SOLEX AGITATOR Sir!....... The Essential Unit



  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    This is more like it, thanks Christof -{

    Nicely done, but still wrong :D
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    I think FE missed a good opportunity here, I told them years ago that there is a market for this prop, I would think that everyone that bought a signature ed GG would buy one of these.
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    This is more like it, thanks Christof -{

    Nicely done, but still wrong :D

    That's crap.

    HOW MUCH?!!!!
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • texas007texas007 Houston, Texas 77041Posts: 2,354MI6 Agent
    Yes, I agree with Pete this unit on eBay still got many errors.
    I am reworking on my version and will publish soon.
    Also can beat that price :D
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    This is more like it, thanks Christof -{

    Nicely done, but still wrong :D
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Ok, this might rattle the cage with some here, and it's probably not gonna go down well with Micky, but hey this is a forum where we share our thoughts right?

    The following observations are in no manner meant to be a personal attack on mick, his customers or anyone who lurves him. If anyone thinks I'm actually spending my much liked sleep time trying to call mick out or show him up then pull your head out your arse, I've got far better things to do. However, I feel that hopefully mick and others might learn something from this diatribetic ranting ramble, so it's for the benefit of us AJBer's and mick too that I write this... ain't i nice huh?

    For starters is this term 'screen accurate'.

    Now it always grates me a little when I see this term used when the item is blatantly not what you see on screen. For me there is no 70%, 82% or 98.975% SA. It's either accurate or it's not. You can't pass off a red db5 as a 70% accurate replica of the goldfinger car, so how come people try it on with clothes and props?

    When I look to buy or make an item I try to the best of my ability to obtain or produce as accurate rendition of the real prop as I can. A couple of examples would be the GE door decoder I made and the driving licence of Camille's I was gifted. On making the door decoder I spent god knows how long pouring over screenshots, digging around for info, and getting help from the likes of pete and ed. I had a guy make the flashy lights circuit to my spec and made sure all the parts on show were the same as what was originally used. Equally accurate is Camille's driving licence, right down to the crease in it, a brilliant piece of work.

    Now what would be the point of making that door decoder with the wrong lights, or the wrong sequence of flashy lights? Or of Camille's licence had the crease horizontal or someone else in the picture? There's just no point in my mind of doing it half arsed.

    Sure, you can say "I've got a door decoder" etc but what's it matter when it doesn't look or work right? It's a bit like owning a fake Rolex and telling everyone it's real. And that's the ultimate downfall. If you tell someone who's non the wiser that your bright red door decoder is just like the one in GE, who are you really fooling? Your friend who simply politely nods and admires or yourself who knows its bullshit?

    So there's an equal interest in making or buying accurate pieces. First you won't be fooling or lying to anyone plus you're not fooling yourself into thinking you're producing SA stuff, unless of course you are....

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect and I couldn't do many things without the assistance of others and the info they entrust to me. I make mistakes constantly. One was Maggie the TB breather. I looked over screenshots and pictures and sketched ideas etc etc. I made a prototype and eagerly sent a pic to pete... who duly said it wasn't right in a few areas. Gutted? Yes. Pleased with his honesty? Sure I was! Why? Because getting it right is vital. I'd prefer to have a reputation as being the guy who makes stuff accurately (albeit at a snails pace) than the guy who kinda does ok.

    I'm not sure why people still buy inaccurate or fake items. Be it a discredited ppk in an auction, a cheap 'original' photocopy from a guy off ebay, a hooky watch from china or a crap prop from Argentina, people continue to buy these things. The most confusing scenario is when the genuine knowledgable good guys who are trying to step in and help people avoid getting ripped off, get shot down by the very people they're trying to help, who are defending the very people ripping them off! Crazy world I guess.

    Micks mentioned here that his Solex can't be totally SA as many of the components are obsolete and impossible to buy. This might be the case mick, but we're making REPLICAS here, not genuine items. The whole idea of making SA prop replicas is making it look like the real thing. If the parts aren't available then you make them from scratch. So in my mind the whole "I can't buy them parts anymore" clause is null and void. Make the resistors then you daft git!

    In a nutshell, mick has certainly improved over the years and a big pat on the arse dink style for the effort. But the bottom line is if it ain't SA, don't try selling it as SA, you're doing no one any favours, including yourself.

    As for the Solex itself, it's an extremely complicated prop to make. The casing is the easy part. The components inside, using clear resin, machining the casing, the circuit board etc etc, it's really quite a challenge. Top marks for effort mick, but from my observations there's a few errors;

    - The clear resin appears to have sunk in at the edges, this is probably due to cheap resin, inaccurate catalyst amounts, or incorrect casting environment.

