Is it time for a Bond 25 forum?
Gala Brand
Posts: 1,173MI6 Agent
There seems to be some news already (well, at least rumor, innuendo, and hearsay).
My hopes:
DC returns
David Arnold writes the music ( I don't think I could stand yet another Newman rehash)
More outrageous stunts -{
Many True facts on what may be in upcoming Bonds here.
Better music;
Non-personal mission;
Suits that fit.
I also wouldn't mind seeing Bond portrayed more as a playboy/sportsman who enjoys life a little bit! I doubt this is possible if Craig returns, since it's not really consistent with his portrayal. But my other three hopes should be executed no matter who plays Bond.
My top three hopes as well!
+ 1. plus no planes, no Helicopters, fewer locations but better used, no Machine guns, shorter run time. Relationship withTanner to be developed. Mass assault on Villain/HQ. If it's Daniel slightly longer hair (to offset those ears) a decent chase scene. Bond in Uniform. Some non creepy sex. Age appropriate love interest (Monica was great, but blink and you missed her) some more incidental glamour. Bond to enjoy himself just a bit.
With the last two Bond films making $2 billion, now is not the time to start over with a relatively low budget, an unknown actor and a journeyman director.
The film does not take three or four years to make.
Craig returns and continues to play the role with more emotional range.
The supporting cast returns but are returned to more minimal roles. The minutes of screen time saved are devoted to more Bondian moments.
Waltz and Blofeld return, but this time SPECTRE is given something interesting to do as the main part of the film's story.
Real writers are brought in --ones who understand the nuances of plot and dialogue and not just creating a thin framework around three big action sequences.
Instead of just spending way too much money, they spend way too much money and go all out. Build both big, interesting, and complicated sets, for instance, and instead of wrecking a millions dollars worth of cars, spend that million on decent lair for the villain(s).
Have some fighting. Ever movie we get these minimalist battles with Bond and a few bad guys. It's a movie! You can do better (and you should).
A John-Barry-like score, with a memorable theme.
No Sam Mendes; hire a director with vision -- we've seen what he can do over and over.
Have BOND 25 & 26 filmed back to back - BOND 25 released October/November 2018; BOND 26 released June/July 2019. Both starring Daniel Craig.
Then have him bow out nicely. Recalibrate the series, allowing a new actor to play 007 in BOND 27 in 2022 - the 60th Anniversary film. My choice to take over at present would be Tom Hiddleston - a suave & sophisticated gentleman type as opposed to Craig's brutish swagger. I'm a firm believer in not casting the same style of actor that went before.
Watch The Road to Perdition. Watch Skyfall. Watch Spectre. You'll see these ingredients again and again. Mendes spends more time on the look of a scene than the content because he relies on the same tropes. Yet, while he spends a lot of money, he ends up filling the screen with relatively little. A solitary figure against some backdrop (Bond floating to the casino, for instance). And he doesn't do anything special with it. At least the better directors -- Hitchcock, Lean, even Spielberg -- understand that more is needed that just putting someone dead center of a shot and focusing the camera on him or her for 20 seconds.
Mendes' style approximates a comic book panel. That makes sense for comic books, which don't have a lot of room in each frame to get across visual information. But there's a whole screen to fill in a movie. Today's audiences, raised on TV and comic books, may like this, but to me, it's just underwhelming.
He wants to movie to come out more quickly so he'll have new material to criticize. Endlessly. 8-)
"Better make that two."
See discussion on this quote here:
Why not open this up for discussion in this forum: ?
Dunno, could be the next American president.
Like every body here ,we waited with baited breath for SPECTRE, The film came we all saw it at least twice ,to get our fix ,
but then (it could just be me ) and I hope it is , The Bond bug here seems to have gone a bit flat , is it the lack of product in SPECTRE ,compared to the other 3 films ?? please help out guys .
on all those little moments that I love , those little bits of business that put a smile on my face. So that should
keep my ardour up for a while.
I, too, often get a little smile on my face watching Bond films but at my age it's usually due to intestinal gas.
Did you just turn 28 too?
Ha! I turned 28 early in Reagan's second adminstration.
People of my ethnicity have weak stomachs (and eat bland food).