Another one of my purchases. I bough these Turkey Cufflinks Replica's, please tell me what you think. I have contacted the maker about the quality but just been ignored and not had a reply since I got them about two weeks ago.
I have to say since pointing the seller to this and that it was not just my opinion he has agreed to refund the money.
He states he has been out of town and the internet has not worked where he has been, hence I have not received a reply before now.
Thank you all
Are you asking for your money back?
I have the Magnoli Cufflinks - they're FAR better Han those.
Magnoli bar is not the same as the TF ones but they are really nice cufflinks, I bought his Bond Crest Ones and they were really nice.
Yes they certainly are, lol. Unfortunately some people are like that.
Well, they certainly look better than Macs approach for CR cufflinks
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
C'mon Jared name n shame the seller
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Crap, a blind one handed monkey with a bad case of the sh1ts could do better.
I don't get how making a good replica cufflink is so hard to be honest.
I say give the seller another week and then name and shame.
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
I have to say since pointing the seller to this and that it was not just my opinion he has agreed to refund the money.
He states he has been out of town and the internet has not worked where he has been, hence I have not received a reply before now.
Thank you all
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
Yip, I am happy that they are now being reasonable. That's all I wanted