    - The engraving is misaligned, it also needs mechanical engraving, not stamping.

    - The circuit board is the wrong colour, it should be a conventional PCB blank.

    - The wires should be soldered. Simple as, it's not glued.

    - The internal parts are the wrong colours (I think). The three legged items in particular need attention.

    - The size is wrong. It's not 50mm across. I've checked and double checked, cross referenced and analysed countless times. It's not 50mm.

    - The casing fittings are wrong. Wrong screws old bean.

    - The connector socket is inaccurate. It's a real socket I'm afraid.

    So there ya go, 2 cents worth of opinion and some observations that can either be ignored by those who don't give a crap, taken on board by those who care and debated by people who are way too geeky for their own good, including me! :))

    Hopefully this is seen as constructive criticism and not a rambling attack on mickys handy work.


    MG -{
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Well said that man -{
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Looking forward to seeing your version mate -{

    texas007 wrote:
    Yes, I agree with Pete this unit on eBay still got many errors.
    I am reworking on my version and will publish soon.
    Also can beat that price :D
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    This is more like it, thanks Christof -{

    Nicely done, but still wrong :D
  • Gadget MeisterGadget Meister Bicester, OxonPosts: 1,972MI6 Agent
    Whilst some may say that Jeff was being a little harsh, you cannot fault anything that he says. Personally I don't care if people want to buy a Levi's jacket that isn't quite right but then I'm not a clothes horse. I actually bought a Wested Skyfall jacket only because I happened to be there in the shop and his made to measure price was to good to pass up for a quality leather jacket. BUT I am a gadget/prop guy, if you hadn't guessed, and for me it's either 100% SA or it's a paperweight. If you've ever seen a genuine MicroJiff replica prop then you'll know exactly what I mean. He is one of the few people I would buy from, sight unseen because of his track record. There are a couple of others too and they know who they are. Although I don't have the skill set that some of these guys have, I do enjoy attempting to replicate these wonderful items but there is no way I would let anybody see them, let alone a whole newsgroup, if I wasn't happy it was 100% accurate.

    Right must go, I've got to order a few things from Argentina before bed :D
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    There are many talented members in this forum, including yourself Andy, you guys work at it until it is right and the quality is top notch -{
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    edited November 2013
    So....lots of agitation.... :))

    Seriously though, I agree with minijeff, there are lots of things for us all to learn here, not just Mick.

    Firstly, Mick would have been wise to pay more attention to the useful comments in the early replys regarding tweaks and do's/donts, rather than be swept away in the many premature adulations.

    Secondly, he should have made it clear that this isn't intended to be screen accurate, the most accurate ever, the best thing since pussy, or any other galore...

    Indeed I can't find the reference to screen accurate or 98% accurate in this thread, can someone help these old eyes please.

    Thirdly, Mick should take the criticisms expressed thus far ( and now the hymen is broken, from all those previously too shy to use the scalpel ) to make the next version even better.
    My understanding of Mick, garnered over many years, is that he does indeed strive for the level of accuracy and authenticity that the collectors on this forum appreciate and in some cases desire.

    Fourthly, it was man of many of the commentors to admit their own failings, and to acknowledge that often those failings are simply the expediencies of cost and economics. I'm confident that given several thousand pounds and enough time and peace, most of them could produce an exact screen accurate REPLICA of the solex. Without any doubt.
    But I percieve, and Mick correct me if I'm wrong, that this was not your budget, nor therefore your intent.

    Finally, I think we are all reminded that prop making is becoming a vicious, brutal arena, where to attempt is to err, and to err is to be savaged.

    This is a shame, but it's life. Having been in that arena once, and vowed never to approach it again, all I can say is it's not just a shame.

    It's all our loss.

    But before anyone reaches for their thrusty keyboard, I'd point out that as criticism goes, at least thus far, it's pretty tame and generally constructive.

    And everything else is really just expressions of preference, which again are useful in gauging the scale of market for such a product.

