FS: Tom Ford Ivory Pocket Square w/black piping TF312 SPECTRE Rome

GaryD_007GaryD_007 Near the Bonnie BanksPosts: 584MI6 Agent

I have my TF Ivory-white pocket square with black piping for sale as seen in Rome scenes in SPECTRE.

Pocket squares cost £115.00 from Tom Ford in London (Sloane Street); this one was 105.00 Euros (online purchase from Germany) but any resonable offers will be considered.
It has a beautiful sheen to it and feels very luxurious as you would expect from Tom Ford.

Why am I selling it? Quite frankly I'm scared to use it :#
Having bought pieces over the years from Turnbull & Asser, Drake and Emma Willis to name but a few they all insist on having squeaky clean hands whenever touching white or light coloured silks so as to keep its clean, crisp, sharp appearance.

As a substitute, I have a practically identical piece from Turnbull & Asser (T&A) that I use with my Spectre Rome ensemble and I've worn that 2-3 times at parties over the festive season (felt razor sharp! :007) I loved it).
The T&A pocket square was £55.00 (from Jermyn Street) so I feel 'safer' wearing that one as opposed to the prized TF.

Please see photos below and PM me if interested
(Buyer to pay shipping and PayPal fees please)


G -{







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