SOLEX AGITATOR Sir!....... The Essential Unit

Hi Guys - Not Posted up for a while......... I Thought I would share
some project Work, that I am currently Working on.... cheers :007)









CNC Machined from a Solid Aluminium Block - Electronic Circuit Board
and Components Encased in Clear Resin - Metal Number and Letter
Stamping. Over 50 Component Parts in this little Piece.

Body can be seen beside it, With More Rounded Edges and Cuts. with
More accuracy to the film Prop.....

Will Post Up Progress Of This Project as I go if anyone is interested in
following it etc.

I now have the Correct RESISTORS and Diodes etc for making the next
model. So the ADVANCED replica - The Next one will be more accurate -
Learned a few things from making the Prototype Model.... and thats
good to have for testing etc....

Hope you all enjoy it ... Cheers. Mick


  • S_P_E_C_T_R_ES_P_E_C_T_R_E Posts: 281MI6 Agent
    Great work there -{
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    We are going to have to call you Rembrandt Mick :D
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    Ohhhhh How I have Missed You Danjaq :)) :007)
    and I mean that Genuinely.... I agree it looks like one
    of Rembrandt's Originals - more than a Bond Prop :) HA HA

    Thanks S_P_E_C_T_R_E :) Most appreciated
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Mick, since you started making props you have improved no end, you are also one of the few that is keeping the prop love alive, so my hat is off to you {[]
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    :v someone must have hijacked Petes account! :o
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • thespyboys11thespyboys11 Lindenwold,NJPosts: 1,894MI6 Agent
    Nicely done, Mick...TOP MARKS!!!
  • VoituerVoituer Posts: 483MI6 Agent
    Coming on nicely Mike. Well done. Can't wait to see your giant rubber spanner. :))
  • VoituerVoituer Posts: 483MI6 Agent
    Voituer wrote:
    Coming on nicely Mike. Well done. Can't wait to see your giant rubber spanner. :))

    One thing, have you stamped the aluminium after routing it out? It looks as though the stamping is sitting in a depression
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Bugger, I just read your FB page Mick, I thought you made it :)) I didn't relies you contracted it out, cheating slightly.

    BTW, before you start to sell things you should show the finished item not the prototype, I for one would like to know what I was getting before I paid your deposit, lets face it the finished item could look like your industrial version you made a few years back.
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    FINAL finished Version will Be Shown This Coming Week - Well that's
    a matter of opinion I guess - some people are happy to base an opinion
    and faith in a Prototype. and seeing the advanced version and info telling
    them how its going to progress...

    Come on :)) its not like Its going to go from CNC machining - back to one I made
    over a decade ago from a converted Tape Cassette ... Give me some credit and
    have some faith in me Please :# :) and like you said I have improved :)

    Thanks Danjaq - for your kind words of encouragement ( INITIALLY :)) )- regarding the
    progress and improvement in my work.. I really appreciate that - I know how hard that
    Must have been for you to say - what with it being a Rembrandt an all.... :))

    I don't see - sourcing out of some Machining work to another as cheating in creating
    the final piece..... I have seen many an amazing prop on here that was in no way
    all created by hand.... 100% - I sadly don't have the money to purchase a CNC machine
    and a metal mill etc... :( there are some great services and engineers out there with skills
    and the means to do the job in a matter of hours - something that would take a WEEK or
    two by hand....

    FYI - The Prototype Finished Version ...... was 100% Created By Hand.. hack sawed out
    and filed etc... bottom slot drilled out etc and then filed to shape etc... NIGHTMARE - took
    way too long to make .... was seriously hard grueling work.... I just would not do it again.

    The Advanced BODY was created by the CNC Metal Worker.... and its clear to see the
    difference..... like some of you have stated..... more towards a finished product - its not
    a stretch to see the PROTOTYPES Resin Molding and Electronics in the ADVANCED body -
    I thought it was enough to get interest rolling and people to back it - and as far as can be
    seen it has and is..... But I also FULLY 100% appreciate people wanting to wait to see a
    Final Finished Piece.. and that's perfectly understandable and fair.

    In Fact 1 Man Had So much Faith in the project, that he backed the project from the 'OFF'
    before a Prototype was even created .... but he shall remain TOP SECRET for now...
    until he gets the first 2 fully finished Models - which I hope to finish this coming week.

    Voituer - Nick :)) :)) when I read the RUBBER SPANNER comment - I immediately thought of


    ooh matron :)) :)) :)) :))

    Also Yes You are right... The Original Bit of Stamping was not done by me - but by a machine
    the guy was not entirely sure wither it would take the weight of the stamping or not.. But
    just went for it.. like I advised... Yes your Right the Prototype does have a slight collapse in
    the metal where its been stamped.... but the ADVANCED body was done differently - With
    This Problem SOLVED.... ie Stamped First then CNC milled etc.

    I guess the Beauty of a PROTOTYPE.... its there to iron out any problems or wrinkles in the
    making of future models.