    Cheers Paul
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Well, the choice is if you want a 100% accurate replica and wait until the midgetjeff becomes granddad or go with Leos ebay Solex and have it in hands before christmas :D

    As for criticism, one can safely say, if one prop passed the AJB commentary test, it's a perfect item for sure :D

    Kudos to Andy to put up a comment without mentioning Dell Deaton btw :))
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Gadget MeisterGadget Meister Bicester, OxonPosts: 1,972MI6 Agent
    I think we should introduce a fine system so that every time a certain "watch expert" or "talented cufflinks maker" is mentioned (others can be added :v ) then the person mentioning is fined one prop from their collection, to be collected by the member that spots it. We used to have such a fine system in the Airforce if you uttered certain unliked peoples names in full and once you've had to buy a full slab of beer you soon learn :D

    Might be the only way I could get my hands on some of Bondtots treasures ;)
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    I would agree in such a thing but there is nothing in your collection - except the OHMSS ring - that I really fancy :p
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Gadget MeisterGadget Meister Bicester, OxonPosts: 1,972MI6 Agent
  • icsics Posts: 1,413MI6 Agent
    Well it is just try try and try again until it is perfect... I agree with P...FE should have done this one... -{
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,557Chief of Staff
    Bondtoys wrote:
    I would agree in such a thing but there is nothing in your collection - except the OHMSS ring - that I really fancy :p

    And you only have Stollen cake :))
    YNWA 97
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent

    SOLEX Agitator - PROP Replica (8 photos)
    Get one of these while You can - This is to be a VERY LOW and EXCLUSIVE Made to Order Piece - Possibly Below 30 WORLDWIDE! The Solex Agitator Unit from THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN - For the first time EVER! this piece is being made Screen Accurate to the Original Prop Seen in the film. CNC Machined from a Solid Aluminium Block by a Top Engineer whom we are honored to work with on such a cool Project! Electronic Circuit Board and Components Encased in Clear Resin - Exact to the ORIGINAL. Pro Metal Number and Letter Stamping During the Machining Process. A vast amount of Research Has Gone into this Project, Sourcing the right Materials - Processes - Components & Parts. There are over 50 Component Parts in this little intricate Piece. Professionally Factory Made.....

    FINISH REPLICA Pictured - is THE PROTOTYPE - The advanced SOLEX Body can be seen beside it, With More Rounded Edges and Cuts. with More accuracy to the screen seen Prop..... Made and Designed from a Template & Plan of THE ORIGINAL Design - as used in the film

    POST UP Interest and Order OR Drop Us a Message.....

    A bit of a DEADLINE! with these also, Mid Next week will be the cut off point to place an order depending on the availability of ourselves and the Engineer.

  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    I can understand the disconnect with Micks enthusiasm that this would be screen accurate vs what is pictured but as a consumer I am happy that what I received was a marked improvement over his last attempt. Was also happy to support a fan made project of this kind.
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Dave, I agree that Mick has improved, but he has also move on from just being fan made as the above post points out -{

    He out sourced the CNC work, which is great, but the internals are crap, I mean his prototype is better than the one he sold to you, and really it is taking the p@ss gluing the wires on and then painting them, it is a real let down to himself in my opinion.

    You are happy with it and that is great Dave -{

    Now Im totally up for people making there own stuff, like I have pointed out in previous posts there are some truly talented people on this forum, Mick just aint one of them.

    Like I have said in the past, I can't make ****, BUT I do have an eye for a nice prop and dew to some very good friends have a huge reference library
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    danjaq_0ff wrote:
    I...... have a huge reference library

    Recently minus THE reference book, unfortunately :#

    In my opinion every thing boils down to how you label stuff.

    Mick is a passionate guy and sometimes too enthousiatic with his descriptions.
    He has a lot of ideas - sometimes great - sometimes not so great!

    Knowing Pete a bit, he has a big problem with anything that is misleading and not 100% accurate.
    I am often like that as well but in my sympathy for Mick a bit more tolerant.

    Pete, mate - the world is not always black or white. There is a lot of grey out there.
    The question is why Mick labels his stuff like that when it's not accurate.

    My conclusion: He's so passionately emotionally involved in his projects that he does what he does.
    Can his description mislead others? Yes - but people reading here know exactly what Micks Solex is and what it's not.

    I can take his exaggerated descriptions with an amicable smile and appreciate his spririt of never giving up. A true scotsman, Mick! {[]

    So I can appreciate Micks Solex as a fan made thing - a screen accurate replica, it's not.

    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Hey, Im no diplomat :)) I just say it how I see it.

    Im not out on a Mick witch hunt, if anything id like to see him improve, then id buy his stuff -{
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited November 2013
    You are no diplomat mate and Mick is for sure not someone who's very nitpicking with his descriptions.

    We can't all be as perfect as I am :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    You are no diplomat mate and Mick is for sure not someone who's very nitpicking with his descriptions.

