Thank you for the feedback. We hope people understand the new method of offering replicas that we are trying.
This is a miss-it-miss-out type of deal, if you don't put in a pre-order, either directly or through a retailer or authorized distributor by the deadline then there won't be any product available. If we receive 411 pre-orders by the deadline we will only make 411 replicas. There will be no extra stock to go around as this item is being made to order. The only place to obtain them after that will be the secondary market. We are setting the maximum at 500, so as soon as we receive the 500th pre-order, ordering will close and the item will become sold out.
If we do not receive the required quantity to make the project viable, then the item will not proceed and the item will be cancelled.
We make no charge to place a pre-order. You pay zero now, no money is taken until the item is in stock and ready to ship. We also offer payment plans on any item over $100. The minimum installment is $100 and we typically split the total into 3 or 4 monthly installments. We make no charge for this service . If you want to take advantage of this, simply place an order on-line and then email us with the order number and an explanation of what installments you would like. We will adjust your order for you.
We are deeply grateful for to Pete (danjaq_off) and Jeff (minijeff) for their support and help with this project, this is effectively the first replica that was almost entirely prototyped and researched by AJB members. So hats off to the chaps! If we made the sort of money people seem to think we make on these items we would get them both gold plated Aston's with built in Butt-plugs as a thanks... but the reality is a little more down to earth. But the promised AP's will be forthcoming if the project goes ahead.
On shipping... this item is quite big and international shipping is not cheap. Remember that these items are coming from CA in the USA . The box for this replica in is 40cmx 38cmx 50cm and it weighs 6.58 kgs. It has to be shipped ensured and traceable method. We give this information freely so you can check comparative rates, and you will see that we are not profiting on shipping in any way.
UK customers can obtain out items from UK retailers, but many retailers keep telling us there is little or no consumer demand. So if you want to see these items get in touch with them and tell them, and then they will order them from us. We would highly recommend Forbidden Planet
Customer services on 01621 877222.
Customer Service opening hours: Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM
Contact them and let them know you want to buy our James Bond items. If you have other retailers you would like us to contact please let us know. We will happily supply people, but as yet retailer demand form the UK as been very low. We sell twice as many James Bond product to retailers in Germany than we do in the UK for example. Go figure!
This is a great set and we think people will love it! If they do great it was all our idea, if they don't its Pete and Jeff's fault :-) And yes we are being sarcastic... now if you will excuse us we have to go back to being an evil corporate monstrosity and plotting the downfall of mankind. -{
In regards to not having very much demand from UK retailers it may be down to the fact that it usually works out cheaper to order directly from you instead of going to a 3rd party UK retailer. For example, you currently have the Goldeneye device on the FE website for $399 plus say about $100 for shipping to the UK, this works out at roughly £322. Forbidden Planet currently have the same product available in the UK (on sale, they apparently usually charge £499) at £399 or $619. If there was a way to cut the price down for UK retailers and therefore cut the price for the customers I'm sure there would be a lot more demand. I don't know if this is possible at all, it was just an observation.
In regards to not having very much demand from UK retailers it may be down to the fact that it usually works out cheaper to order directly from you instead of going to a 3rd party UK retailer. For example, you currently have the Goldeneye device on the FE website for $399 plus say about $100 for shipping to the UK, this works out at roughly £322. Forbidden Planet currently have the same product available in the UK (on sale, they apparently usually charge £499) at £399 or $619. If there was a way to cut the price down for UK retailers and therefore cut the price for the customers I'm sure there would be a lot more demand. I don't know if this is possible at all, it was just an observation.
Thank you, they are cool pieces and you can actually 'play' with them (no, stop it! All you readers thinking about smutty posts... just stop it... sits back and prepares for a tidal wave of Finbar-Sanders-esque posts)
This is often the case on pricing, we have noticed the same, its the old pounds for $ equation. We don't set the UK pricing, in fact we have nothing to do with it. We offer items at wholesale costs that are competitive, but its up to the UK retailers to set their pricing. They do have to pay shipping, duty and VAT though which all gets added on and passed on to the consumer. VAT at 20% is the typical killer here and should not be ignored. On a 400 pound item you are paying 80 straight to the HM gov. Most Americans will be falling on the floor when they learn that UK base sales tax rate is 20%. As far was we can tell there are few legal way to sell them cheaper. Because of this they don't sell many, so prices stay high and its a vicious circle.
These are expensive pieces, for discerning customers and are typically investment pieces. Its worth noting that none of our sold out (retired) 007 replicas are currently selling for less than their original retail price so they hold their value. So they are never going to be pocket money priced. That may be the route issue, people expect them to be 50 quid or less. Truth is its not possible to make items like this at high quality in limited numbers viably.
We will gladly supply to new wholesale customers and our minimum order quantities are low, typically 1 case (which with replicas is 1 piece most of the time) If anybody wants to buy from us wholesale just visit this page . If you are a legitimate business and in good standing you qualify, talk to us!
