You may be lucky enough to be the first to see a new Bond film, or have some inside information, or even have read leaked scripts on the internet. Please bear in mind that writing about such things, without giving the reader due warning, can spoil their enjoyment if they haven't seen the film yet. If you do intend to write, either precede what you say with 'Spoiler Alert' or redact your text using [however it is you do it! I'm not sure! ) ].
You may be lucky enough to be the first to see a new Bond film, or have some inside information, or even have read leaked scripts on the internet. Please bear in mind that writing about such things, without giving the reader due warning, can spoil their enjoyment if they haven't seen the film yet. If you do intend to write, either precede what you say with 'Spoiler Alert' or redact your text using [however it is you do it! I'm not sure! ) ].
I thought all of Sir Sean's toupees, were released into the wild ? and have been
So successful in breeding in the Scottish hills, that every year they have to have
a cull !
In fact every year Barbel organises a hunting trip from the SBS, up the the huge
Eon reserve.
So my guess is that's probably a Burt Reynolds import, and not one of our indigenous
Connery toupees.
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
) in that case it could be worth something as a " Show" toupee ! Many
Shows are starting to spring up now, and a Connery is a great prize. As the
Market was flooded with many " Shatners" and sadly fake " Sinatras" .
Although I prefer to see the vast herds running wild, across the Scottish highlands.
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
I know you've probably covered this a million times, but I couldn't be arsed searching. I've only joined to sell something. A toupee, rumoured to be a stunt double for the one worn By Sean Connery in Zardos. How much is this worth? Take a look at this piddly little image...........
I've got this for sale on ebay, do I use the 'for sale on ebay' thread?
I know you've probably covered this a million times, but I couldn't be arsed searching. I've only joined to sell something. A toupee, rumoured to be a stunt double for the one worn By Sean Connery in Zardos. How much is this worth? Take a look at this piddly little image...........
I've got this for sale on ebay, do I use the 'for sale on ebay' thread?
Irresponsible posting! :v
If you are making such a joke in the mem&coll section, people will go totally wild after that one....
President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
I have it on good authority that that 'heirloom' is actually Blofeld. It starts on Christoph Waltz's top lip then escapes in a bathosub to a private health clinic in the Austrian Alps.
One way to approach using the forum is to treat it as if you were talking to people in person. Remember that those messages you're reading are written by a real life person somewhere, some of whom you might just end up meeting face to face as we sometimes get together.
You'll find that the forum is full of knowledgable and helpful people, but we're all different, with different opinions. Sometimes, like all aspects of life, things can get a little heated.
Try to be cordial at all times, take into account people's beliefs and ways of life and if things do get heated, contact a moderator who will take an impartial review of the situation and act accordingly.
Most of the time though, things run pretty smoothly. We enjoy a good laugh, daft jokes and silly witty one liners. You'll find that many members have jokes with each other, and enjoy a little friendly banter. This isn't anyone being 'cliquey', but as a newcomer you might find it a little difficult to get established. This takes time and patience, but it will and does happen. We all had to join at some point. Get involved and you'll soon feel part of the team.
To avoid complications, always bear in mind that sometimes the things you say (or rather type) can be misunderstood or be seen as inflammatory. Tone of voice, facial expressions and sarcasm seldom translate easily in the form of text. Before you post, have a quick read through your message before submitting it. Try and read it in the third person and see if it contains anything that might be taken the wrong way. We all make mistakes, be it in what we write or how we read things, but just a quick review or second reading might avoid any tense situations. Using the Preview button can also help.
They say, 'write the text you want to write, walk away (you might want to enjoy a dry Martini, or perhaps a Morlands cigarette, while you think it through) then write the text you should write'.
Finally, don't be shy. Some new members join and then 'lurk' around for a while just observing what's going on. That's fine, we've probably all done it. But at some point it's a good idea to jump in the pool. There are no daft questions, and no one is going to take the mickey (too much).
Most of all, enjoy it.
