YOLT - Osato and Helga Brandt blind ?

I always wondered why Osato and Helga Brandt appear so surprised when Blofeld pronounces Bond's name. After all, Brandt says Bond's supposed death was in all the newspapers, and we can clearly see his photo on one of them just before the false funeral in Hong Kong. I hardly believe they missed such an important thing, especially as they're working for SPECTRE.

This deception has no point considering Bond keeps his real face, otherwise it could have worked. That's one of the reasons why I have big issues with Roald Dahl's script. I think there are many weaknesses plotwise. The movie is saved by Gilbert's directing, its wonderful exotic locations and Barry's great score. But Connery's performance and the plot are very poor imho.

If only they decided to make OHMSS Sean's last ride in 1967 !


  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,662Chief of Staff

    I agree, there are many weaknesses with the script but I think it's unfair to blame Dahl for all of them. Another writer (Harold Jack Bloom) worked on the screenplay before Dahl was enlisted and Dahl had to incorporate some of Bloom's work (exactly how much has been debated) as well as ideas from the producers and director. I don't know whose idea it was to include the fragments of Fleming that made it to the finished film.

  • chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,554MI6 Agent

    "Fragments" being on point.

    The screenplay for YOLT is fairly dreadful. The film survives on energy alone, and not from the cast, it is a production winner, effects, stunts, sets, photography, music, editing, action, all top notch - all Lewis Gilbert really has to do is point and shoot most of the time. Script and acting....oh dear.... hence the inconsistency outlined above.

  • sinlumsinlum Posts: 187MI6 Agent

    Here's my attempt to try and defend the actions of the characters in the film:

    The only time Osato and Helga Brandt see Bond's face prior to meeting him in Osato's office is from the newspaper article. It's also possible that Spectre keep a file on Bond which is how they make the mask of him which is used at the beginning of FRWL but as Osato and Helga Brandt are not shown previously in the series they may not have seen Bond's file.

    Just because you see a person in photos, does not necessarily mean that you can recognise that person in real life. (Bond's picture in the newspaper is also black and white and he is dressed in a naval uniform).

    My suggestion would be that they do not recognise that they are dealing with Bond in the office or when they have him tied up in the ship. Bond does say to Brandt that he is a spy and her response is that she knows that. But he does not reveal who he really is nor does Brandt mention that she knows he is Bond.

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