eon productions db5

Hello, where can I find the for sale section please ? Thanks


  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    There's a dedicated ebay sales thread that's stickied at the top of the collecting section.

    There's no set section as such for other sales, but what I'd suggest you do is start a new thread in the collecting and merch section and introduce yourself, why you're selling etc to add a little human element to your ad.

    Ask for a sensible price and show us plenty of pics.

    Good luck with the sale!

    MG -{
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,912Chief of Staff
    You apparently found your answer, so no need for this thread. It's closed.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
This discussion has been closed.