NTTD Monocular
Hi All,
I think the monocular Bond has on his coffee table in his Jamaican Villa is the following;
Impossible to tell the actual brand as this monocular appears to mass produced and then rebranded. (Including Bresser, Seago, Plastimo. Also discontinued and difficult to find.
These zoomed in pictures are from the Jamaican Villa set pictures;
In the top picture the light blue button? is confusing me a bit but all the other details are spot on. The second picture is definitely a match. You can just see the faint white circle on top of the raised portion. No brand name visible unfortunately, but could be any number of brands.
Nice find mr.Kind, although it would have been even nicer to see Bond using it in the movie. On local website it's priced at around 100€ a bit pricey for me as only a background prop. Cool item though :)
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Formerly known as Teppo
@The Red Kind Cool find there and thanks for sharing. Some clearer pics of the item on Bond's coffee table:
Picked this one up locally:
where do you've these pictures?
There was an article from October that showed hi-res photos of Bond's villa, Cuban set and M's office.
Thank You Quentin Eagle Eye 🙂
Thanks for the clearer pics Quentin. That's where I got the pics from but when zooming in and copying and pasting they lose clarity. How do you get them so sharp?
Well done on picking one up too. It's a nice bit of kit isn't it? I've used mine a fair bit since buying.
To see these photos at their full size, you have to change the resolution number in their respective url links to 6000. Most of them can be enlarged to that size. It's good practice to attempt this with every reference photo you find. Have a look at the url, and if there's a number near the end, you can probably enlarge it.
It's one of those props that, when I first saw it in the photos it didn't peak my interest at the time - I think I was too excited to see more books and try to ID them. However, I was on a bit of a book hunt at the time and generally I find the toys, such as this monocular waay more exciting than books.
I should receive it next week, then I can have a look at sanding off the logo. I actually need one of these for work, so I can justify the price.
Thanks Quentin.
Forgive my ignorance but I'm not sure what to change. The below is the url for the picture, so what bit needs to be changed?,c_limit/James%20Bond%20No%20Time%20to%20Die%20Set%202.jpeg
Normally you would change the '1600' to '6000', but it's not working on that particular image now - I think that image was changed for a more lo-res one since the article came out. I think some more images were added to the article that weren't there before, too.
However, it works on some of the other images in the article. Simply drag an image into the address bar and change the number to 6000. Article here:
I had saved some of the hi-res images that won't enlarge now, see here:
Thanks Quentin. Works fine! My first new trick of 2022 learnt 😊
Nice one. Likewise, some image urls have the words 'small'/'medium' or 's'/'m' at the end of them, and sometimes you can type in 'large' or 'l', and the image will show at full size.
Completely forgot about this purchase, and just checked the tracking to see where it is. Turns out it's been sitting in the post office since Monday! Issue is, whoever attempted to deliver it while I was at work didn't leave a parcel collect card, so now I gotta wait until next Monday afternoon to pick it up. The post office claims to hold a parcel for 10 days, so hopefully they haven't sent it back.
Hope it's still there mate!🤞
Cheers buddy, I got it - it's bigger than I expected (that's what she said) and the quality is excellent. Cost totally justified. Turns out the white circle on top is a translucent window (prism) that allows light in to illuminate the compass. Very cool item to have. Came with a cleaning cloth and nice drawstring bag too. Again, many thanks for bringing this to attention.
We need some more pics in this thread though, will post some in a while.
Great news! Glad you got it. Glad you like it.
I'm very happy with mine and have used it quite a bit since purchasing. Definitely worth the money and feels like a quality piece of kit (especially for the price point). Very sharp and the built in compass works well. Mine actually came with a zip case with belt attachment, which is pretty cool. I guess the different brands supply the same product slightly differently. Some pics below;
Real nice photos mate. Surprised there isn't a little more interest here, it's a cool item.
P.S. "Nautic mono" - is that something you can get from mermaids? 😁
Thanks mate. I know, I thought there would be more interest in this item too. It's a cool, practical piece of official Bond kit, for little expense.
"Nautic mono" 😂
I have ordered the Barska version, which is more readily available in the US, at half the price, and let's face it, they're essentially all the same.
But I agree that the lack of interest around this is puzzling. I observed something similar about the quiet surrounding the identification of the sling bag in that thread.