Some might say there is an opportunity here for an enterprising individual/business who is interested in taking and selling these items to a captive market in the UK? (and any other country come to think of it)
When you say you have the right to cancel the item if there isn't enough pre orders,can I ask what would be the minimum orders you would have to get for it to go ahead and also can you keep us informed as to how many orders you have
When you say you have the right to cancel the item if there isn't enough pre orders,can I ask what would be the minimum orders you would have to get for it to go ahead and also can you keep us informed as to how many orders you have
Well we can't tell you... cos we would have to kill you KIDDING
Basically we use a simple formula, once we have enough orders to cover the cost of tooling then we typically proceed as we at least break even at that point.
Without being too specific 250 would be nice, 350 would be good, 450 would be great.
less than 200 and we would have to think long and hard about the viability. We are fans and we HATE to announce product and then not make it.When you spend months developing these things you get close to them (not in a creepy way), but the customer is king and if nobody wants an item... then we will listen.
So far progress is ok... but just ok, not great. The unknown at the moment are orders from wholesale customers who typically wait for the last minute to get their orders in and make a huge difference as they buy in quantity.
We will keep everybody updated... In Bond terms we would like the Martini to be made with a nice label vodka... at the moment we are somewhere in the 'Popov' region... but its early days yet and these are very cool replicas. -{
Hey FE, I just happened to stumble on this post to find out that the breathers are available for my pre-order has now been placed. With that said, though, I wouldn't have known about the pre-order if I didn't stop by this board and notice this thread. Are you guys planning on sending an email out to your mailing list, or at least tweeting about the pre-order? I'm guessing that quite a few other folks would be interested if they knew this pre-order was available.
Hey FE, I just happened to stumble on this post to find out that the breathers are available for my pre-order has now been placed. With that said, though, I wouldn't have known about the pre-order if I didn't stop by this board and notice this thread. Are you guys planning on sending an email out to your mailing list, or at least tweeting about the pre-order? I'm guessing that quite a few other folks would be interested if they knew this pre-order was available.
Check your junk folder, there's been an email sent out informing customers of the availability
Hey FE, I just happened to stumble on this post to find out that the breathers are available for my pre-order has now been placed. With that said, though, I wouldn't have known about the pre-order if I didn't stop by this board and notice this thread. Are you guys planning on sending an email out to your mailing list, or at least tweeting about the pre-order? I'm guessing that quite a few other folks would be interested if they knew this pre-order was available.
Check your junk folder, there's been an email sent out informing customers of the availability
Hi,I'm on the mailing list as well,but didn't get an e-mail about this
I received my email from FE last Saturday evening (April 27) about 10pm and landed in my spam folder which I fortunately check every day.
Thanks -- I just checked my spam folder, and it was there. Which is interesting, because I think every other email from FE has landed in my Inbox. I have added them to my white list now, so I shouldn't miss anything else!
Full video review coming within a week! Just received these prototypes in and need to return them within a few days so need to get filming quickly...suffice to say if you are on the fence about these get off of it quick...Jeff and Pete and FE have delivered a crown jewel in the collection...the play with value and cool factor is off the charts...!
Well done, excellent and informative video, both breathers look really cool, a testament to a lot of hard work put in by all concerned to produce these prototypes.
But this one seems to be a pre-order for a pre-order, or so. Glad to see Pete and Jeff are mentioned on FE's website :007)
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Formerly known as Teppo
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
Not quite, who'd have a Porsche anyway? Eww.
As I'm aware if I want a FE breather I have to join the queue like everyone else.
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
This is a miss-it-miss-out type of deal, if you don't put in a pre-order, either directly or through a retailer or authorized distributor by the deadline then there won't be any product available. If we receive 411 pre-orders by the deadline we will only make 411 replicas. There will be no extra stock to go around as this item is being made to order. The only place to obtain them after that will be the secondary market. We are setting the maximum at 500, so as soon as we receive the 500th pre-order, ordering will close and the item will become sold out.
If we do not receive the required quantity to make the project viable, then the item will not proceed and the item will be cancelled.
We make no charge to place a pre-order. You pay zero now, no money is taken until the item is in stock and ready to ship. We also offer payment plans on any item over $100. The minimum installment is $100 and we typically split the total into 3 or 4 monthly installments. We make no charge for this service . If you want to take advantage of this, simply place an order on-line and then email us with the order number and an explanation of what installments you would like. We will adjust your order for you.
We are deeply grateful for to Pete (danjaq_off) and Jeff (minijeff) for their support and help with this project, this is effectively the first replica that was almost entirely prototyped and researched by AJB members. So hats off to the chaps! If we made the sort of money people seem to think we make on these items we would get them both gold plated Aston's with built in Butt-plugs as a thanks... but the reality is a little more down to earth. But the promised AP's will be forthcoming if the project goes ahead.
