TLD Keyring Finder Replica - Can YOU help me?


For ages someone was selling replicas of the Keyring finder from [The Living Daylights on Ebay.

They were replicas in so much as they were sold in kit form to be painted and had a fake LCD screen to be attached and a red LED - but none of the circuits that'd make them go "Beep" and certainly none of the magubbins to emit stun gas or blow up a room anytime you do a wolf whistle.

Anyway these were quite regularly for sale on E-Bay when I didn't have the funds and now that I can afford one they have disappeared off there!

I just wondered if anyone on here knew - or indeed is - the person that was selling them and if so if they still have any for sale and would be able to sell me one either through E-Bay or via a private sale? The only thing I seem to remember was that the seller was from Peterborough - don't know if that's any help.

Thanks in anticipation of your help - maybe I'll get lucky and track one down... or maybe I've had my Waterloo!



  • Bond Collectors' WeekendsBond Collectors' Weekends Gainesville, Florida USAPosts: 1,904MI6 Agent

    For ages someone was selling replicas of the Keyring finder from [The Living Daylights on Ebay.

    They were replicas in so much as they were sold in kit form to be painted and had a fake LCD screen to be attached and a red LED - but none of the circuits that'd make them go "Beep" and certainly none of the magubbins to emit stun gas or blow up a room anytime you do a wolf whistle.

    Anyway these were quite regularly for sale on E-Bay when I didn't have the funds and now that I can afford one they have disappeared off there!

    I just wondered if anyone on here knew - or indeed is - the person that was selling them and if so if they still have any for sale and would be able to sell me one either through E-Bay or via a private sale? The only thing I seem to remember was that the seller was from Peterborough - don't know if that's any help.

    Thanks in anticipation of your help - maybe I'll get lucky and track one down... or maybe I've had my Waterloo!


    Yes! I have a "real one" now for sale. Send me a PM or email. Thanks.
    Seven (007) James Bond Tours! Mission: Mexico!
  • thegreatgallingthegreatgalling Posts: 180MI6 Agent
    Hope the OP found one, I am seeking for one as well.
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