This monocular, however, is a cool little prop you can actually use, not to mention that it's a decorative conversation piece to have on a desk beside a window. I have an office overlooking a harbor. It seems perfect for casual boat watching. I honestly don't care if it's not state of the art optics.
I suspect that we've entered a general lull on this forum that won't change until the next 007 is announced—at which time everyone will be complaining how the wrong actor was chosen. 😉
Cheverian - Congrats on your purchase, the size and quality of the monocular are surprising once in hand.
At least the sling bag got replies. Occasionally someone will ask a question about a prop, and although I answer it in detail, there is no response. This happened very recently - someone asked about a prop, I showed an image and provided a link, but didn't even get a simple 'thanks'. I fully understand why the veterans here keep certain info to themselves, and no longer 'jump' to help others.
The prop forum does seem to be quiet - I would've thought with the new film out, projects would be popping up all over the place. Sadly, collectors are adding stuff but not showing. I realize there are a couple of runs coming up which will be great to follow.
Some photos of mine. Not pictured is the box it came in, which is plain black without logo or text. The drawstring bag does have a belt loop. Bag is quite thick and I get the impression that it, like the monocular, may also be waterproof.
I've used the monocular at work - I need it to read the labels on pallets of stock that are sitting on the top rack in the warehouse. Impressive sharpness - I read the text on a small (6 inch wide) label on a pallet from over 50 meters away. The focus wheel below the eyepiece might be a little hard to turn at first.
Happy 'bird' watching!
Thanks for this!
Honestly, I think the images we have of Bond's house in Jamaica are a treasure trove. People here are so eager to dress like him. How about living like him?
The furniture, books, decor, and assorted knickknacks are the first window we have gotten into the personality of Craig's Bond when he is not on the job. The books "he" chooses for his shelves speak volumes. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.) Or that the handgun he selects (not Q selects) for personal protection is an old Browning. How is that not huge?
Seeing his home down to the contents of his desk drawer was a revelation into his character. I'm surprised more here don't find it as fascinating.
I’m not overly excited by any of it, as like the clothes in NTTD, everything seems un Bond like to the character Fleming created, and even to the character we have seen in film up until the last couple or so. It’s just a collection of set dressing junk to me, with little or nothing to do with Bond. I do like the Browning HP choice though.
I appreciate that viewpoint. Personally, I felt a very loose connection to Goldeneye, the house, in the set. The outdoor shower (instead of tub), the cove setting, the rooms open to the air. They didn't have to choose Jamaica at all as the place where Bond went to retire. I appreciated the nod.
And, yeah, maybe the set designers threw in naval memorabilia and all the rest in a random way....
Seeing Bond's cold, plain, uncomfortable flat in SP, though, felt to me like the biggest betrayal of Fleming. Where's his Scottish housekeeper?! 😆
Out of curiosity what would you have preferred to see — either in terms of the Fleming Bond connection or the history of Craig's Bond?
I agree, Spectre was also a wasted opportunity. Personally I would have loved to have seen Bonds Chelsea flat. The sparse prints, grey carpet, blue chesterfields and wallpaper. His kitchen with the Chemex and Tiptree, Fortnums honey, blue Minton service and egg cup etc, his study with Scarne on cards and green reading lamp, May and his regimented way of living. You could have thrown Jack in there too and a bust of Nelson as a nod to Fleming.
With his Jamaican home, it should have been more sparse and tidy. Fleming was very particular and hated clutter. Bond too. I’ve never known a Naval Officer to have an untidy living area. The books everywhere was cool looking, but not at all Bond. Although they had a copy of Flemings writing table, they should have had the chair too.
I agree that they’ve gotten it all wrong in both SPECTRE AND NTTD. Craig’s Bond is depicted as a slob. Very inconsistent with every other iteration of Bond we’ve ever seen. Sometimes changes with the way Bond is depicted can expand the character or the narrative, but showing Bond in this manner doesn’t add anything. That’s why I’ve had no interest in either the Spectre flat or the NTTD bungalow. It all smacks of how Daniel Craig views Bond.
I think you've hit the nail on the head, MM. So much of DC's Bond was indeed DC's Bond.
Purvis and Wade have said they'd like to show May over breakfast but must sacrifice every second of screen time that doesn't forward the plot.