MI6 Multi-Media Archive

I've been working on a website for Bond fans.

Part of it will be freebies to download and part will show off a few things I've been putting together to offer to collectors at a modest price (or maybe trade). I've spent quite a bit on purchasing samples, printing, supplies, etc. I'd like to recoup some of it. I have no desire to do this as a business - I've made all this stuff for myself and don't mind sharing the stuff that hasn't cost me anything other than my time.


None of the download links work. I'm still tweaking a few things and finding a few old things stored to disk. Everything may be up by next week. Let me know what you think.


  • TennysonTennyson A View to a KillPosts: 606MI6 Agent
    That's pretty cool! I do like the thought of a repository for all those things withouth commercial appeal (except to bond fans!) well done!
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Good luck with the interface -{ Here is my version, still working on it - I will publish it on the forum as soon as it's ready.

    Will that be a theme you can install into Windows itself? If so, that's awesome.

    Though...disclaimer. I mostly use a Mac.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    I based it actually on some screengrabs from which I extracted the computer displays and trasformed them into 1920x1080 images, after that I layered them over the low resolution images available at BLIND's webiste (the design company behind the MI6 interface in both "Casino Royale" and "Skyfall") and that's how I did it. Also the fonts I used are 99% screen accurate (the one saying "Remote Workstation" is screen accurate, the other one from all the smaller texts is not screen accurate but I couldn't find a better alternative so I'm assuming they've made this expecially for the movie). Also I'm still working on my final edition of the CR wallpaper but that thing is a pain in the arse literally so I have no will to finish it soon.
    I've got a version of the CR wallpaper, but you're right - it's a tough nut to crack with the gradient swirls and all.

    Did not know about BLIND. WOW. That would have been a BIG interface help if I'd known about that sooner. I did everything in Illustrator just by eye.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Well, you seem a pretty new member here so I have to inform you that around a dozen of CR MI6 wallapapers has been done since 2012. My myself I made one version, back in the day when I was using Photoshop only and it' still pretty accurate but not 100%, that's why I'm currently creating a absolutely accurate version in Illustrator.
    I'm new to participating in this forum but I've been around the Bond and general prop collecting scene since the mid-90's. I was one of the original administrators of the RPF forum (http://www.therpf.com) back in the mid to late 90's with Brandon Alinger and Scott Janish.

    I've seen a lot of CR wallpaper myself, some decent - some, not so much. You've got to get the logo right, then the skewed perspective, then the swirls. I'll have the one I did uploaded to my site. I'd say it was about 80% true to the original. Nitpickers like myself could tear it apart. The general public probably couldn't tell the difference.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Here is mine if you would like to take a look :) (not the one I'm currently working on but it will be prett similar).

    That one is pretty good!

    Here's the one I did back in 2012, though I recently resized it to fit more modern screens.


    The swirls still aren't right and the logo could use tweaking.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    I think you should move the logo to the center, at least that's how they did it in the movie. For me the angle of mine is weird but it's actually based on a screenshot overlay so unfortunately that is exactly how it was on screen, here is a proof (a Frankenstein of different screengrabs merged into one picture that serves as my template):

    Back in 2012 they still used fairly square picture ratios. It's going to be tough to use a modern standard 1080 screen with the CR wallpaper and still have it look right regardless of what you do. Because of that, I never really put any more recent effort into it.

    You're right though about the positioning of yours. It's much better than mine. However, I never found a decent screen capture to do that sort of thing without it being at an angle or there being distortion. I'm guessing they had a better capture on a website somewhere that I never found.
  • HalfMonk HalfHitmanHalfMonk HalfHitman USAPosts: 2,360MI6 Agent
    Big fan of what you're cooking up here!
  • thespyboys11thespyboys11 Lindenwold,NJPosts: 1,894MI6 Agent
    Looks good, Kurt!!!!!
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    SFPROPS wrote:
    Back in 2012 they still used fairly square picture ratios. It's going to be tough to use a modern standard 1080 screen with the CR wallpaper and still have it look right regardless of what you do. Because of that, I never really put any more recent effort into it.

    You're right though about the positioning of yours. It's much better than mine. However, I never found a decent screen capture to do that sort of thing without it being at an angle or there being distortion. I'm guessing they had a better capture on a website somewhere that I never found.

    Actually no - these are my own screencaptures, I just played with them long enough in Photoshop in order to get a clean 1280x800 picture :) (M's and Bond's laptops resolutions).
    Gotcha. Never thought to use the scene where the desktop is covered for a good perspective shot.
  • hthomashthomas Philadelphia, PAPosts: 833MI6 Agent
    Wow. Love all of this. Cannot wait to see what else you guys come up with!
    The "Classic Missions" section has been updated with files.
    The "Casino" area now has files. Everything is there except for 2 of the phone graphics. Ok, it's up at my site. I still plan on re-doing all of them, but left the animated one for people to play with. The more I look at it the more I dislike it. Especially now that I've got some better reference and can likely get it 100% accurate and with better animation. 'm not going to post higher resolution attempts until I do re-do them. Hope to eventually redo the wallpaper too.
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