Minigeff To show an online image simply press the 'img' button in the row of icons above the dialogue box when you're posting a message. This will insert the script '**' into the dialogue box (or you can type it in by hand) and all you need to do is copy and paste the image's web address between the "*insert address here*" facility. Simples!
Some devices show 'Add image to post' which automatically links to Postimage.org. This facility invariably posts content accompanied by adverts, some of which may be a bit risqué; so it's best to avoid by using the steps above.
To show an image of your own you'll need to upload it first to a hosting service such as imageshack or photobucket. When you upload, you'll be able to find the direct link to your images there. Then it's simply a matter of copying and pasting this direct link into the ** script, just as you would when posting a web image.
Using this method avoids displaying smaller thumbnails of your image on AJB, which member may have to click on to view it at it's full resolution elsewhere. This can be a pain, so we try to avoid it. Spoilers You may be lucky enough to be the first to see a new Bond film, or have some inside information, or even have read leaked scripts on the internet. Please bear in mind that writing about such things, without giving the reader due warning, can spoil their enjoyment if they haven't seen the film yet. If you do intend to write, either precede what you say with 'Spoiler Alert' or redact your text using
Guide to searching the forum.
More often than not, we have new members join us and ask us pretty generic run of the mill questions regarding a certain Mr Bond. To avoid wasting your time waiting for a reply, and/or slightly annoying people with yet another question we've covered a million times, try using the search function first. It's not that bad to use, pretty straightforward and could help you find your answer in just a few minutes.
If after using the search you've got nowhere and are still stumped, consider the best area or section to post your request for help. Hopefully by posting in the correct section, you'll be rewarded with your answer from one or more of our very knowledgeable members.
Don't take answers as gospel, but usually we get things right. Some members here even have close contact with well known celebrities, collectors and members of the film industry. You never know, maybe even Mr Craig is a member! So 9 times out of 10 we do know what we're talking about. Except for minigeff, he's useless.
On rare occasions though, even the best don't know. Please don't get irritated when this happens, and if your request is something specialised or a break from the norm, please be patient while you wait for someone to help you out. It might take a few days for people to find things out for you, plus our members around the world operate in different time zones, making instant replies quite unique. Just be patient, we'll get there eventually. Guide to collecting stuff.
In the memorabilia section we often have new members who have joined the community simply to ask 'how much is this worth?' or to try and sell an item. This is fine, we don't mind this and there's nothing wrong in it as such.
However, if you are just popping in to find out how much your item is worth etc, please take a few moments to introduce yourself and explain whats going on. It's just good manners to say hi instead of posting blunt demands.
If you're selling an item, please let us know in the 'The Great Ebay Thread', which is a sticky thread at the top of the memorabilia section. The Ebay thread is there for this purpose only, so that the main area of the section doesn't get clogged up with adverts.
If you're here to find out what something is worth, we have a very simple answer to this;
'your item is worth only what someone is willing to pay for it'
There is no set hard and fast rule on what something is worth. Our best advice is to have a search on Ebay for items similar to yours to that you may get a rough idea of what your item might sell for. Avoid the silly listings for Factory Entertainment's golden gun on sale for £5000, that's just wishful thinking. Instead, look at completed listings for items that actually sold. It's only the listings where money changed hands that give any true indications of an item's worth.
One important thing to remember is that AJB007.co.uk is in no way responsible for any sales advertised or made via the forum. You buy and sell, and view ebay listings etc at your own risk and judgement. Members can and do offer opinions on Ebay sellers, but these opinions are those of the members that post them and not of AJB007.co.uk, its owner(s) or moderators.
Finally, if you're not offered what you hoped for please don't get annoyed. Members here will offer sensible amounts, but if you're hoping to get £10,000 for the Airfix db5 you just stuck to your fingers then I'm afraid it's probably not going to happen here.
When buying anything from AJB members, it's probably a good idea to discuss between you shipping fees and any associated insurance, especially if shipping overseas.
We all hope you find what you're looking for, from time to time you'll see some really rare and unique items up for grabs, so keep your eyes open.
no, the issue is that postimg. will create a thumbnail which is too small to see properly.
