What is your favorite James Bond escape trick?



  • RogueAgent007RogueAgent007 Corn-fed central USPosts: 154MI6 Agent
    GE PTS. Ourumov tells the soldiers to hold fire so as not to blow the gas tanks, so Bond hides behind the wheeled rack of canisters and slowly walks it across the room to the conveyor. The silence, broken only by the squeaky wheel, is palpable. Had me on the edge of my seat. The whole audience in the theater was wondering, along with Ourumov "OK, James, now whatcha gonna do?"

    Great scene, Great Movie
    Beg your pardon, forgot to knock...
  • Smiert-SpionamSmiert-Spionam Posts: 318MI6 Agent
    Dalton on the conveyor belt going towards the grinder with Dario. Only Pam Bouvier's timely intervention saves him. Suppose this isn't so much Bond's own escape trick but still very exciting.
    Smiert Spionam
  • RogueAgent007RogueAgent007 Corn-fed central USPosts: 154MI6 Agent
    Dalton on the conveyor belt going towards the grinder with Dario. Only Pam Bouvier's timely intervention saves him. Suppose this isn't so much Bond's own escape trick but still very exciting.

    "Switch the BLOODY MACHINE OFF!" Fantastic!! -{
    Beg your pardon, forgot to knock...
  • LastRatStandingLastRatStanding ScotlandPosts: 296MI6 Agent
    Dalton on the conveyor belt going towards the grinder with Dario. Only Pam Bouvier's timely intervention saves him. Suppose this isn't so much Bond's own escape trick but still very exciting.

    Too right! This is one of those scenes, not unlike the laser escape in Goldfinger, where if Bond was to perish it would be in a truly horrific way. Genuinely frightening! -{
    Now, they only eat rat.
  • Nick37Nick37 Posts: 270MI6 Agent
    Dalton on the conveyor belt going towards the grinder with Dario. Only Pam Bouvier's timely intervention saves him. Suppose this isn't so much Bond's own escape trick but still very exciting.

    "Switch the BLOODY MACHINE OFF!" Fantastic!! -{

    That's another good one. He does assist a little bit, grabbing Dario's foot to pull him in, then poor Bond has to hang on for dear life to avoid being sucked down with Dario when he latches onto him. But the payoff line is priceless. He says, in a perfect line reading, what we as the audience are thinking. Don't stand there asking him how he's doing, Pam. Get him the Hell out of there!

    It's just a perfect line for Dalton's acting style, and reminds me vaguely of Connery's reaction when he's totally at the mercy of the traction machine in Thunderball. No other option but to beg for some freaking help!
    "I've had a few...Optional extras installed."
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