    Thanks Ed.... Appreciated... That means a lot :007)

    I appreciate all the words of Encouragement and good advice guys from everyone across the
    board... Like I say will post up progress of the next Fully Finished Models over the next Week
  • icsics Posts: 1,413MI6 Agent
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    Mick, since you started making props you have improved no end, you are also one of the few that is keeping the prop love alive, so my hat is off to you {[]

    Ditto Peteeeee and nice work....... love the photos.... -{
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    It wasnt hard at all Mick, I thought you had made it yourself, you know like you use to, I didn't realise it was a business and you where doing project management :007)

    To call a replica SA it needs to be SA, not oh I have the correct resisters ready for the next version.

    You see where Im coming from ? yes it is much of an improvement on your old one, but it is not SA, your own interpretation perhaps, art, not SA.

    1 man has faith, cool Mate good for you. still don't make it SA? if it was SA Mick I would be all over it as I have wanted a solex for years, but for me it not enough having something just look like it in a passing glance.

    It is certainly up to the individual as to what they think, and no doubt you will get buyers as it is nicely machined, but it is not a museum quality peace and if it was SA it would be.

    BTW Mick, are your SF grips SA?
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    ics wrote:
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    Mick, since you started making props you have improved no end, you are also one of the few that is keeping the prop love alive, so my hat is off to you {[]

    Ditto Peteeeee and nice work....... love the photos.... -{

    Where you been my Danish puff pastry :x
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    I can and Do appreciate your comments Fully and see where you are coming from.
    Fair Points - No SKYFALL Grips not SA... don't think I have stated they were SA - but
    working in an SA version with Toggle Switch to switch between RED and GREEN LED
    lights and a new molding... but that's another topic.

    Back to SOLEX

    YES! I did make it by hand the finished one WAS made By hand ( like I used to ) so your
    kind comments stand yea? :)) :)) Only the ADVANCED Body was made by CNC machine.

    Ok your Wanting it SA.. some elements of the SOLEX when you research them - simply
    could not be SA no matter how hard you try - Components etc YES they can be Vintage
    and SA .... and I have now got the correct ones from the 1970's... the ones in the
    Prototype were off the shelf from MAPLIN Electronics......... so can fully appreciate your

    I am going to Double My Efforts Now - and See if I can maybe twist Your arm into liking
    the final FINISHED piece ...... You opinion in now my Challenge :007) :)

    Thanks ICS - appreciated :007)
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    If you can't find the vintage components then scratch build them and make it SA -{ like you will have to scratch build the circuit board and not just matt gold.

    If you have contracted someone to make the shell, it would be a shame not to get the internals right.
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    The Matt Gold Reference on the plan was just a personal NOTE.. and sketch
    this is not the plans etc... just observations - on looking at the real Prop - Yes
    you are right the circuit board has to be scratch built and it will be.

    Couldn't agree more with your comments... Will Show Finished FINAL prop - Hopefully
    Next week..
  • VoituerVoituer Posts: 483MI6 Agent
    Looks good Mike, I like it. It's a learning curve and you know my views on how good replicas have to be!
  • icsics Posts: 1,413MI6 Agent
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    ics wrote:
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    Mick, since you started making props you have improved no end, you are also one of the few that is keeping the prop love alive, so my hat is off to you {[]

    Ditto Peteeeee and nice work....... love the photos.... -{

    Where you been my Danish puff pastry :x

    Ohhhh Dear Peter - miss you - i have been and are on misson in the US... Summer work in San Diego... lovely area -{ going back to DK next week.... :007)
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    When you coming back to the UK ?
  • VoituerVoituer Posts: 483MI6 Agent
  • Gadget MeisterGadget Meister Bicester, OxonPosts: 1,972MI6 Agent
    Ian, hope you're going to ComicCon while you're in SanD {[]
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    Received my Solex and thought I would post some snapshots of it...thanks again for doing this, Mick!





  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    -{ looks wonderful.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Hats off to Mick for attempting this project, hope you are happy with it Dave -{

    To me though, it looks as if Mick has cut corners, things seem glued and painted and not soldered as per his prototype and the original, and don't get me started on the bent up wires :D
  • icsics Posts: 1,413MI6 Agent
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    Hats off to Mick for attempting this project, hope you are happy with it Dave -{

    To me though, it looks as if Mick has cut corners, things seem glued and painted and not soldered as per his prototype and the original, and don't get me started on the bent up wires :D

    Agreeeeeee with Pete -{
    - a pity
  • thespyboys11thespyboys11 Lindenwold,NJPosts: 1,894MI6 Agent
    Yes, but Mick is getting better at doing props and has come a long way.
    I agree....hats off for attempting a difficult prop!
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    I would have looked at it differently if it hadn't been touted as 98% SA.

    And in my eyes has let no one but himself down with the glue and no solder -{
  • KleynenKleynen BelgiumPosts: 396MI6 Agent
    A nice (expensive) one, now on Ebay.
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Kleynen wrote:
    A nice (expensive) one, now on Ebay.

    Got a link mate?
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
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