So long Losers, I'm in the money now ! just got this email...
Congratulations!!!!" You have won £3000.000.00 from Silver Sands Casino Online Promotions"
We wish you success in our Silver Sands Casino Online Promotions/Email Internet Program held in Republic of South Africa Announcement made today, Your Email Address was attached to Reference No: 04 08 09 11 36 50, Drew the Lucky winning No 11- 15 -16 -19 -22 -03 from 800,000 Email Addresses consequently won in the 1st Category. You have therefore Been Approved to claim a Star Prize of £3000.000.00 Three Million Pounds in cash credited to Power Ball No: 23 25-30-45-50-MB/2015. Payable through our Paying Agent in South Africa. Your Payment will be made through Bank transfer or ATM Visa Card.
) ) )
Spend it wisely )
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
A bottle of your finest champers, please, TP to celebrate my wedding anniversary. My lovely wife is on the other side of the world while I tie up the sale of the house here but due to the miracle of the internet we have toasted each other on the laptops.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
Three times in the last week I have been selected at random to receive a free trip to Florida! Isn't that wonderful? Just a shame that I don't have that many holidays!
On junk emails etc, Recently I'm getting a lot for sex partners and starts
with F and sounds like LUCK, buddies emails. I'm guessing the news about
my big £3million win must have leaked out ? )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Thunderbird 2East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,820MI6 Agent
We'll certainly sounds like something has leaked. I have checked all the barrels in the cellar by the way, they are fine.
Email junk mail is less of an issue to me, but if I ever get my hands on the racking morons who put those leaflets through my door! There is a large A4 sign in the ajacent window! They can take their political fliers, religious statements, restraunt promos, supermarket discounts and maintenance offers and shove them up their guttering!!
I think I need to meditate before Dr Who is on this evening.
;%. Just realised I'm in the pub and not standing on the rant box. Scouse me...
This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
I can see we'll have to put you in one of the booths, that'll
give you a nasty turn.
on the night I shall recreate scenes from spectre using interpretive
dance, mime and glove puppets. ( puppetry of the penis as well, if
requested) with that I always go down well.
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
I saw your post ... It is a mix of emotions. You're delighted for them for their big adventure and sorry for yourself because they left you!. Circle of life though ... I left home at 18 and never went back. Didn't give it a thought.
I wouldn't go that far, though I did enjoy it. Being a shade older than you I saw it in the cinema 45 years ago- Anthony Hopkins' first starring role, I believe- and caught it on TV at least twice since.
I came across it by accident one afternoon and wwas amazed
at it, great adventure story and Hopkins is great in it, as well
as the rest of the cast. I just love it, very Bond ( Books not film) -{
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Totally agree , a great British spy film .Robert Morley plays the part with great aplomb,and typifies that upper class ,ex public school twit ,to a tee. who got the job because ,he was a mate of Binky Heatherinton-fertang fertang -ole biscuit barrel , .never done aproper days work in his life . Any way slightly digressing .Hopkins ,in another time warp could have been a great Bond,
Yes, Robert Morley was terrific, love his "posh twit" character, complaining
about the lack of good biscuits and his shock at the violence Hopkins hands
Out. {[]
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Spend it wisely )
a laptop these days.
On the gossip front Daniel's old girlfriend " Satsuki Mitchell " has moved on and
Is dating Andrew 'Joey' Johns, an Australian footballer.
with F and sounds like LUCK, buddies emails. I'm guessing the news about
my big £3million win must have leaked out ? )
Email junk mail is less of an issue to me, but if I ever get my hands on the racking morons who put those leaflets through my door! There is a large A4 sign in the ajacent window! They can take their political fliers, religious statements, restraunt promos, supermarket discounts and maintenance offers and shove them up their guttering!!
I think I need to meditate before Dr Who is on this evening.
;%. Just realised I'm in the pub and not standing on the rant box. Scouse me...
( although it will be tomorrow morning )
I thought you had got rid of that embarrassing itchy rash
( Only joking, light of my life, She who must be Obeyed )
Oooh good. How can I make a reservation? Because you know that I have a few reservations when it comes to the SABS.
give you a nasty turn.
on the night I shall recreate scenes from spectre using interpretive
dance, mime and glove puppets. ( puppetry of the penis as well, if
requested) with that I always go down well.
you feel proud, and worried at the same time.
Lovely place called Tarbert:
Place near Liverpool " Jimmy Tarbert"
( sorry that was awful )
at it, great adventure story and Hopkins is great in it, as well
as the rest of the cast. I just love it, very Bond ( Books not film) -{
about the lack of good biscuits and his shock at the violence Hopkins hands
Out. {[]