Then we must click on the thumbnail to see the item in full size, a separate window pops up with all that dodgy ads.
Now do that with 10 pictures in a row in a clothing thread and you'll understand how annoying and time-robbing that is.
President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,150Chief of Staff
That looks far too good for here - where did you pinch it from ? )
I'm impressed - and that doesn't happen much anymore ! -{
Looks good. It would be great, though, if it could magically pop up as soon as a newbie begins to compose his/her message and will not disappear for ten minutes (assuring it will be read), after which the newbie can post the message. . .but that's asking too much. Ah, well, a Hardyboy can dream. . .
Amen to that brother )
You may be lucky enough to be the first to see a new Bond film, or have some inside information, or even have read leaked scripts on the internet. Please bear in mind that writing about such things, without giving the reader due warning, can spoil their enjoyment if they haven't seen the film yet. If you do intend to write, either precede what you say with 'Spoiler Alert' or redact your text using [however it is you do it! I'm not sure! ) ].
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Yes, that should be included.
Love that stag, poster Higgins. )
Me too!
I came across with it on the Rolex Forum when they've discussed a potential price hike because of the rise of the SFR.
I have chuckled the entire morning ) ) )
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
Enjoy! )
So successful in breeding in the Scottish hills, that every year they have to have
a cull !
In fact every year Barbel organises a hunting trip from the SBS, up the the huge
Eon reserve.
So my guess is that's probably a Burt Reynolds import, and not one of our indigenous
Connery toupees.
Shows are starting to spring up now, and a Connery is a great prize. As the
Market was flooded with many " Shatners" and sadly fake " Sinatras" .
Although I prefer to see the vast herds running wild, across the Scottish highlands.
Ooooooh why I oughta....
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
Getting shoved back on his head.
Irresponsible posting! :v
If you are making such a joke in the mem&coll section, people will go totally wild after that one....
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Now where is the Spoiler button?
Guide to general use of the forum.
One way to approach using the forum is to treat it as if you were talking to people in person. Remember that those messages you're reading are written by a real life person somewhere, some of whom you might just end up meeting face to face as we sometimes get together.
You'll find that the forum is full of knowledgable and helpful people, but we're all different, with different opinions. Sometimes, like all aspects of life, things can get a little heated.
Try to be cordial at all times, take into account people's beliefs and ways of life and if things do get heated, contact a moderator who will take an impartial review of the situation and act accordingly.
Most of the time though, things run pretty smoothly. We enjoy a good laugh, daft jokes and silly witty one liners. You'll find that many members have jokes with each other, and enjoy a little friendly banter. This isn't anyone being 'cliquey', but as a newcomer you might find it a little difficult to get established. This takes time and patience, but it will and does happen. We all had to join at some point. Get involved and you'll soon feel part of the team.
To avoid complications, always bear in mind that sometimes the things you say (or rather type) can be misunderstood or be seen as inflammatory. Tone of voice, facial expressions and sarcasm seldom translate easily in the form of text. Before you post, have a quick read through your message before submitting it. Try and read it in the third person and see if it contains anything that might be taken the wrong way. We all make mistakes, be it in what we write or how we read things, but just a quick review or second reading might avoid any tense situations. Using the Preview button can also help.
They say, 'write the text you want to write, walk away (you might want to enjoy a dry Martini, or perhaps a Morlands cigarette, while you think it through) then write the text you should write'.
Finally, don't be shy. Some new members join and then 'lurk' around for a while just observing what's going on. That's fine, we've probably all done it. But at some point it's a good idea to jump in the pool. There are no daft questions, and no one is going to take the mickey (too much).
Most of all, enjoy it.
To show an online image simply press the 'img' button in the row of icons above the dialogue box when you're posting a message. This will insert the script '**' into the dialogue box (or you can type it in by hand) and all you need to do is copy and paste the image's web address between the "*insert address here*" facility. Simples!
Some devices show 'Add image to post' which automatically links to Postimage.org. This facility invariably posts content accompanied by adverts, some of which may be a bit risqué; so it's best to avoid by using the steps above.
