3D printed Golden Gun

I've wanted to get a Golden Gun for years.

I looked on Ebay and there are tons of them, and the reviews are a little mixed.

I don't want to spend a chunk of money on something that's going to leave me disappointed.

Obviously the official replica from EON would be the one I would want, but at the price tag that's not going to happen.

I have a friend with a 3d printer, and I've decided that if I'm going to have a 3d printed one, it might as well be one that he and I work on together. I'm going to buy all of the materials and enough for him to make one for himself as well as a thanks for letting me use his equipment.

The next most important question is where I come to you experts for help: is there a known, most accurate version of 3d printer program plan available online that anybody can recommend? I'd like a golden gun that is as screen accurate as possible (I know there will be limitations of the 3d printing) and a google search shows multiple 3d plans that one could use. Does anyone have any experience with a specifically successful version, or otherwise can recommend a specifically trustworthy location for 3d printing plans in the best way?

Huge thanks!

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