Skyfall & Bond 50 Blu-Ray Question

I purchased Bond 50 BR here in the US in early January (found 1 set in Ohio and drove over 100 miles to get it for cheap) Anyhoo, my question is this:

Will there be a separate version of Skyfall for the boxset, mainly to match the disc look (black discs), or will there be just the one? Any pics of the actual disc I can not find either to see if it will match. I don't care if its just the one and I toss the case, just wanting to know if the discs will match what the box set discs look like.

That is all.


  • JayCobb1045JayCobb1045 Posts: 79MI6 Agent
    I haven't purchased the Skyfall Blu ray yet, but I happened to watch Calvin Dyson's unboxing video (if you haven't seen his recaps of the films, they are pretty funny and entertaining) and the disc that comes in the "steelbook" version at least is WHITE! The logo is similar but if that is the only version they're releasing, it will stick out like a sore thumb. If you get any more information on this, please post it on here because I am a little OCD when it comes to things like this and I'd love to find a Bluray disc to match the rest!
  • HalfMonk HalfHitmanHalfMonk HalfHitman USAPosts: 2,347MI6 Agent
    All the Skyfall discs are white. If they do a special edition down the road I bet it's black to make you buy it ag- er, to match the Bond 50 set.
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