    We can't all be as perfect as I am :D

    :)) :)) :))
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,520MI6 Agent
    danjaq_0ff wrote:

    ......if anything id like to see him improve, then id buy his stuff -{

    Despite the enormous caveat you put in there to protect yourself. I'll remind you of this one day :v
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,520MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:

    We can't all be as perfect as I am :D

    We know you're a perfect one. That was never in doubt :))
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Shoehorning us back onto subject;

    Thanks to andy for the kind comments and thanks to others who saw I'm not trying to tear a strip off poor Micky.

    As bumtoys has said, regardless of what any item is listed or advertised as, we all have our opinions on each other and the majority of us know what you'll get from each of the various producers of bondian collectables.

    I pride myself in striving to do everything myself, and I think mick is the same. Sometimes though we're left with no choice to enlist outside assistance, mick does with machining, I do with complex electronics. And it's good that mick admits this and goes out of his way to mention it. However, I really think mick would benefit from conversing more with people here.

    It's obviously a tricky one to publicly ask for help and sometimes us 'producers' can't and don't want to let all the trade secrets out the bag, but if it's a generic thing like advise working with resins or how to machine something then that's fine. One thing that pissed me off (to the point I was promising to lamp the sod on sight) was the golden gun mick made. Details and who made it aside, the thing that really turned me blue was mick's seemingly arrogant attitude to the advice I was offering him, ie 'don't make it fire anything mick, it's a serious no no and I believe it'd be an offence (illegal) to do so.' The next thing I see is pictures of the gun firing. I dunno what mick was thinking getting that thing to fire, but I hope for his sake the law never see it.

    Mick, from experience I've learnt that if you're work is good enough you don't need to be a salesman. You are improving though, keep it up. -{
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • S_P_E_C_T_R_ES_P_E_C_T_R_E Posts: 281MI6 Agent
    And here layeth the problem, for those that are not in "the circle" Mick obviously being one of them (and no, I don't know Mick) we can only make stuff based on the very limited information available to us (screen grabs, pics from books etc etc), I honestly don't see why this info is so top secret ???? Maybe I'm used to the "share the love bruv" atmosphere of the RPF, I would have thought the more people making this stuff the better for everyone, more choice for those unable/unwilling to have a go themselves, why rely on very expensive replicas from big company's like FE (not having a dig at FE I own a few of their items) for instance, I wanted the homing device from Goldfinger, only one available was the FE version which I really didn't fancy (coz im a tight git) as I didn't like the look of it, plus I had seen one made by a member on here who in my humble opinion, pissed the FE version, so my only other option was to have a go myself, dimensions based on screen grabs and a bit of guesstimation, to be honest, I only put WIP pics up on here because I really thought I was going to get ripped to bits, but was really pleased (and encouraged) by the positive response to which I am grateful, maybe people like Mick, who want to "have a go" should be more actively encouraged and offered constructive criticism, instead of the "that's crap" responses that you see on here.

    Not having a pop or dig at anyone but surely, you can't tell people that what they are doing is **** unless your willing (or able) to offer help in a constructive manner, if its wrong, say its wrong and why you think its wrong, surely got to be better for everyone in the long run.
  • danjaq_0ffdanjaq_0ff The SwampsPosts: 7,283MI6 Agent
    edited November 2013
    And here layeth the problem, for those that are not in "the circle" Mick obviously being one of them (and no, I don't know Mick) we can only make stuff based on the very limited information available to us (screen grabs, pics from books etc etc), I honestly don't see why this info is so top secret ???? Maybe I'm used to the "share the love bruv" atmosphere of the RPF, I would have thought the more people making this stuff the better for everyone, more choice for those unable/unwilling to have a go themselves, why rely on very expensive replicas from big company's like FE (not having a dig at FE I own a few of their items) for instance, I wanted the homing device from Goldfinger, only one available was the FE version which I really didn't fancy (coz im a tight git) as I didn't like the look of it, plus I had seen one made by a member on here who in my humble opinion, pissed the FE version, so my only other option was to have a go myself, dimensions based on screen grabs and a bit of guesstimation, to be honest, I only put WIP pics up on here because I really thought I was going to get ripped to bits, but was really pleased (and encouraged) by the positive response to which I am grateful, maybe people like Mick, who want to "have a go" should be more actively encouraged and offered constructive criticism, instead of the "that's crap" responses that you see on here.

    Not having a pop or dig at anyone but surely, you can't tell people that what they are doing is **** unless your willing (or able) to offer help in a constructive manner, if its wrong, say its wrong and why you think its wrong, surely got to be better for everyone in the long run.