To show an image of your own you'll need to upload it first to a hosting service such as imageshack or photobucket. When you upload, you'll be able to find the direct link to your images there. Then it's simply a matter of copying and pasting this direct link into the ** script, just as you would when posting a web image.
Using this method avoids displaying smaller thumbnails of your image on AJB, which member may have to click on to view it at it's full resolution elsewhere. This can be a pain, so we try to avoid it.
Spoilers You may be lucky enough to be the first to see a new Bond film, or have some inside information, or even have read leaked scripts on the internet. Please bear in mind that writing about such things, without giving the reader due warning, can spoil their enjoyment if they haven't seen the film yet. If you do intend to write, either precede what you say with 'Spoiler Alert' or redact your text using
Guide to searching the forum.
More often than not, we have new members join us and ask us pretty generic run of the mill questions regarding a certain Mr Bond. To avoid wasting your time waiting for a reply, and/or slightly annoying people with yet another question we've covered a million times, try using the search function first. It's not that bad to use, pretty straightforward and could help you find your answer in just a few minutes.
If after using the search you've got nowhere and are still stumped, consider the best area or section to post your request for help. Hopefully by posting in the correct section, you'll be rewarded with your answer from one or more of our very knowledgeable members.
Don't take answers as gospel, but usually we get things right. Some members here even have close contact with well known celebrities, collectors and members of the film industry. You never know, maybe even Mr Craig is a member! So 9 times out of 10 we do know what we're talking about. Except for minigeff, he's useless.
On rare occasions though, even the best don't know. Please don't get irritated when this happens, and if your request is something specialised or a break from the norm, please be patient while you wait for someone to help you out. It might take a few days for people to find things out for you, plus our members around the world operate in different time zones, making instant replies quite unique. Just be patient, we'll get there eventually.
Guide to collecting stuff.
In the memorabilia section we often have new members who have joined the community simply to ask 'how much is this worth?' or to try and sell an item. This is fine, we don't mind this and there's nothing wrong in it as such.
However, if you are just popping in to find out how much your item is worth etc, please take a few moments to introduce yourself and explain whats going on. It's just good manners to say hi instead of posting blunt demands.
If you're selling an item, please let us know in the 'The Great Ebay Thread', which is a sticky thread at the top of the memorabilia section. The Ebay thread is there for this purpose only, so that the main area of the section doesn't get clogged up with adverts.
If you're here to find out what something is worth, we have a very simple answer to this;
'your item is worth only what someone is willing to pay for it'
There is no set hard and fast rule on what something is worth. Our best advice is to have a search on Ebay for items similar to yours to that you may get a rough idea of what your item might sell for. Avoid the silly listings for Factory Entertainment's golden gun on sale for £5000, that's just wishful thinking. Instead, look at completed listings for items that actually sold. It's only the listings where money changed hands that give any true indications of an item's worth.
One important thing to remember is that AJB007.co.uk is in no way responsible for any sales advertised or made via the forum. You buy and sell, and view ebay listings etc at your own risk and judgement. Members can and do offer opinions on Ebay sellers, but these opinions are those of the members that post them and not of AJB007.co.uk, its owner(s) or moderators.
Finally, if you're not offered what you hoped for please don't get annoyed. Members here will offer sensible amounts, but if you're hoping to get £10,000 for the Airfix db5 you just stuck to your fingers then I'm afraid it's probably not going to happen here.
When buying anything from AJB members, it's probably a good idea to discuss between you shipping fees and any associated insurance, especially if shipping overseas.
We all hope you find what you're looking for, from time to time you'll see some really rare and unique items up for grabs, so keep your eyes open.
Have fun!
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Anyone want to add anything?
Then we must click on the thumbnail to see the item in full size, a separate window pops up with all that dodgy ads.
Now do that with 10 pictures in a row in a clothing thread and you'll understand how annoying and time-robbing that is.
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
I'm impressed - and that doesn't happen much anymore ! -{
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!