On shipping... this item is quite big and international shipping is not cheap. Remember that these items are coming from CA in the USA . The box for this replica in is 40cmx 38cmx 50cm and it weighs 6.58 kgs. It has to be shipped ensured and traceable method. We give this information freely so you can check comparative rates, and you will see that we are not profiting on shipping in any way.
UK customers can obtain out items from UK retailers, but many retailers keep telling us there is little or no consumer demand. So if you want to see these items get in touch with them and tell them, and then they will order them from us. We would highly recommend Forbidden Planet
Customer services on 01621 877222.
Customer Service opening hours: Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM
Contact them and let them know you want to buy our James Bond items. If you have other retailers you would like us to contact please let us know. We will happily supply people, but as yet retailer demand form the UK as been very low. We sell twice as many James Bond product to retailers in Germany than we do in the UK for example. Go figure!
This is a great set and we think people will love it! If they do great it was all our idea, if they don't its Pete and Jeff's fault :-) And yes we are being sarcastic... now if you will excuse us we have to go back to being an evil corporate monstrosity and plotting the downfall of mankind. -{
Great, in my world AP stands for Audemars Piquet, so both of them are looking forwards for a new watch -{
A remark: Don't give minijeff an Offshore, he likes to go swimming but the Offshore will work like an anchor on him
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Hehe, I thought he was talking Audemars as well. On the plus side, the Offshore is so big, Jeff could use it as a bathyscaphe.
Be more useful as a shitpot. Tell ya what, either of you two lend me yours and I'll let you know how it goes.
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
In regards to not having very much demand from UK retailers it may be down to the fact that it usually works out cheaper to order directly from you instead of going to a 3rd party UK retailer. For example, you currently have the Goldeneye device on the FE website for $399 plus say about $100 for shipping to the UK, this works out at roughly £322. Forbidden Planet currently have the same product available in the UK (on sale, they apparently usually charge £499) at £399 or $619. If there was a way to cut the price down for UK retailers and therefore cut the price for the customers I'm sure there would be a lot more demand. I don't know if this is possible at all, it was just an observation.
Thank you, they are cool pieces and you can actually 'play' with them (no, stop it! All you readers thinking about smutty posts... just stop it... sits back and prepares for a tidal wave of Finbar-Sanders-esque posts)
This is often the case on pricing, we have noticed the same, its the old pounds for $ equation. We don't set the UK pricing, in fact we have nothing to do with it. We offer items at wholesale costs that are competitive, but its up to the UK retailers to set their pricing. They do have to pay shipping, duty and VAT though which all gets added on and passed on to the consumer. VAT at 20% is the typical killer here and should not be ignored. On a 400 pound item you are paying 80 straight to the HM gov. Most Americans will be falling on the floor when they learn that UK base sales tax rate is 20%. As far was we can tell there are few legal way to sell them cheaper. Because of this they don't sell many, so prices stay high and its a vicious circle.
These are expensive pieces, for discerning customers and are typically investment pieces. Its worth noting that none of our sold out (retired) 007 replicas are currently selling for less than their original retail price so they hold their value. So they are never going to be pocket money priced. That may be the route issue, people expect them to be 50 quid or less. Truth is its not possible to make items like this at high quality in limited numbers viably.
We will gladly supply to new wholesale customers and our minimum order quantities are low, typically 1 case (which with replicas is 1 piece most of the time) If anybody wants to buy from us wholesale just visit this page . If you are a legitimate business and in good standing you qualify, talk to us!
Some might say there is an opportunity here for an enterprising individual/business who is interested in taking and selling these items to a captive market in the UK? (and any other country come to think of it)
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
When you say you have the right to cancel the item if there isn't enough pre orders,can I ask what would be the minimum orders you would have to get for it to go ahead and also can you keep us informed as to how many orders you have
Well we can't tell you... cos we would have to kill you KIDDING
Basically we use a simple formula, once we have enough orders to cover the cost of tooling then we typically proceed as we at least break even at that point.
Without being too specific 250 would be nice, 350 would be good, 450 would be great.
less than 200 and we would have to think long and hard about the viability. We are fans and we HATE to announce product and then not make it.When you spend months developing these things you get close to them (not in a creepy way), but the customer is king and if nobody wants an item... then we will listen.
So far progress is ok... but just ok, not great. The unknown at the moment are orders from wholesale customers who typically wait for the last minute to get their orders in and make a huge difference as they buy in quantity.
We will keep everybody updated... In Bond terms we would like the Martini to be made with a nice label vodka... at the moment we are somewhere in the 'Popov' region... but its early days yet and these are very cool replicas. -{
Check your junk folder, there's been an email sent out informing customers of the availability
Thanks -- I just checked my spam folder, and it was there. Which is interesting, because I think every other email from FE has landed in my Inbox. I have added them to my white list now, so I shouldn't miss anything else!
Well done, excellent and informative video, both breathers look really cool, a testament to a lot of hard work put in by all concerned to produce these prototypes.
I will now jump off the fence and pre-order.
Thank you for making this video -{