    The circle as you call it, I'm guessing it is all of the researchers that have spent years gathering information about the props ? I think you will find if you approach one of us we would be glad to help -{ the only one I ever knocked back was my GG stalker :D

    You also have to be aware that someone stuffed it up for all of us about 2 years ago, that is why you don't see any runs any more 8-)

    The thing with Mick is he has never been one for taking on the advice -{ before he started this project he pmed me and we chatted about it. He has improved how he is making his stuff and this showed in his prototype.

    Now, you can see that there has been some effort made and although wrong it is quite tidy.

    As you make a prototype and then you correct your mistakes for the final run ?

    Bare in mind all of the casings were out sourced Mick only had to deal with the internals

    from the prototype you can see that he can solder and put in straight ish wires, the one from the run is all over the place and the wires are glued on then painted, sorry but to me it is a rush job, he can do it but didn't -{ do I really need to go further in to this ? remember this is not a prop that he is making for his own collection, it is a run and money being made.

    With your homer Mr SPECTRE you could see your workmanship had gone into it, it looked sharp why did you expect to get it shot down ?
    I agree with you, the more prop builders the better, if you ever need help please ask, but if you want to make money, do your own research innit :D
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    "But if you wanna make money, do your own research"

    And here lies another pitfall.

    There was a lad over on the RPF called Weno who started selling GE door decoders on there and states in his ad campaign that his was 'the most accurate in the world ever' etc etc. I knew for several reasons why this wasn't the case and duly took my mates advice to finally registering on the RPF to network with fellow prop makers, point out to others that this weno chaps decoder wasn't as he claimed and point out that mine (which wasn't and hasn't been for sale) was a little more accurate.

    The idea wasn't to blow my trumpet or gazump any sales from weno (impossible as I wasn't selling), but to try and help people out, including weno so others could avoid paying high prices for something they wasn't actually getting and so weno could upgrade and improve his prop decoder.

    Did he appreciate the pointers? Did fellow RPFer's appreciate the help?

    No, I got banned defending myself 8-)

    It transpired afterwards that he'd also conned one of our members here out of some 'behind the scenes' info, I think on the premise that the info would go no further and he wasn't selling it. Then a run of 20 goes up for sale. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone.

    Now I'm quite a guarded person at the best of times, but here's the reason all the cats aren't let out of the bag;

    I don't share plans, sizes or working drawings as it takes me ages, years in some cases to obtain enough info to make my own props. I DO NOT have some magical hotline to EoN that I can call when I want to make something. The majority of the time I have the same resources as everyone else, namely books, DVD grabs and auction catalogues. Sometimes I'm shown or given drawings or bits of uncommon knowledge. I ALWAYS treat this info as highly confidential. I NEVER pass it on to others without the express permission of the source.

    If I've developed a method/technique of making something I don't usually share it or make it common knowledge. Again, I take time and LOTS of money doing my own research into materials, supplies, sub contractors and productions techniques. I seldom ask others for leads or contacts, again if I do these names are kept private. In some cases passing the info on can bugger it up for others. People who do work at home, through ebay or mates rates might be ok with doing a few jobs for me, but might get the arse if the floodgates open and you and your mates and their mates start knocking on my contact's door.

    I am largely self taught. By asking me to teach you for free how to make the same stuff as me and become my competitor is daft at best and insulting at worst.

    'I promise it's just for me' doesn't compute with me I'm afraid. I have written several letters/emails and made a few phone calls trying to find the forever bit of illusive vital info. Several times the door has been firmly shut in my face. After seeing others and myself being conned with this approach, I now understand why. Fool me once....

    I don't mean to be a hard nosed prick about it, but after spending blood, sweat, tears, stress, money and favours learning how to make things, where to buy stuff or who to contact, why should I then offer all that up on a plate for nothing? Would you? Seriously?

    I am extremely fortunate in knowing the right people to contact and having worked with and been taught by some very knowledgable people. I have hopefully built up a reputation for being accurate and trustworthy. Private means private. Is a few quid in sales really worth blowing all that out the water? Money cannot buy the many friends and contacts I have here.

    I will openly and gladly assist people with general enquiries or point people in the right direction. But if it's a technical drawing of a fully working piton gun you're after then I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person.

    The final thing to note is that I seldom get asked technical stuff by other prop making members here. We all make great interesting and unique stuff, usually on our own. If we can all do it, there's no reason why others can't too.
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    I promise the MR cam is just for me :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
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