove me too it after reading the last couple...
No, one drink would have started it all off again - don't touch the stuff myself!
There's a mile of difference between a virtual beer and a real beer, my old mucker!
Bottoms up. -{
It's like that James song, isn't it? )
Didn't know they imbibed...still!
Christ, I hope not...James are **** X-(
Siddounnextameeee! )
Please yourself, then. I've got a camp bed!
Why am I not surprised.... 8-)
It's gonna be a long night!
Nah...I'll ban you soon
No! Not again...that happened me on CBn!
I can see why :v
You can? Little old me? I think it was my enthusiasm for the Literary Bond that really left them COLD (pun intended).
By which you mean...
I wonder 8-)
Now...back on topic...
I'm all for that - plan to review this one next!