Agora Models Goldfinger DB5 gold plated 60th Anniversary edition

ppw3o6rppw3o6r Great BritainPosts: 2,278MI6 Agent

Well if I had £25 grand spare?

Only 07 models will be produced in kit form at a modest £25k however if you can afford that? then they also have a build service at additional cost! 😲

Additionally, the basic 12 part kit retails @ £1,379.88 which should you wish to could be plated in 24 carat gold for a smidge under £1000 so what is the other £22,600 for? a certificate signed by EON and a posh display case with a numbered plaque ...... seriously!

I have asked them if they intend to replace the FMP 7B number plate box to the correct BMT 216A version?


  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,886MI6 Agent
    edited September 17

    If the numberplate box becomes the BMT one then it needs side repeaters on the wings. Maybe it's just a model of FMP.

    It's a great-looking model. Look at those sun shaders!

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,886MI6 Agent

    Looks like this is on show in Burlington Arcade. I'll have to pop along.

  • B549WUUB549WUU Posts: 207MI6 Agent

    Wonderful as this is, give me silver birch any day

    Her Majesty’s loyal terrier, defender of the so called faith.

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