Her Majesty's DBS: Spot of Polish!

Gebruder GumboldGebruder Gumbold San FranciscoPosts: 551MI6 Agent

Hello Everyone,

Thank you all for the encouragement.

Her Majesty's DBS arrived with some minor flaws in the paint, and needed a good colour sand and polish. There is a waiting period that you must endure after paint, and before polishing, to let the paint harden and gas out. It was nearly 7 weeks before my painter could come out here and complete the touch ups and perform the colour sand and polish. This worked out very well, as the paint was in perfect hardness to work on it. Too soft, and it will shrink after the colour sanding, and will scratch easily, and gum up the sandpaper.

Note on collision centres: Now that you have this knowledge, and Heaven forbid if you need these services, but ever wonder why collision centres release cars with fender paint and blends after only 3-4 days? Proper waiting periods are not part of the average body shop work flow. They aren't concerned with the health of your car's paint 6 months from now, or even after you drive off!

The honeymoon period is now over, and I may begin the arduous but rewarding task of reassembly.

For those keeping score, I am still 5-6 weeks from a windscreen, wheels have no ETA, who knows about the new tyres- when and where, machinist still has several parts, engine builder in Portugal (I sent him to Guincho Beach), Ignition wires in Germany, bonnet seal unavailable and has to be made (oh that will be fun), and several other bits that I am forgetting...

This is a favourite photo of mine...there's a skylight just above the door, and note how the metallic effect comes out in the light, as the rest of the body looks green-to-dark-green in the background. I wish that I could meet William Towns, her designer, and the chap who came up with this Olive formula!

Following a spot of polish, Her Majesty's DBS is rolled out into the bright sunshine for inspection.

Passed with flying colours (pun intended), and it's off to the mechanical side of the shop for assembly...

A clean and well lit work area. Nothing but the best for this DBS. Some cleaning of polish slag to do, and I can begin with the wiring harnesses and heating system. Doors may come off again, but they are safe in place as I won't be using them to enter the car, as everything at this stage can be done from below...

I will try to figure out how to use the GoPro and do some videos on assembly. Wish me luck, or send a teenager round to show me how to use it. (And to sweep up the shop!)

Cheers, Tom

One final rant:Was visiting a collision type body shop today to visit this Maserati Ghibli, which is a contemporary of the DBS. Just look at the appalling state! What a total lack of respect these 3rd World workmen have for a lovely, beautiful Italian piece of automotive history. Note: When you drop your car off at a body shop, go back unannounced to see your car. If it looks anything like this, have them clean it, and remove the car from the premises. Let your insurance company know (If it's an insurance job), and the B.A.R. This poor Ghibli looks so forlorn, I wanted to rescue her...

This is what happens when you choose a shop with the lowest price. Beware of "Great deals," there are no shortcuts and no deals on the path to a proper job!


  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,338MI6 Agent

    Thanks for the latest instalment, Tom. Always great to see how she's coming along. Colour and paintwork looks stunning in the sunlight.

    Sounds like you're making real progress now and despite the frustration of the fixtures and fittings to come, you're through the worst. As ever, can't wait to see this beauty back on the road and parked outside The Royal College of Arms!

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • Gebruder GumboldGebruder Gumbold San FranciscoPosts: 551MI6 Agent

    Thank you for the encouragement.

    Note about timeline: There can't be. There are so many variables in building a hand made car, especially now with backorders, it is impossible to say. What happens when you work to a deadline is that compromises must be made. I don't want to do that this time, I just want to enjoy the process. The fun, really, is in that process, for me. I do have plans for the car following completion (They are never really "finished"), but that is a long way away.

    I would reckon a year from now, that is, if my arthritic hands can stand up to the job, if all sublet vendors finish their jobs on time, and if parts arrive.

    Fitted the fuel tank after spending 4 hours inside the boot cleaning and prepping the area. I'm quite sore this evening. Back at it tomorrow!

    Cheers, Tom

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